Operator Overloading - Classes and OOP - Learning Python (2013)

Learning Python (2013)

Part VI. Classes and OOP

Chapter 30. Operator Overloading

This chapter continues our in-depth survey of class mechanics by focusing on operator overloading. We looked briefly at operator overloading in prior chapters; here, we’ll fill in more details and look at a handful of commonly used overloading methods. Although we won’t demonstrate each of the many operator overloading methods available, those we will code here are a representative sample large enough to uncover the possibilities of this Python class feature.

The Basics

Really “operator overloading” simply means intercepting built-in operations in a class’s methods—Python automatically invokes your methods when instances of the class appear in built-in operations, and your method’s return value becomes the result of the corresponding operation. Here’s a review of the key ideas behind overloading:

§ Operator overloading lets classes intercept normal Python operations.

§ Classes can overload all Python expression operators.

§ Classes can also overload built-in operations such as printing, function calls, attribute access, etc.

§ Overloading makes class instances act more like built-in types.

§ Overloading is implemented by providing specially named methods in a class.

In other words, when certain specially named methods are provided in a class, Python automatically calls them when instances of the class appear in their associated expressions. Your class provides the behavior of the corresponding operation for instance objects created from it.

As we’ve learned, operator overloading methods are never required and generally don’t have defaults (apart from a handful that some classes get from object); if you don’t code or inherit one, it just means that your class does not support the corresponding operation. When used, though, these methods allow classes to emulate the interfaces of built-in objects, and so appear more consistent.

Constructors and Expressions: __init__ and __sub__

As a review, consider the following simple example: its Number class, coded in the file number.py, provides a method to intercept instance construction (__init__), as well as one for catching subtraction expressions (__sub__). Special methods such as these are the hooks that let you tie into built-in operations:

# File number.py

class Number:

def __init__(self, start): # On Number(start)

self.data = start

def __sub__(self, other): # On instance - other

return Number(self.data - other) # Result is a new instance

>>> from number import Number # Fetch class from module

>>> X = Number(5) # Number.__init__(X, 5)

>>> Y = X - 2 # Number.__sub__(X, 2)

>>> Y.data # Y is new Number instance


As we’ve already learned, the __init__ constructor method seen in this code is the most commonly used operator overloading method in Python; it’s present in most classes, and used to initialize the newly created instance object using any arguments passed to the class name. The __sub__method plays the binary operator role that __add__ did in Chapter 27’s introduction, intercepting subtraction expressions and returning a new instance of the class as its result (and running __init__ along the way).

We’ve already studied __init__ and basic binary operators like __sub__ in some depth, so we won’t rehash their usage further here. In this chapter, we will tour some of the other tools available in this domain and look at example code that applies them in common use cases.


Technically, instance creation first triggers the __new__ method, which creates and returns the new instance object, which is then passed into __init__ for initialization. Since __new__ has a built-in implementation and is redefined in only very limited roles, though, nearly all Python classes initialize by defining an __init__ method. We’ll see one use case for __new__ when we studymetaclasses in Chapter 40; though rare, it is sometimes also used to customize creation of instances of mutable types.

Common Operator Overloading Methods

Just about everything you can do to built-in objects such as integers and lists has a corresponding specially named method for overloading in classes. Table 30-1 lists a few of the most common; there are many more. In fact, many overloading methods come in multiple versions (e.g.,__add__, __radd__, and __iadd__ for addition), which is one reason there are so many. See other Python books, or the Python language reference manual, for an exhaustive list of the special method names available.

Table 30-1. Common operator overloading methods



Called for



Object creation: X = Class(args)



Object reclamation of X


Operator +

X + Y, X += Y if no __iadd__


Operator | (bitwise OR)

X | Y, X |= Y if no __ior__

__repr__, __str__

Printing, conversions

print(X), repr(X), str(X)


Function calls

X(*args, **kargs)


Attribute fetch



Attribute assignment

X.any = value


Attribute deletion

del X.any


Attribute fetch



Indexing, slicing, iteration

X[key], X[i:j], for loops and other iterations if no __iter__


Index and slice assignment

X[key] = value, X[i:j] = iterable


Index and slice deletion

del X[key], del X[i:j]



len(X), truth tests if no __bool__


Boolean tests

bool(X), truth tests (named __nonzero__ in 2.X)

__lt__, __gt__, __le__, __ge__, __eq__, __ne__


X < Y, X > Y, X <= Y, X >= Y, X == Y, X != Y (or else __cmp__ in 2.X only)


Right-side operators

Other + X


In-place augmented operators

X += Y (or else __add__)

__iter__, __next__

Iteration contexts

I=iter(X), next(I); for loops, in if no __contains__, all comprehensions, map(F,X), others (__next__ is named next in 2.X)


Membership test

item in X (any iterable)


Integer value

hex(X), bin(X), oct(X), O[X], O[X:] (replaces 2.X __oct__, __hex__)

__enter__, __exit__

Context manager (Chapter 34)

with obj as var:

__get__, __set__, __delete__

Descriptor attributes (Chapter 38)

X.attr, X.attr = value, del X.attr


Creation (Chapter 40)

Object creation, before __init__

All overloading methods have names that start and end with two underscores to keep them distinct from other names you define in your classes. The mappings from special method names to expressions or operations are predefined by the Python language, and documented in full in the standard language manual and other reference resources. For example, the name __add__ always maps to + expressions by Python language definition, regardless of what an __add__ method’s code actually does.

Operator overloading methods may be inherited from superclasses if not defined, just like any other methods. Operator overloading methods are also all optional—if you don’t code or inherit one, that operation is simply unsupported by your class, and attempting it will raise an exception. Some built-in operations, like printing, have defaults (inherited from the implied object class in Python 3.X), but most built-ins fail for class instances if no corresponding operator overloading method is present.

Most overloading methods are used only in advanced programs that require objects to behave like built-ins, though the __init__ constructor we’ve already met tends to appear in most classes. Let’s explore some of the additional methods in Table 30-1 by example.


Although expressions trigger operator methods, be careful not to assume that there is a speed advantage to cutting out the middleman and calling the operator method directly. In fact, calling the operator method directly might be twice as slow, presumably because of the overhead of a function call, which Python avoids or optimizes in built-in cases.

Here’s the story for len and __len__ using Appendix B’s Windows launcher and Chapter 21’s timing techniques on Python 3.3 and 2.7: in both, calling __len__ directly takes twice as long:

c:\code> py −3 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5

-s "L = list(range(100))" "x = L.__len__()"

1000 loops, best of 5: 0.134 usec per loop

c:\code> py −3 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5

-s "L = list(range(100))" "x = len(L)"

1000 loops, best of 5: 0.063 usec per loop

c:\code> py −2 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5

-s "L = list(range(100))" "x = L.__len__()"

1000 loops, best of 5: 0.117 usec per loop

c:\code> py −2 -m timeit -n 1000 -r 5

-s "L = list(range(100))" "x = len(L)"

1000 loops, best of 5: 0.0596 usec per loop

This is not as artificial as it may seem—I’ve actually come across recommendations for using the slower alternative in the name of speed at a noted research institution!

Indexing and Slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__

Our first method set allows your classes to mimic some of the behaviors of sequences and mappings. If defined in a class (or inherited by it), the __getitem__ method is called automatically for instance-indexing operations. When an instance X appears in an indexing expression like X[i], Python calls the __getitem__ method inherited by the instance, passing X to the first argument and the index in brackets to the second argument.

For example, the following class returns the square of an index value—atypical perhaps, but illustrative of the mechanism in general:

>>> class Indexer:

def __getitem__(self, index):

return index ** 2

>>> X = Indexer()

>>> X[2] # X[i] calls X.__getitem__(i)


>>> for i in range(5):

print(X[i], end=' ') # Runs __getitem__(X, i) each time

0 1 4 9 16

Intercepting Slices

Interestingly, in addition to indexing, __getitem__ is also called for slice expressions—always in 3.X, and conditionally in 2.X if you don’t provide more specific slicing methods. Formally speaking, built-in types handle slicing the same way. Here, for example, is slicing at work on a built-in list, using upper and lower bounds and a stride (see Chapter 7 if you need a refresher on slicing):

>>> L = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

>>> L[2:4] # Slice with slice syntax: 2..(4-1)

[7, 8]

>>> L[1:]

[6, 7, 8, 9]

>>> L[:-1]

[5, 6, 7, 8]

>>> L[::2]

[5, 7, 9]

Really, though, slicing bounds are bundled up into a slice object and passed to the list’s implementation of indexing. In fact, you can always pass a slice object manually—slice syntax is mostly syntactic sugar for indexing with a slice object:

>>> L[slice(2, 4)] # Slice with slice objects

[7, 8]

>>> L[slice(1, None)]

[6, 7, 8, 9]

>>> L[slice(None, −1)]

[5, 6, 7, 8]

>>> L[slice(None, None, 2)]

[5, 7, 9]

