Real-Time Communication with WebRTC (2014)
Appendix A. WebRTC 1.0 APIs
This Appendix provides a summary of the W3C WebRTC APIs.
RTCPeerConnection API
An RTCPeerConnection allows two users to communicate directly, browser to browser.
Table A-1. RTCConfiguration dictionary members
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
iceServers |
sequence<RTCIceServer> |
An array containing URIs of servers available to be used by ICE, such as STUN and TURN servers. |
iceTransports |
RTCIceTransports |
“all” |
Indicates which candidates the ICE engine is allowed to use. |
requestIdentity |
RTCIdentityOption |
“ifconfigured” |
See the requestIdentity member of the RTCOfferAnswerOptions dictionary. |
Table A-2. RTCIceServer dictionary members
Name |
Type |
Description |
credential |
DOMString |
If this RTCIceServer object represents a TURN server, then this attribute specifies the credentials to use with that TURN server. |
urls |
(DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) |
STUN or TURN URI(s) as defined in [STUN-URI] and [TURN-URI] or other URI types. |
username |
DOMString |
If this RTCIceServer object represents a TURN server, then this attribute specifies the username to use with that TURN server. |
Table A-3. RTCIceTransports enumeration values
Value |
Description |
none |
The ICE engine must not send or receive any packets at this point. |
relay |
The ICE engine must only use media relay candidates such as candidates passing through a TURN server. This can be used to reduce leakage of IP addresses in certain use cases. |
all |
The ICE engine may use any type of candidates when this value is specified. |
This is the RTCPeerConnection constructor:
§ RTCPeerConnection(configuration)
Here are the RTCPeerConnection methods:
§ createOffer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback, optional RTCOfferOptions options)|
§ createAnswer (RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback, optional RTCOfferAnswerOptions options)
§ setLocalDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback)
§ setRemoteDescription (RTCSessionDescription description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback)
§ updateIce (RTCConfiguration configuration)
§ addIceCandidate (RTCIceCandidate candidate, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback)
§ getConfiguration ()
§ getLocalStreams ()
§ getRemoteStreams ()
§ getStreamById (DOMString streamId)
§ addStream (MediaStream stream)
§ removeStream (MediaStream stream)
§ close ()
Table A-4. RTCPeerConnection attributes
Access property |
Type |
Name |
readonly |
RTCSessionDescription |
remoteDescription |
readonly |
RTCSignalingState |
signalingState |
readonly |
RTCIceGatheringState |
iceGatheringState |
readonly |
RTCIceConnectionState |
iceConnectionState |
EventHandler |
onnegotiationneeded |
EventHandler |
onicecandidate |
EventHandler |
onsignalingstatechange |
EventHandler |
onaddstream |
EventHandler |
onremovestream |
EventHandler |
oniceconnectionstatechange |
State Definition
Table A-5. RTCSignalingState
Value |
Description |
stable |
There is no offer/answer exchange in progress. This is also the initial state in which case the local and remote descriptions are empty. |
have-local-offer |
A local description, of type “offer,” has been successfully applied. |
have-remote-offer |
A remote description, of type “offer,” has been successfully applied. |
have-local-pranswer |
A remote description of type “offer” has been successfully applied and a local description of type “pranswer” has been successfully applied. |
have-remote-pranswer |
A local description of type “offer” has been successfully applied and a remote description of type “pranswer” has been successfully applied. |
closed |
The connection is closed. |
Table A-6. RTCIceGatheringState
Value |
Description |
new |
The object was just created, and no networking has occurred yet. |
gathering |
The ICE engine is in the process of gathering candidates for this RTCPeerConnection. |
complete |
The ICE engine has completed gathering. Events such as adding a new interface or a new TURN server will cause the state to go back to gathering. |
Table A-7. RTCIceConnectionState
Value |
Description |
new |
The ICE Agent is gathering addresses and/or waiting for remote candidates to be supplied. |
checking |
The ICE Agent has received remote candidates on at least one component, and is checking candidate pairs but has not yet found a connection. In addition to checking, it may also still be gathering. |
connected |
The ICE Agent has found a usable connection for all components but is still checking other candidate pairs to see if there is a better connection. It may also still be gathering. |
completed |
The ICE Agent has finished gathering and checking and found a connection for all components. |
failed |
The ICE Agent is finished checking all candidate pairs and failed to find a connection for at least one component. Connections may have been found for some components. |
disconnected |
Liveness checks have failed for one or more components. This is more aggressive than failed, and may trigger intermittently (and resolve itself without action) on a flaky network. |
closed |
The ICE Agent has shut down and is no longer responding to STUN requests. |
Peer-to-Peer Data API
The Peer-to-Peer Data API lets a web application send and receive generic application data peer-to-peer. The API for sending and receiving data models the behavior of WebSockets.
§ Method:
createDataChannel ([TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString label, optional RTCDataChannelInit dataChannelDict)
§ Attribute:
Interface RTCDataChannel Interface Methods
Table A-8. Methods
Return type |
Name |
void |
close() |
void |
send(DOMString data) |
void |
send(Blob data) |
void |
send(ArrayBuffer data) |
void |
send(ArrayBufferView data) |
RTCDataChannel Interface Attributes
Table A-9. Attributes
Access property |
Type |
Name |
readonly |
DOMString |
label |
readonly |
boolean |
ordered |
readonly |
unsigned? |
maxRetransmitTime |
readonly |
unsigned? |
maxRetransmits |
readonly |
DOMString |
protocol |
readonly |
attribute |
negotiated |
readonly |
unsigned short |
id |
readonly |
RTCDataChannelState |
readyState |
readonly |
unsigned long |
bufferedAmount |
EventHandler |
onopen |
EventHandler |
onerror |
EventHandler |
onclose |
EventHandler |
onmessage |
DOMString |
binaryType |
Table A-10. RTCDataChannelInit dictionary
Name |
Type |
Description |
id |
unsigned short |
Overrides the default selection of ID for this channel. |
maxRetransmitTime |
unsigned short |
Limits the time during which the channel will retransmit data if not successfully delivered. |
maxRetransmits |
unsigned short |
Limits the number of times a channel will retransmit data if not successfully delivered. |
negotiated |
boolean |
Defaults to false. The default value of false tells the user agent to announce the channel in-band and instruct the other peer to dispatch a corresponding RTCDataChannel object. If set to true, it is up to the application to negotiate the channel and create an RTCDataChannel object with the same ID as the other peer. |
ordered |
boolean |
Defaults to true. If set to false, data is allowed to be delivered out of order. The default value of true guarantees that data will be delivered in order. |
protocol |
DOMString |
Defaults to "". Subprotocol name used for this channel. |
Table A-11. RTCDataChannelState enumeration values
Value |
Description |
connecting |
The user agent is attempting to establish the underlying data transport. This is the initial state of an RTCDataChannel object created with createDataChannel(). |
open |
The underlying data transport is established and communication is possible. This is the initial state of an RTCDataChannel object dispatched as a part of an RTCDataChannelEvent. |
closing |
The procedure to close down the underlying data transport has started. |
closed |
The underlying data transport has been closed or could not be established. |