This matters in classes with a __getitem__ method—in 3.X, the method will be called both for basic indexing (with an index) and for slicing (with a slice object). Our previous class won’t handle slicing because its math assumes integer indexes are passed, but the following class will. When called for indexing, the argument is an integer as before:

>>> class Indexer:

data = [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

def __getitem__(self, index): # Called for index or slice

print('getitem:', index)

return self.data[index] # Perform index or slice

>>> X = Indexer()

>>> X[0] # Indexing sends __getitem__ an integer

getitem: 0


>>> X[1]

getitem: 1


>>> X[-1]

getitem: −1


When called for slicing, though, the method receives a slice object, which is simply passed along to the embedded list indexer in a new index expression:

>>> X[2:4] # Slicing sends __getitem__ a slice object

getitem: slice(2, 4, None)

[7, 8]

>>> X[1:]

getitem: slice(1, None, None)

[6, 7, 8, 9]

>>> X[:-1]

getitem: slice(None, −1, None)

[5, 6, 7, 8]

>>> X[::2]

getitem: slice(None, None, 2)

[5, 7, 9]

Where needed, __getitem__ can test the type of its argument, and extract slice object bounds—slice objects have attributes start, stop, and step, any of which can be None if omitted:

>>> class Indexer:

def __getitem__(self, index):

if isinstance(index, int): # Test usage mode

print('indexing', index)


print('slicing', index.start, index.stop, index.step)

>>> X = Indexer()

>>> X[99]

indexing 99

>>> X[1:99:2]

slicing 1 99 2

>>> X[1:]

slicing 1 None None

If used, the __setitem__ index assignment method similarly intercepts both index and slice assignments—in 3.X (and usually in 2.X) it receives a slice object for the latter, which may be passed along in another index assignment or used directly in the same way:

class IndexSetter:

def __setitem__(self, index, value): # Intercept index or slice assignment


self.data[index] = value # Assign index or slice

In fact, __getitem__ may be called automatically in even more contexts than indexing and slicing—it’s also an iteration fallback option, as we’ll see in a moment. First, though, let’s take a quick look at 2.X’s flavor of these operations for 2.X readers, and clarify a potential point of confusion in this category.

Slicing and Indexing in Python 2.X

In Python 2.X only, classes can also define __getslice__ and __setslice__ methods to intercept slice fetches and assignments specifically. If defined, these methods are passed the bounds of the slice expression, and are preferred over __getitem__ and __setitem__ for two-limit slices. In all other cases, though, this context works the same as in 3.X; for example, a slice object is still created and passed to __getitem__ if no __getslice__ is found or a three-limit extended slice form is used:

C:\code> c:\python27\python

>>> class Slicer:

def __getitem__(self, index): print index

def __getslice__(self, i, j): print i, j

def __setslice__(self, i, j,seq): print i, j,seq

>>> Slicer()[1] # Runs __getitem__ with int, like 3.X


>>> Slicer()[1:9] # Runs __getslice__ if present, else __getitem__

1 9

>>> Slicer()[1:9:2] # Runs __getitem__ with slice(), like 3.X!

slice(1, 9, 2)

These slice-specific methods are removed in 3.X, so even in 2.X you should generally use __getitem__ and __setitem__ instead and allow for both indexes and slice objects as arguments—both for forward compatibility, and to avoid having to handle two- and three-limit slices differently. In most classes, this works without any special code, because indexing methods can manually pass along the slice object in the square brackets of another index expression, as in the prior section’s example. See the section Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__ for another example of slice interception at work.

But 3.X’s __index__ Is Not Indexing!

On a related note, don’t confuse the (perhaps unfortunately named) __index__ method in Python 3.X for index interception—this method returns an integer value for an instance when needed and is used by built-ins that convert to digit strings (and in retrospect, might have been better named __asindex__):

>>> class C:

def __index__(self):

return 255

>>> X = C()

>>> hex(X) # Integer value


>>> bin(X)


>>> oct(X)


Although this method does not intercept instance indexing like __getitem__, it is also used in contexts that require an integer—including indexing:

>>> ('C' * 256)[255]


>>> ('C' * 256)[X] # As index (not X[i])


>>> ('C' * 256)[X:] # As index (not X[i:])


This method works the same way in Python 2.X, except that it is not called for the hex and oct built-in functions; use __hex__ and __oct__ in 2.X (only) instead to intercept these calls.

Index Iteration: __getitem__

Here’s a hook that isn’t always obvious to beginners, but turns out to be surprisingly useful. In the absence of more-specific iteration methods we’ll get to in the next section, the for statement works by repeatedly indexing a sequence from zero to higher indexes, until an out-of-boundsIndexError exception is detected. Because of that, __getitem__ also turns out to be one way to overload iteration in Python—if this method is defined, for loops call the class’s __getitem__ each time through, with successively higher offsets.

It’s a case of “code one, get one free”—any built-in or user-defined object that responds to indexing also responds to for loop iteration:

>>> class StepperIndex:

def __getitem__(self, i):

return self.data[i]

>>> X = StepperIndex() # X is a StepperIndex object

>>> X.data = "Spam"


>>> X[1] # Indexing calls __getitem__


>>> for item in X: # for loops call __getitem__

print(item, end=' ') # for indexes items 0..N

S p a m

In fact, it’s really a case of “code one, get a bunch free.” Any class that supports for loops automatically supports all iteration contexts in Python, many of which we’ve seen in earlier chapters (iteration contexts were presented in Chapter 14). For example, the in membership test, list comprehensions, the map built-in, list and tuple assignments, and type constructors will also call __getitem__ automatically, if it’s defined:

>>> 'p' in X # All call __getitem__ too


>>> [c for c in X] # List comprehension

['S', 'p', 'a', 'm']

>>> list(map(str.upper, X)) # map calls (use list() in 3.X)

['S', 'P', 'A', 'M']

>>> (a, b, c, d) = X # Sequence assignments

>>> a, c, d

('S', 'a', 'm')

>>> list(X), tuple(X), ''.join(X) # And so on...

(['S', 'p', 'a', 'm'], ('S', 'p', 'a', 'm'), 'Spam')

>>> X

<__main__.StepperIndex object at 0x000000000297B630>

In practice, this technique can be used to create objects that provide a sequence interface and to add logic to built-in sequence type operations; we’ll revisit this idea when extending built-in types in Chapter 32.

Iterable Objects: __iter__ and __next__

Although the __getitem__ technique of the prior section works, it’s really just a fallback for iteration. Today, all iteration contexts in Python will try the __iter__ method first, before trying __getitem__. That is, they prefer the iteration protocol we learned about in Chapter 14 to repeatedly indexing an object; only if the object does not support the iteration protocol is indexing attempted instead. Generally speaking, you should prefer __iter__ too—it supports general iteration contexts better than __getitem__ can.

Technically, iteration contexts work by passing an iterable object to the iter built-in function to invoke an __iter__ method, which is expected to return an iterator object. If it’s provided, Python then repeatedly calls this iterator object’s __next__ method to produce items until aStopIteration exception is raised. A next built-in function is also available as a convenience for manual iterations—next(I) is the same as I.__next__(). For a review of this model’s essentials, see Figure 14-1 in Chapter 14.

This iterable object interface is given priority and attempted first. Only if no such __iter__ method is found, Python falls back on the __getitem__ scheme and repeatedly indexes by offsets as before, until an IndexError exception is raised.


Version skew note: As described in Chapter 14, if you are using Python 2.X, the I.__next__() iterator method just described is named I.next() in your Python, and the next(I) built-in is present for portability—it calls I.next() in 2.X and I.__next__() in 3.X. Iteration works the same in 2.X in all other respects.

User-Defined Iterables

In the __iter__ scheme, classes implement user-defined iterables by simply implementing the iteration protocol introduced in Chapter 14 and elaborated in Chapter 20. For example, the following file uses a class to define a user-defined iterable that generates squares on demand, instead of all at once (per the preceding note, in Python 2.X define next instead of __next__, and print with a trailing comma as usual):

# File squares.py

class Squares:

def __init__(self, start, stop): # Save state when created

self.value = start - 1

self.stop = stop

def __iter__(self): # Get iterator object on iter

return self

def __next__(self): # Return a square on each iteration

if self.value == self.stop: # Also called by next built-in

raise StopIteration

self.value += 1

return self.value ** 2

When imported, its instances can appear in iteration contexts just like built-ins:

% python

>>> from squares import Squares

>>> for i in Squares(1, 5): # for calls iter, which calls __iter__

print(i, end=' ') # Each iteration calls __next__

1 4 9 16 25

Here, the iterator object returned by __iter__ is simply the instance self, because the __next__ method is part of this class itself. In more complex scenarios, the iterator object may be defined as a separate class and object with its own state information to support multiple active iterations over the same data (we’ll see an example of this in a moment). The end of the iteration is signaled with a Python raise statement—introduced in Chapter 29 and covered in full in the next part of this book, but which simply raises an exception as if Python itself had done so. Manual iterations work the same on user-defined iterables as they do on built-in types as well:

>>> X = Squares(1, 5) # Iterate manually: what loops do

>>> I = iter(X) # iter calls __iter__

>>> next(I) # next calls __next__ (in 3.X)


>>> next(I)


...more omitted...

>>> next(I)


>>> next(I) # Can catch this in try statement


An equivalent coding of this iterable with __getitem__ might be less natural, because the for would then iterate through all offsets zero and higher; the offsets passed in would be only indirectly related to the range of values produced (0..N would need to map to start..stop). Because__iter__ objects retain explicitly managed state between next calls, they can be more general than __getitem__.

On the other hand, iterables based on __iter__ can sometimes be more complex and less functional than those based on __getitem__. They are really designed for iteration, not random indexing—in fact, they don’t overload the indexing expression at all, though you can collect their items in a sequence such as a list to enable other operations:

>>> X = Squares(1, 5)

>>> X[1]

TypeError: 'Squares' object does not support indexing

>>> list(X)[1]


Single versus multiple scans

The __iter__ scheme is also the implementation for all the other iteration contexts we saw in action for the __getitem__ method—membership tests, type constructors, sequence assignment, and so on. Unlike our prior __getitem__ example, though, we also need to be aware that a class’s __iter__ may be designed for a single traversal only, not many. Classes choose scan behavior explicitly in their code.

For example, because the current Squares class’s __iter__ always returns self with just one copy of iteration state, it is a one-shot iteration; once you’ve iterated over an instance of that class, it’s empty. Calling __iter__ again on the same instance returns self again, in whatever state it may have been left. You generally need to make a new iterable instance object for each new iteration:

>>> X = Squares(1, 5) # Make an iterable with state

>>> [n for n in X] # Exhausts items: __iter__ returns self

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

>>> [n for n in X] # Now it's empty: __iter__ returns same self


>>> [n for n in Squares(1, 5)] # Make a new iterable object

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

>>> list(Squares(1, 3)) # A new object for each new __iter__ call

[1, 4, 9]

To support multiple iterations more directly, we could also recode this example with an extra class or other technique, as we will in a moment. As is, though, by creating a new instance for each iteration, you get a fresh copy of iteration state:

>>> 36 in Squares(1, 10) # Other iteration contexts


>>> a, b, c = Squares(1, 3) # Each calls __iter__ and then __next__

>>> a, b, c

(1, 4, 9)

>>> ':'.join(map(str, Squares(1, 5)))


Just like single-scan built-ins such as map, converting to a list supports multiple scans as well, but adds time and space performance costs, which may or may not be significant to a given program:

>>> X = Squares(1, 5)

>>> tuple(X), tuple(X) # Iterator exhausted in second tuple()

((1, 4, 9, 16, 25), ())

>>> X = list(Squares(1, 5))

>>> tuple(X), tuple(X)

((1, 4, 9, 16, 25), (1, 4, 9, 16, 25))

We’ll improve this to support multiple scans more directly ahead, after a bit of compare-and-contrast.

Classes versus generators

Notice that the preceding example would probably be simpler if it was coded with generator functions or expressions—tools introduced in Chapter 20 that automatically produce iterable objects and retain local variable state between iterations:

>>> def gsquares(start, stop):

for i in range(start, stop + 1):

yield i ** 2

>>> for i in gsquares(1, 5):

print(i, end=' ')

1 4 9 16 25

>>> for i in (x ** 2 for x in range(1, 6)):

print(i, end=' ')

1 4 9 16 25

Unlike classes, generator functions and expressions implicitly save their state and create the methods required to conform to the iteration protocol—with obvious advantages in code conciseness for simpler examples like these. On the other hand, the class’s more explicit attributes and methods, extra structure, inheritance hierarchies, and support for multiple behaviors may be better suited for richer use cases.

Of course, for this artificial example, you could in fact skip both techniques and simply use a for loop, map, or a list comprehension to build the list all at once. Barring performance data to the contrary, the best and fastest way to accomplish a task in Python is often also the simplest:

>>> [x ** 2 for x in range(1, 6)]

[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

However, classes may be better at modeling more complex iterations, especially when they can benefit from the assets of classes in general. An iterable that produces items in a complex database or web service result, for example, might be able to take fuller advantage of classes. The next section explores another use case for classes in user-defined iterables.

Multiple Iterators on One Object

Earlier, I mentioned that the iterator object (with a __next__) produced by an iterable may be defined as a separate class with its own state information to more directly support multiple active iterations over the same data. Consider what happens when we step across a built-in type like a string:

>>> S = 'ace'

>>> for x in S:

for y in S:

print(x + y, end=' ')

aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee

Here, the outer loop grabs an iterator from the string by calling iter, and each nested loop does the same to get an independent iterator. Because each active iterator has its own state information, each loop can maintain its own position in the string, regardless of any other active loops. Moreover, we’re not required to make a new string or convert to a list each time; the single string object itself supports multiple scans.

We saw related examples earlier, in Chapter 14 and Chapter 20. For instance, generator functions and expressions, as well as built-ins like map and zip, proved to be single-iterator objects, thus supporting a single active scan. By contrast, the range built-in, and other built-in types like lists, support multiple active iterators with independent positions.

When we code user-defined iterables with classes, it’s up to us to decide whether we will support a single active iteration or many. To achieve the multiple-iterator effect, __iter__ simply needs to define a new stateful object for the iterator, instead of returning self for each iterator request.

The following SkipObject class, for example, defines an iterable object that skips every other item on iterations. Because its iterator object is created anew from a supplemental class for each iteration, it supports multiple active loops directly (this is file skipper.py in the book’s examples):


# File skipper.py

class SkipObject:

def __init__(self, wrapped): # Save item to be used

self.wrapped = wrapped

def __iter__(self):

return SkipIterator(self.wrapped) # New iterator each time

class SkipIterator:

def __init__(self, wrapped):

self.wrapped = wrapped # Iterator state information

self.offset = 0

def __next__(self):

if self.offset >= len(self.wrapped): # Terminate iterations

raise StopIteration


item = self.wrapped[self.offset] # else return and skip

self.offset += 2

return item

if __name__ == '__main__':

alpha = 'abcdef'

skipper = SkipObject(alpha) # Make container object

I = iter(skipper) # Make an iterator on it

print(next(I), next(I), next(I)) # Visit offsets 0, 2, 4

for x in skipper: # for calls __iter__ automatically

for y in skipper: # Nested fors call __iter__ again each time

print(x + y, end=' ') # Each iterator has its own state, offset

A quick portability note: as is, this is 3.X-only code. To make it 2.X compatible, import the 3.X print function, and either use next instead of __next__ for 2.X-only use, or alias the two names in the class’s scope for dual 2.X/3.X usage (file skipper_2x.py in the book’s examples does):


from __future__ import print_function # 2.X/3.X compatibility


class SkipIterator:


def __next__(self):


next = __next__ # 2.X/3.X compatibility

When the appropriate version is run in either Python, this example works like the nested loops with built-in strings. Each active loop has its own position in the string because each obtains an independent iterator object that records its own state information:

% python skipper.py

a c e

aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee

By contrast, our earlier Squares example supports just one active iteration, unless we call Squares again in nested loops to obtain new objects. Here, there is just one SkipObject iterable, with multiple iterator objects created from it.

Classes versus slices

As before, we could achieve similar results with built-in tools—for example, slicing with a third bound to skip items:

>>> S = 'abcdef'

>>> for x in S[::2]:

for y in S[::2]: # New objects on each iteration

print(x + y, end=' ')

aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee

This isn’t quite the same, though, for two reasons. First, each slice expression here will physically store the result list all at once in memory; iterables, on the other hand, produce just one value at a time, which can save substantial space for large result lists. Second, slices produce new objects, so we’re not really iterating over the same object in multiple places here. To be closer to the class, we would need to make a single object to step across by slicing ahead of time:

>>> S = 'abcdef'

>>> S = S[::2]

>>> S


>>> for x in S:

for y in S: # Same object, new iterators

print(x + y, end=' ')

aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee

This is more similar to our class-based solution, but it still stores the slice result in memory all at once (there is no generator form of built-in slicing today), and it’s only equivalent for this particular case of skipping every other item.

Because user-defined iterables coded with classes can do anything a class can do, they are much more general than this example may imply. Though such generality is not required in all applications, user-defined iterables are a powerful tool—they allow us to make arbitrary objects look and feel like the other sequences and iterables we have met in this book. We could use this technique with a database object, for example, to support iterations over large database fetches, with multiple cursors into the same query result.

Coding Alternative: __iter__ plus yield

And now, for something completely implicit—but potentially useful nonetheless. In some applications, it’s possible to minimize coding requirements for user-defined iterables by combining the __iter__ method we’re exploring here and the yield generator function statement we studied inChapter 20. Because generator functions automatically save local variable state and create required iterator methods, they fit this role well, and complement the state retention and other utility we get from classes.

As a review, recall that any function that contains a yield statement is turned into a generator function. When called, it returns a new generator object with automatic retention of local scope and code position, an automatically created __iter__ method that simply returns itself, and an automatically created __next__ method (next in 2.X) that starts the function or resumes it where it last left off:

>>> def gen(x):

for i in range(x): yield i ** 2

>>> G = gen(5) # Create a generator with __iter__ and __next__

>>> G.__iter__() == G # Both methods exist on the same object


>>> I = iter(G) # Runs __iter__: generator returns itself

>>> next(I), next(I) # Runs __next__ (next in 2.X)

(0, 1)

>>> list(gen(5)) # Iteration contexts automatically run iter and next

[0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

This is still true even if the generator function with a yield happens to be a method named __iter__: whenever invoked by an iteration context tool, such a method will return a new generator object with the requisite __next__. As an added bonus, generator functions coded as methods in classes have access to saved state in both instance attributes and local scope variables.

For example, the following class is equivalent to the initial Squares user-defined iterable we coded earlier in squares.py.

# File squares_yield.py

class Squares: # __iter__ + yield generator

def __init__(self, start, stop): # __next__ is automatic/implied

self.start = start

self.stop = stop

def __iter__(self):

for value in range(self.start, self.stop + 1):

yield value ** 2

There’s no need to alias next to __next__ for 2.X compatibility here, because this method is now automated and implied by the use of yield. As before, for loops and other iteration tools iterate through instances of this class automatically:

% python

>>> from squares_yield import Squares

>>> for i in Squares(1, 5): print(i, end=' ')

1 4 9 16 25

And as usual, we can look under the hood to see how this actually works in iteration contexts. Running our class instance through iter obtains the result of calling __iter__ as usual, but in this case the result is a generator object with an automatically created __next__ of the same sort we always get when calling a generator function that contains a yield. The only difference here is that the generator function is automatically called on iter. Invoking the result object’s next interface produces results on demand:

>>> S = Squares(1, 5) # Runs __init__: class saves instance state

>>> S

<squares_yield.Squares object at 0x000000000294B630>

>>> I = iter(S) # Runs __iter__: returns a generator

>>> I

<generator object __iter__ at 0x00000000029A8CF0>

>>> next(I)


>>> next(I) # Runs generator's __next__



>>> next(I) # Generator has both instance and local scope state


It may also help to notice that we could name the generator method something other than __iter__ and call manually to iterate—Squares(1,5).gen(), for example. Using the __iter__ name invoked automatically by iteration tools simply skips a manual attribute fetch and call step:

class Squares: # Non __iter__ equivalent (squares_manual.py)

def __init__(...):


def gen(self):

for value in range(self.start, self.stop + 1):

yield value ** 2

% python

>>> from squares_manual import Squares

>>> for i in Squares(1, 5).gen(): print(i, end=' ')

...same results...

>>> S = Squares(1, 5)

>>> I = iter(S.gen()) # Call generator manually for iterable/iterator

>>> next(I)

...same results...

Coding the generator as __iter__ instead cuts out the middleman in your code, though both schemes ultimately wind up creating a new generator object for each iteration:

§ With __iter__, iteration triggers __iter__, which returns a new generator with __next__.

§ Without __iter__, your code calls to make a generator, which returns itself for __iter__.

See Chapter 20 for more on yield and generators if this is puzzling, and compare it with the more explicit __next__ version in squares.py earlier. You’ll notice that this new squares_yield.py version is 4 lines shorter (7 versus 11). In a sense, this scheme reduces class coding requirements much like the closure functions of Chapter 17, but in this case does so with a combination of functional and OOP techniques, instead of an alternative to classes. For example, the generator method still leverages self attributes.

This may also very well seem like one too many levels of magic to some observers—it relies on both the iteration protocol and the object creation of generators, both of which are highly implicit (in contradiction of longstanding Python themes: see import this). Opinions aside, it’s important to understand the non-yield flavor of class iterables too, because it’s explicit, general, and sometimes broader in scope.

Still, the __iter__/yield technique may prove effective in cases where it applies. It also comes with a substantial advantage—as the next section explains.

Multiple iterators with yield

Besides its code conciseness, the user-defined class iterable of the prior section based upon the __iter__/yield combination has an important added bonus—it also supports multiple active iterators automatically. This naturally follows from the fact that each call to __iter__ is a call to a generator function, which returns a new generator with its own copy of the local scope for state retention:

% python

>>> from squares_yield import Squares # Using the __iter__/yield Squares

>>> S = Squares(1, 5)

>>> I = iter(S)

>>> next(I); next(I)



>>> J = iter(S) # With yield, multiple iterators automatic

>>> next(J)


>>> next(I) # I is independent of J: own local state


Although generator functions are single-scan iterables, the implicit calls to __iter__ in iteration contexts make new generators supporting new independent scans:

>>> S = Squares(1, 3)

>>> for i in S: # Each for calls __iter__

for j in S:

print('%s:%s' % (i, j), end=' ')

1:1 1:4 1:9 4:1 4:4 4:9 9:1 9:4 9:9

To do the same without yield requires a supplemental class that stores iterator state explicitly and manually, using techniques of the preceding section (and grows to 15 lines: 8 more than with yield):

# File squares_nonyield.py

class Squares:

def __init__(self, start, stop): # Non-yield generator

self.start = start # Multiscans: extra object

self.stop = stop

def __iter__(self):

return SquaresIter(self.start, self.stop)

class SquaresIter:

def __init__(self, start, stop):

self.value = start - 1

self.stop = stop

def __next__(self):

if self.value == self.stop:

raise StopIteration

self.value += 1

return self.value ** 2

This works the same as the yield multiscan version, but with more, and more explicit, code:

% python

>>> from squares_nonyield import Squares

>>> for i in Squares(1, 5): print(i, end=' ')

1 4 9 16 25


>>> S = Squares(1, 5)

>>> I = iter(S)

>>> next(I); next(I)



>>> J = iter(S) # Multiple iterators without yield

>>> next(J)


>>> next(I)


>>> S = Squares(1, 3)

>>> for i in S: # Each for calls __iter___

for j in S:

print('%s:%s' % (i, j), end=' ')

1:1 1:4 1:9 4:1 4:4 4:9 9:1 9:4 9:9

Finally, the generator-based approach could similarly remove the need for an extra iterator class in the prior item-skipper example of file skipper.py, thanks to its automatic methods and local variable state retention (and checks in at 9 lines versus the original’s 16):

# File skipper_yield.py

class SkipObject: # Another __iter__ + yield generator

def __init__(self, wrapped): # Instance scope retained normally

self.wrapped = wrapped # Local scope state saved auto

def __iter__(self):

offset = 0

while offset < len(self.wrapped):

item = self.wrapped[offset]

offset += 2

yield item

This works the same as the non-yield multiscan version, but with less, and less explicit, code:

% python

>>> from skipper_yield import SkipObject

>>> skipper = SkipObject('abcdef')

>>> I = iter(skipper)

>>> next(I); next(I); next(I)




>>> for x in skipper: # Each for calls __iter__: new auto generator

for y in skipper:

print(x + y, end=' ')

aa ac ae ca cc ce ea ec ee

Of course, these are all artificial examples that could be replaced with simpler tools like comprehensions, and their code may or may not scale up in kind to more realistic tasks. Study these alternatives to see how they compare. As so often in programming, the best tool for the job will likely be the best tool for your job!

Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__

The iteration story is even richer than we’ve seen thus far. Operator overloading is often layered: classes may provide specific methods, or more general alternatives used as fallback options. For example:

§ Comparisons in Python 2.X use specific methods such as __lt__ for “less than” if present, or else the general __cmp__. Python 3.X uses only specific methods, not __cmp__, as discussed later in this chapter.

§ Boolean tests similarly try a specific __bool__ first (to give an explicit True/False result), and if it’s absent fall back on the more general __len__ (a nonzero length means True). As we’ll also see later in this chapter, Python 2.X works the same but uses the name __nonzero__instead of __bool__.

In the iterations domain, classes can implement the in membership operator as an iteration, using either the __iter__ or __getitem__ methods. To support more specific membership, though, classes may code a __contains__ method—when present, this method is preferred over__iter__, which is preferred over __getitem__. The __contains__ method should define membership as applying to keys for a mapping (and can use quick lookups), and as a search for sequences.

Consider the following class, whose file has been instrumented for dual 2.X/3.X usage using the techniques described earlier. It codes all three methods and tests membership and various iteration contexts applied to an instance. Its methods print trace messages when called:

# File contains.py

from __future__ import print_function # 2.X/3.X compatibility

class Iters:

def __init__(self, value):

self.data = value

def __getitem__(self, i): # Fallback for iteration

print('get[%s]:' % i, end='') # Also for index, slice

return self.data[i]

def __iter__(self): # Preferred for iteration

print('iter=> ', end='') # Allows only one active iterator

self.ix = 0

return self

def __next__(self):

print('next:', end='')

if self.ix == len(self.data): raise StopIteration

item = self.data[self.ix]

self.ix += 1

return item

def __contains__(self, x): # Preferred for 'in'

print('contains: ', end='')

return x in self.data

next = __next__ # 2.X/3.X compatibility

if __name__ == '__main__':

X = Iters([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) # Make instance

print(3 in X) # Membership

for i in X: # for loops

print(i, end=' | ')


print([i ** 2 for i in X]) # Other iteration contexts

print( list(map(bin, X)) )

I = iter(X) # Manual iteration (what other contexts do)

while True:


print(next(I), end=' @ ')

except StopIteration:


As is, the class in this file has an __iter__ that supports multiple scans, but only a single scan can be active at any point in time (e.g., nested loops won’t work), because each iteration attempt resets the scan cursor to the front. Now that you know about yield in iteration methods, you should be able to tell that the following is equivalent but allows multiple active scans—and judge for yourself whether its more implicit nature is worth the nested-scan support and six lines shaved (this is in file contains_yield.py):

class Iters:

def __init__(self, value):

self.data = value

def __getitem__(self, i): # Fallback for iteration

print('get[%s]:' % i, end='') # Also for index, slice

return self.data[i]

def __iter__(self): # Preferred for iteration

print('iter=> next:', end='') # Allows multiple active iterators

for x in self.data: # no __next__ to alias to next

yield x

print('next:', end='')

def __contains__(self, x): # Preferred for 'in'

print('contains: ', end='')

return x in self.data

On both Python 3.X and 2.X, when either version of this file runs its output is as follows—the specific __contains__ intercepts membership, the general __iter__ catches other iteration contexts such that __next__ (whether explicitly coded or implied by yield) is called repeatedly, and __getitem__ is never called:

contains: True

iter=> next:1 | next:2 | next:3 | next:4 | next:5 | next:

iter=> next:next:next:next:next:next:[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

iter=> next:next:next:next:next:next:['0b1', '0b10', '0b11', '0b100', '0b101']

iter=> next:1 @ next:2 @ next:3 @ next:4 @ next:5 @ next:

Watch what happens to this code’s output if we comment out its __contains__ method, though—membership is now routed to the general __iter__ instead:

iter=> next:next:next:True

iter=> next:1 | next:2 | next:3 | next:4 | next:5 | next:

iter=> next:next:next:next:next:next:[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

iter=> next:next:next:next:next:next:['0b1', '0b10', '0b11', '0b100', '0b101']

iter=> next:1 @ next:2 @ next:3 @ next:4 @ next:5 @ next:

And finally, here is the output if both __contains__ and __iter__ are commented out—the indexing __getitem__ fallback is called with successively higher indexes until it raises IndexError, for membership and other iteration contexts:


get[0]:1 | get[1]:2 | get[2]:3 | get[3]:4 | get[4]:5 | get[5]:

get[0]:get[1]:get[2]:get[3]:get[4]:get[5]:[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

get[0]:get[1]:get[2]:get[3]:get[4]:get[5]:['0b1', '0b10', '0b11', '0b100','0b101']

get[0]:1 @ get[1]:2 @ get[2]:3 @ get[3]:4 @ get[4]:5 @ get[5]:

As we’ve seen, the __getitem__ method is even more general: besides iterations, it also intercepts explicit indexing as well as slicing. Slice expressions trigger __getitem__ with a slice object containing bounds, both for built-in types and user-defined classes, so slicing is automatic in our class:

>>> from contains import Iters

>>> X = Iters('spam') # Indexing

>>> X[0] # __getitem__(0)


>>> 'spam'[1:] # Slice syntax


>>> 'spam'[slice(1, None)] # Slice object


>>> X[1:] # __getitem__(slice(..))

get[slice(1, None, None)]:'pam'

>>> X[:-1]

get[slice(None, −1, None)]:'spa'

>>> list(X) # And iteration too!

iter=> next:next:next:next:next:['s', 'p', 'a', 'm']

In more realistic iteration use cases that are not sequence-oriented, though, the __iter__ method may be easier to write since it must not manage an integer index, and __contains__ allows for membership optimization as a special case.

Attribute Access: __getattr__ and __setattr__

In Python, classes can also intercept basic attribute access (a.k.a. qualification) when needed or useful. Specifically, for an object created from a class, the dot operator expression object.attribute can be implemented by your code too, for reference, assignment, and deletion contexts. We saw a limited example in this category in Chapter 28, but will review and expand on the topic here.

Attribute Reference

The __getattr__ method intercepts attribute references. It’s called with the attribute name as a string whenever you try to qualify an instance with an undefined (nonexistent) attribute name. It is not called if Python can find the attribute using its inheritance tree search procedure.

Because of its behavior, __getattr__ is useful as a hook for responding to attribute requests in a generic fashion. It’s commonly used to delegate calls to embedded (or “wrapped”) objects from a proxy controller object—of the sort introduced in Chapter 28’s introduction to delegation. This method can also be used to adapt classes to an interface, or add accessors for data attributes after the fact—logic in a method that validates or computes an attribute after it’s already being used with simple dot notation.

The basic mechanism underlying these goals is straightforward—the following class catches attribute references, computing the value for one dynamically, and triggering an error for others unsupported with the raise statement described earlier in this chapter for iterators (and fully covered in Part VII):

>>> class Empty:

def __getattr__(self, attrname): # On self.undefined

if attrname == 'age':

return 40


raise AttributeError(attrname)

>>> X = Empty()

>>> X.age


>>> X.name

...error text omitted...

AttributeError: name

Here, the Empty class and its instance X have no real attributes of their own, so the access to X.age gets routed to the __getattr__ method; self is assigned the instance (X), and attrname is assigned the undefined attribute name string ('age'). The class makes age look like a real attribute by returning a real value as the result of the X.age qualification expression (40). In effect, age becomes a dynamically computed attribute—its value is formed by running code, not fetching an object.

For attributes that the class doesn’t know how to handle, __getattr__ raises the built-in AttributeError exception to tell Python that these are bona fide undefined names; asking for X.name triggers the error. You’ll see __getattr__ again when we see delegation and properties at work in the next two chapters; let’s move on to related tools here.

Attribute Assignment and Deletion

In the same department, the __setattr__ intercepts all attribute assignments. If this method is defined or inherited, self.attr = value becomes self.__setattr__('attr', value). Like __getattr__, this allows your class to catch attribute changes, and validate or transform as desired.

This method is a bit trickier to use, though, because assigning to any self attributes within __setattr__ calls __setattr__ again, potentially causing an infinite recursion loop (and a fairly quick stack overflow exception!). In fact, this applies to all self attribute assignments anywhere in the class—all are routed to __setattr__, even those in other methods, and those to names other than that which may have triggered __setattr__ in the first place. Remember, this catches all attribute assignments.

If you wish to use this method, you can avoid loops by coding instance attribute assignments as assignments to attribute dictionary keys. That is, use self.__dict__['name'] = x, not self.name = x; because you’re not assigning to __dict__ itself, this avoids the loop:

>>> class Accesscontrol:

def __setattr__(self, attr, value):

if attr == 'age':

self.__dict__[attr] = value + 10 # Not self.name=val or setattr


raise AttributeError(attr + ' not allowed')

>>> X = Accesscontrol()

>>> X.age = 40 # Calls __setattr__

>>> X.age


>>> X.name = 'Bob'

...text omitted...

AttributeError: name not allowed

If you change the __dict__ assignment in this to either of the following, it triggers the infinite recursion loop and exception—both dot notation and its setattr built-in function equivalent (the assignment analog of getattr) fail when age is assigned outside the class:

self.age = value + 10 # Loops

setattr(self, attr, value + 10) # Loops (attr is 'age')

An assignment to another name within the class triggers a recursive __setattr__ call too, though in this class ends less dramatically in the manual AttributeError exception:

self.other = 99 # Recurs but doesn't loop: fails

It’s also possible to avoid recursive loops in a class that uses __setattr__ by routing any attribute assignments to a higher superclass with a call, instead of assigning keys in __dict__:

self.__dict__[attr] = value + 10 # OK: doesn't loop

object.__setattr__(self, attr, value + 10) # OK: doesn't loop (new-style only)

Because the object form requires use of new-style classes in 2.X, though, we’ll postpone details on this form until Chapter 38’s deeper look at attribute management at large.

A third attribute management method, __delattr__, is passed the attribute name string and invoked on all attribute deletions (i.e., del object.attr). Like __setattr__, it must avoid recursive loops by routing attribute deletions with the using class through __dict__ or a superclass.


As we’ll learn in Chapter 32, attributes implemented with new-style class features such as slots and properties are not physically stored in the instance’s __dict__ namespace dictionary (and slots may even preclude its existence entirely!). Because of this, code that wishes to support such attributes should code __setattr__ to assign with the object.__setattr__ scheme shown here, not by self.__dict__ indexing unless it’s known that subject classes store all their data in the instance itself. In Chapter 38 we’ll also see that the new-style __getattribute__ has similar requirements. This change is mandated in Python 3.X, but also applies to 2.X if new-style classes are used.

Other Attribute Management Tools

These three attribute-access overloading methods allow you to control or specialize access to attributes in your objects. They tend to play highly specialized roles, some of which we’ll explore later in this book. For another example of __getattr__ at work, see Chapter 28’s person-composite.py. And for future reference, keep in mind that there are other ways to manage attribute access in Python:

§ The __getattribute__ method intercepts all attribute fetches, not just those that are undefined, but when using it you must be more cautious than with __getattr__ to avoid loops.

§ The property built-in function allows us to associate methods with fetch and set operations on a specific class attribute.

§ Descriptors provide a protocol for associating __get__ and __set__ methods of a class with accesses to a specific class attribute.

§ Slots attributes are declared in classes but create implicit storage in each instance.

Because these are somewhat advanced tools not of interest to every Python programmer, we’ll defer a look at properties until Chapter 32 and detailed coverage of all the attribute management techniques until Chapter 38.

Emulating Privacy for Instance Attributes: Part 1

As another use case for such tools, the following code—file private0.py—generalizes the previous example, to allow each subclass to have its own list of private names that cannot be assigned to its instances (and uses a user-defined exception class, which you’ll have to take on faith untilPart VII):

class PrivateExc(Exception): pass # More on exceptions in Part VII

class Privacy:

def __setattr__(self, attrname, value): # On self.attrname = value

if attrname in self.privates:

raise PrivateExc(attrname, self) # Make, raise user-define except


self.__dict__[attrname] = value # Avoid loops by using dict key

class Test1(Privacy):

privates = ['age']

class Test2(Privacy):

privates = ['name', 'pay']

def __init__(self):

self.__dict__['name'] = 'Tom' # To do better, see Chapter 39!

if __name__ == '__main__':

x = Test1()

y = Test2()

x.name = 'Bob' # Works

#y.name = 'Sue' # Fails


y.age = 30 # Works

#x.age = 40 # Fails


In fact, this is a first-cut solution for an implementation of attribute privacy in Python—disallowing changes to attribute names outside a class. Although Python doesn’t support private declarations per se, techniques like this can emulate much of their purpose.

This is a partial—and even clumsy—solution, though; to make it more effective, we must augment it to allow classes to set their private attributes more naturally, without having to go through __dict__ each time, as the constructor must do here to avoid triggering __setattr__ and an exception. A better and more complete approach might require a wrapper (“proxy”) class to check for private attribute accesses made outside the class only, and a __getattr__ to validate attribute fetches too.

We’ll postpone a more complete solution to attribute privacy until Chapter 39, where we’ll use class decorators to intercept and validate attributes more generally. Even though privacy can be emulated this way, though, it almost never is in practice. Python programmers are able to write large OOP frameworks and applications without private declarations—an interesting finding about access controls in general that is beyond the scope of our purposes here.

Still, catching attribute references and assignments is generally a useful technique; it supports delegation, a design technique that allows controller objects to wrap up embedded objects, add new behaviors, and route other operations back to the wrapped objects. Because they involve design topics, we’ll revisit delegation and wrapper classes in the next chapter.

String Representation: __repr__ and __str__

Our next methods deal with display formats—a topic we’ve already explored in prior chapters, but will summarize and formalize here. As a review, the following code exercises the __init__ constructor and the __add__ overload method, both of which we’ve already seen (+ is an in-place operation here, just to show that it can be; per Chapter 27, a named method may be preferred). As we’ve learned, the default display of instance objects for a class like this is neither generally useful nor aesthetically pretty:

>>> class adder:

def __init__(self, value=0):

self.data = value # Initialize data

def __add__(self, other):

self.data += other # Add other in place (bad form?)

>>> x = adder() # Default displays

>>> print(x)

<__main__.adder object at 0x00000000029736D8>

>>> x

<__main__.adder object at 0x00000000029736D8>

But coding or inheriting string representation methods allows us to customize the display—as in the following, which defines a __repr__ method in a subclass that returns a string representation for its instances.

>>> class addrepr(adder): # Inherit __init__, __add__

def __repr__(self): # Add string representation

return 'addrepr(%s)' % self.data # Convert to as-code string

>>> x = addrepr(2) # Runs __init__

>>> x + 1 # Runs __add__ (x.add() better?)

>>> x # Runs __repr__


>>> print(x) # Runs __repr__


>>> str(x), repr(x) # Runs __repr__ for both

('addrepr(3)', 'addrepr(3)')

If defined, __repr__ (or its close relative, __str__) is called automatically when class instances are printed or converted to strings. These methods allow you to define a better display format for your objects than the default instance display. Here, __repr__ uses basic string formatting to convert the managed self.data object to a more human-friendly string for display.

Why Two Display Methods?

So far, what we’ve seen is largely review. But while these methods are generally straightforward to use, their roles and behavior have some subtle implications both for design and coding. In particular, Python provides two display methods to support alternative displays for different audiences:

§ __str__ is tried first for the print operation and the str built-in function (the internal equivalent of which print runs). It generally should return a user-friendly display.

§ __repr__ is used in all other contexts: for interactive echoes, the repr function, and nested appearances, as well as by print and str if no __str__ is present. It should generally return an as-code string that could be used to re-create the object, or a detailed display for developers.

That is, __repr__ is used everywhere, except by print and str when a __str__ is defined. This means you can code a __repr__ to define a single display format used everywhere, and may code a __str__ to either support print and str exclusively, or to provide an alternative display for them.

As noted in Chapter 28, general tools may also prefer __str__ to leave other classes the option of adding an alternative __repr__ display for use in other contexts, as long as print and str displays suffice for the tool. Conversely, a general tool that codes a __repr__ still leaves clients the option of adding alternative displays with a __str__ for print and str. In other words, if you code either, the other is available for an additional display. In cases where the choice isn’t clear, __str__ is generally preferred for larger user-friendly displays, and __repr__ for lower-level or as-code displays and all-inclusive roles.

Let’s write some code to illustrate these two methods’ distinctions in more concrete terms. The prior example in this section showed how __repr__ is used as the fallback option in many contexts. However, while printing falls back on __repr__ if no __str__ is defined, the inverse is not true—other contexts, such as interactive echoes, use __repr__ only and don’t try __str__ at all:

>>> class addstr(adder):

def __str__(self): # __str__ but no __repr__

return '[Value: %s]' % self.data # Convert to nice string

>>> x = addstr(3)

>>> x + 1

>>> x # Default __repr__

<__main__.addstr object at 0x00000000029738D0>

>>> print(x) # Runs __str__

[Value: 4]

>>> str(x), repr(x)

('[Value: 4]', '<__main__.addstr object at 0x00000000029738D0>')

Because of this, __repr__ may be best if you want a single display for all contexts. By defining both methods, though, you can support different displays in different contexts—for example, an end-user display with __str__, and a low-level display for programmers to use during development with __repr__. In effect, __str__ simply overrides __repr__ for more user-friendly display contexts:

>>> class addboth(adder):

def __str__(self):

return '[Value: %s]' % self.data # User-friendly string

def __repr__(self):

return 'addboth(%s)' % self.data # As-code string

>>> x = addboth(4)

>>> x + 1

>>> x # Runs __repr__


>>> print(x) # Runs __str__

[Value: 5]

>>> str(x), repr(x)

('[Value: 5]', 'addboth(5)')

Display Usage Notes

Though generally simple to use, I should mention three usage notes regarding these methods here. First, keep in mind that __str__ and __repr__ must both return strings; other result types are not converted and raise errors, so be sure to run them through a to-string converter (e.g., str or%) if needed.

Second, depending on a container’s string-conversion logic, the user-friendly display of __str__ might only apply when objects appear at the top level of a print operation; objects nested in larger objects might still print with their __repr__ or its default. The following illustrates both of these points:

>>> class Printer:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __str__(self): # Used for instance itself

return str(self.val) # Convert to a string result

>>> objs = [Printer(2), Printer(3)]

>>> for x in objs: print(x) # __str__ run when instance printed

# But not when instance is in a list!



>>> print(objs)

[<__main__.Printer object at 0x000000000297AB38>, <__main__.Printer obj...etc...>]

>>> objs

[<__main__.Printer object at 0x000000000297AB38>, <__main__.Printer obj...etc...>]

To ensure that a custom display is run in all contexts regardless of the container, code __repr__, not __str__; the former is run in all cases if the latter doesn’t apply, including nested appearances:

>>> class Printer:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __repr__(self): # __repr__ used by print if no __str__

return str(self.val) # __repr__ used if echoed or nested

>>> objs = [Printer(2), Printer(3)]

>>> for x in objs: print(x) # No __str__: runs __repr__



>>> print(objs) # Runs __repr__, not ___str__

[2, 3]

>>> objs

[2, 3]

Third, and perhaps most subtle, the display methods also have the potential to trigger infinite recursion loops in rare contexts—because some objects’ displays include displays of other objects, it’s not impossible that a display may trigger a display of an object being displayed, and thus loop. This is rare and obscure enough to skip here, but watch for an example of this looping potential to appear for these methods in a note near the end of the next chapter in its listinherited.py example’s class, where __repr__ can loop.

In practice, __str__, and its more inclusive relative __repr__, seem to be the second most commonly used operator overloading methods in Python scripts, behind __init__. Anytime you can print an object and see a custom display, one of these two tools is probably in use. For additional examples of these tools at work and the design tradeoffs they imply, see Chapter 28’s case study and Chapter 31’s class lister mix-ins, as well as their role in Chapter 35’s exception classes, where __str__ is required over __repr__.

Right-Side and In-Place Uses: __radd__ and __iadd__

Our next group of overloading methods extends the functionality of binary operator methods such as __add__ and __sub__ (called for + and -), which we’ve already seen. As mentioned earlier, part of the reason there are so many operator overloading methods is because they come in multiple flavors—for every binary expression, we can implement a left, right, and in-place variant. Though defaults are also applied if you don’t code all three, your objects’ roles dictate how many variants you’ll need to code.

Right-Side Addition

For instance, the __add__ methods coded so far technically do not support the use of instance objects on the right side of the + operator:

>>> class Adder:

def __init__(self, value=0):

self.data = value

def __add__(self, other):

return self.data + other

>>> x = Adder(5)

>>> x + 2


>>> 2 + x

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'Adder'

To implement more general expressions, and hence support commutative-style operators, code the __radd__ method as well. Python calls __radd__ only when the object on the right side of the + is your class instance, but the object on the left is not an instance of your class. The __add__method for the object on the left is called instead in all other cases (all of this section’s five Commuter classes are coded in file commuter.py in the book’s examples, along with a self-test):

class Commuter1:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other):

print('add', self.val, other)

return self.val + other

def __radd__(self, other):

print('radd', self.val, other)

return other + self.val

>>> from commuter import Commuter1

>>> x = Commuter1(88)

>>> y = Commuter1(99)

>>> x + 1 # __add__: instance + noninstance

add 88 1


>>> 1 + y # __radd__: noninstance + instance

radd 99 1


>>> x + y # __add__: instance + instance, triggers __radd__

add 88 <commuter.Commuter1 object at 0x00000000029B39E8>

radd 99 88


Notice how the order is reversed in __radd__: self is really on the right of the +, and other is on the left. Also note that x and y are instances of the same class here; when instances of different classes appear mixed in an expression, Python prefers the class of the one on the left. When we add the two instances together, Python runs __add__, which in turn triggers __radd__ by simplifying the left operand.

Reusing __add__ in __radd__

For truly commutative operations that do not require special-casing by position, it is also sometimes sufficient to reuse __add__ for __radd__: either by calling __add__ directly; by swapping order and re-adding to trigger __add__ indirectly; or by simply assigning __radd__ to be an alias for __add__ at the top level of the class statement (i.e., in the class’s scope). The following alternatives implement all three of these schemes, and return the same results as the original—though the last saves an extra call or dispatch and hence may be quicker (in all, __radd__ is run when self is on the right side of a +):

class Commuter2:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other):

print('add', self.val, other)

return self.val + other

def __radd__(self, other):

return self.__add__(other) # Call __add__ explicitly

class Commuter3:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other):

print('add', self.val, other)

return self.val + other

def __radd__(self, other):

return self + other # Swap order and re-add

class Commuter4:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other):

print('add', self.val, other)

return self.val + other

__radd__ = __add__ # Alias: cut out the middleman

In all these, right-side instance appearances trigger the single, shared __add__ method, passing the right operand to self, to be treated the same as a left-side appearance. Run these on your own for more insight; their returned values are the same as the original.

Propagating class type

In more realistic classes where the class type may need to be propagated in results, things can become trickier: type testing may be required to tell whether it’s safe to convert and thus avoid nesting. For instance, without the isinstance test in the following, we could wind up with aCommuter5 whose val is another Commuter5 when two instances are added and __add__ triggers __radd__:

class Commuter5: # Propagate class type in results

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other):

if isinstance(other, Commuter5): # Type test to avoid object nesting

other = other.val

return Commuter5(self.val + other) # Else + result is another Commuter

def __radd__(self, other):

return Commuter5(other + self.val)

def __str__(self):

return '<Commuter5: %s>' % self.val

>>> from commuter import Commuter5

>>> x = Commuter5(88)

>>> y = Commuter5(99)

>>> print(x + 10) # Result is another Commuter instance

<Commuter5: 98>

>>> print(10 + y)

<Commuter5: 109>

>>> z = x + y # Not nested: doesn't recur to __radd__

>>> print(z)

<Commuter5: 187>

>>> print(z + 10)

<Commuter5: 197>

>>> print(z + z)

<Commuter5: 374>

>>> print(z + z + 1)

<Commuter5: 375>

The need for the isinstance type test here is very subtle—uncomment, run, and trace to see why it’s required. If you do, you’ll see that the last part of the preceding test winds up differing and nesting objects—which still do the math correctly, but kick off pointless recursive calls to simplify their values, and extra constructor calls build results:

>>> z = x + y # With isinstance test commented-out

>>> print(z)

<Commuter5: <Commuter5: 187>>

>>> print(z + 10)

<Commuter5: <Commuter5: 197>>

>>> print(z + z)

<Commuter5: <Commuter5: <Commuter5: <Commuter5: 374>>>>

>>> print(z + z + 1)

<Commuter5: <Commuter5: <Commuter5: <Commuter5: 375>>>>

To test, the rest of commuter.py looks and runs like this—classes can appear in tuples naturally:


from __future__ import print_function # 2.X/3.X compatibility

...classes defined here...

if __name__ == '__main__':

for klass in (Commuter1, Commuter2, Commuter3, Commuter4, Commuter5):

print('-' * 60)

x = klass(88)

y = klass(99)

print(x + 1)

print(1 + y)

print(x + y)

c:\code> commuter.py


add 88 1


radd 99 1


add 88 <__main__.Commuter1 object at 0x000000000297F2B0>

radd 99 88




There are too many coding variations to explore here, so experiment with these classes on your own for more insight; aliasing __radd__ to __add__ in Commuter5, for example, saves a line, but doesn’t prevent object nesting without isinstance. See also Python’s manuals for a discussion of other options in this domain; for example, classes may also return the special NotImplemented object for unsupported operands to influence method selection (this is treated as though the method were not defined).

In-Place Addition

To also implement += in-place augmented addition, code either an __iadd__ or an __add__. The latter is used if the former is absent. In fact, the prior section’s Commuter classes already support += for this reason—Python runs __add__ and assigns the result manually. The __iadd__method, though, allows for more efficient in-place changes to be coded where applicable:

>>> class Number:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __iadd__(self, other): # __iadd__ explicit: x += y

self.val += other # Usually returns self

return self

>>> x = Number(5)

>>> x += 1

>>> x += 1

>>> x.val


For mutable objects, this method can often specialize for quicker in-place changes:

>>> y = Number([1]) # In-place change faster than +

>>> y += [2]

>>> y += [3]

>>> y.val

[1, 2, 3]

The normal __add__ method is run as a fallback, but may not be able optimize in-place cases:

>>> class Number:

def __init__(self, val):

self.val = val

def __add__(self, other): # __add__ fallback: x = (x + y)

return Number(self.val + other) # Propagates class type

>>> x = Number(5)

>>> x += 1

>>> x += 1 # And += does concatenation here

>>> x.val


Though we’ve focused on + here, keep in mind that every binary operator has similar right-side and in-place overloading methods that work the same (e.g., __mul__, __rmul__, and __imul__). Still, right-side methods are an advanced topic and tend to be fairly uncommon in practice; you only code them when you need operators to be commutative, and then only if you need to support such operators at all. For instance, a Vector class may use these tools, but an Employee or Button class probably would not.

Call Expressions: __call__

On to our next overloading method: the __call__ method is called when your instance is called. No, this isn’t a circular definition—if defined, Python runs a __call__ method for function call expressions applied to your instances, passing along whatever positional or keyword arguments were sent. This allows instances to conform to a function-based API:

>>> class Callee:

def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs): # Intercept instance calls

print('Called:', pargs, kargs) # Accept arbitrary arguments

>>> C = Callee()

>>> C(1, 2, 3) # C is a callable object

Called: (1, 2, 3) {}

>>> C(1, 2, 3, x=4, y=5)

Called: (1, 2, 3) {'y': 5, 'x': 4}

More formally, all the argument-passing modes we explored in Chapter 18 are supported by the __call__ method—whatever is passed to the instance is passed to this method, along with the usual implied instance argument. For example, the method definitions:

class C:

def __call__(self, a, b, c=5, d=6): ... # Normals and defaults

class C:

def __call__(self, *pargs, **kargs): ... # Collect arbitrary arguments

class C:

def __call__(self, *pargs, d=6, **kargs): ... # 3.X keyword-only argument

all match all the following instance calls:

X = C()

X(1, 2) # Omit defaults

X(1, 2, 3, 4) # Positionals

X(a=1, b=2, d=4) # Keywords

X(*[1, 2], **dict(c=3, d=4)) # Unpack arbitrary arguments

X(1, *(2,), c=3, **dict(d=4)) # Mixed modes

See Chapter 18 for a refresher on function arguments. The net effect is that classes and instances with a __call__ support the exact same argument syntax and semantics as normal functions and methods.

Intercepting call expression like this allows class instances to emulate the look and feel of things like functions, but also retain state information for use during calls. We saw an example similar to the following while exploring scopes in Chapter 17, but you should now be familiar enough with operator overloading to understand this pattern better:

>>> class Prod:

def __init__(self, value): # Accept just one argument

self.value = value

def __call__(self, other):

return self.value * other

>>> x = Prod(2) # "Remembers" 2 in state

>>> x(3) # 3 (passed) * 2 (state)


>>> x(4)


In this example, the __call__ may seem a bit gratuitous at first glance. A simple method can provide similar utility:

>>> class Prod:

def __init__(self, value):

self.value = value

def comp(self, other):

return self.value * other

>>> x = Prod(3)

>>> x.comp(3)


>>> x.comp(4)


However, __call__ can become more useful when interfacing with APIs (i.e., libraries) that expect functions—it allows us to code objects that conform to an expected function call interface, but also retain state information, and other class assets such as inheritance. In fact, it may be the third most commonly used operator overloading method, behind the __init__ constructor and the __str__ and __repr__ display-format alternatives.

Function Interfaces and Callback-Based Code

As an example, the tkinter GUI toolkit (named Tkinter in Python 2.X) allows you to register functions as event handlers (a.k.a. callbacks)—when events occur, tkinter calls the registered objects. If you want an event handler to retain state between events, you can register either a class’s bound method, or an instance that conforms to the expected interface with __call__.

In the prior section’s code, for example, both x.comp from the second example and x from the first can pass as function-like objects this way. Chapter 17’s closure functions with state in enclosing scopes can achieve similar effects, but don’t provide as much support for multiple operations or customization.

I’ll have more to say about bound methods in the next chapter, but for now, here’s a hypothetical example of __call__ applied to the GUI domain. The following class defines an object that supports a function-call interface, but also has state information that remembers the color a button should change to when it is later pressed:

class Callback:

def __init__(self, color): # Function + state information

self.color = color

def __call__(self): # Support calls with no arguments

print('turn', self.color)

Now, in the context of a GUI, we can register instances of this class as event handlers for buttons, even though the GUI expects to be able to invoke event handlers as simple functions with no arguments:

# Handlers

cb1 = Callback('blue') # Remember blue

cb2 = Callback('green') # Remember green

B1 = Button(command=cb1) # Register handlers

B2 = Button(command=cb2)

When the button is later pressed, the instance object is called as a simple function with no arguments, exactly like in the following calls. Because it retains state as instance attributes, though, it remembers what to do—it becomes a stateful function object:

# Events

cb1() # Prints 'turn blue'

cb2() # Prints 'turn green'

In fact, many consider such classes to be the best way to retain state information in the Python language (per generally accepted Pythonic principles, at least). With OOP, the state remembered is made explicit with attribute assignments. This is different than other state retention techniques (e.g., global variables, enclosing function scope references, and default mutable arguments), which rely on more limited or implicit behavior. Moreover, the added structure and customization in classes goes beyond state retention.

On the other hand, tools such as closure functions are useful in basic state retention roles too, and 3.X’s nonlocal statement makes enclosing scopes a viable alternative in more programs. We’ll revisit such tradeoffs when we start coding substantial decorators in Chapter 39, but here’s a quick closure equivalent:

def callback(color): # Enclosing scope versus attrs

def oncall():

print('turn', color)

return oncall

cb3 = callback('yellow') # Handler to be registered

cb3() # On event: prints 'turn yellow'

Before we move on, there are two other ways that Python programmers sometimes tie information to a callback function like this. One option is to use default arguments in lambda functions:

cb4 = (lambda color='red': 'turn ' + color) # Defaults retain state too


The other is to use bound methods of a class— a bit of a preview, but simple enough to introduce here. A bound method object is a kind of object that remembers both the self instance and the referenced function. This object may therefore be called later as a simple function without an instance:

class Callback:

def __init__(self, color): # Class with state information

self.color = color

def changeColor(self): # A normal named method

print('turn', self.color)

cb1 = Callback('blue')

cb2 = Callback('yellow')

B1 = Button(command=cb1.changeColor) # Bound method: reference, don't call

B2 = Button(command=cb2.changeColor) # Remembers function + self pair

In this case, when this button is later pressed it’s as if the GUI does this, which invokes the instance’s changeColor method to process the object’s state information, instead of the instance itself:

cb1 = Callback('blue')

obj = cb1.changeColor # Registered event handler

obj() # On event prints 'turn blue'

Note that a lambda is not required here, because a bound method reference by itself already defers a call until later. This technique is simpler, but perhaps less general than overloading calls with __call__. Again, watch for more about bound methods in the next chapter.

You’ll also see another __call__ example in Chapter 32, where we will use it to implement something known as a function decorator—a callable object often used to add a layer of logic on top of an embedded function. Because __call__ allows us to attach state information to a callable object, it’s a natural implementation technique for a function that must remember to call another function when called itself. For more __call__ examples, see the state retention preview examples in Chapter 17, and the more advanced decorators and metaclasses of Chapter 39 andChapter 40.

Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others

Our next batch of overloading methods supports comparisons. As suggested in Table 30-1, classes can define methods to catch all six comparison operators: <, >, <=, >=, ==, and !=. These methods are generally straightforward to use, but keep the following qualifications in mind:

§ Unlike the __add__/__radd__ pairings discussed earlier, there are no right-side variants of comparison methods. Instead, reflective methods are used when only one operand supports comparison (e.g., __lt__ and __gt__ are each other’s reflection).

§ There are no implicit relationships among the comparison operators. The truth of == does not imply that != is false, for example, so both __eq__ and __ne__ should be defined to ensure that both operators behave correctly.

§ In Python 2.X, a __cmp__ method is used by all comparisons if no more specific comparison methods are defined; it returns a number that is less than, equal to, or greater than zero, to signal less than, equal, and greater than results for the comparison of its two arguments (self and another operand). This method often uses the cmp(x, y) built-in to compute its result. Both the __cmp__ method and the cmp built-in function are removed in Python 3.X: use the more specific methods instead.

We don’t have space for an in-depth exploration of comparison methods, but as a quick introduction, consider the following class and test code:

class C:

data = 'spam'

def __gt__(self, other): # 3.X and 2.X version

return self.data > other

def __lt__(self, other):

return self.data < other

X = C()

print(X > 'ham') # True (runs __gt__)

print(X < 'ham') # False (runs __lt__)

When run under Python 3.X or 2.X, the prints at the end display the expected results noted in their comments, because the class’s methods intercept and implement comparison expressions. Consult Python’s manuals and other reference resources for more details in this category; for example,__lt__ is used for sorts in Python3.X, and as for binary expression operators, these methods can also return NotImplemented for unsupported arguments.

The __cmp__ Method in Python 2.X

In Python 2.X only, the __cmp__ method is used as a fallback if more specific methods are not defined: its integer result is used to evaluate the operator being run. The following produces the same result as the prior section’s code under 2.X, for example, but fails in 3.X because __cmp__ is no longer used:

class C:

data = 'spam' # 2.X only

def __cmp__(self, other): # __cmp__ not used in 3.X

return cmp(self.data, other) # cmp not defined in 3.X

X = C()

print(X > 'ham') # True (runs __cmp__)

print(X < 'ham') # False (runs __cmp__)

Notice that this fails in 3.X because __cmp__ is no longer special, not because the cmp built-in function is no longer present. If we change the prior class to the following to try to simulate the cmp call, the code still works in 2.X but fails in 3.X:

class C:

data = 'spam'

def __cmp__(self, other):

return (self.data > other) - (self.data < other)

So why, you might be asking, did I just show you a comparison method that is no longer supported in 3.X? While it would be easier to erase history entirely, this book is designed to support both 2.X and 3.X readers. Because __cmp__ may appear in code 2.X readers must reuse or maintain, it’s fair game in this book. Moreover, __cmp__ was removed more abruptly than the __getslice__ method described earlier, and so may endure longer. If you use 3.X, though, or care about running your code under 3.X in the future, don’t use __cmp__ anymore: use the more specific comparison methods instead.

Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__

The next set of methods is truly useful (yes, pun intended!). As we’ve learned, every object is inherently true or false in Python. When you code classes, you can define what this means for your objects by coding methods that give the True or False values of instances on request. The names of these methods differ per Python line; this section starts with the 3.X story, then shows 2.X’s equivalent.

As mentioned briefly earlier, in Boolean contexts, Python first tries __bool__ to obtain a direct Boolean value; if that method is missing, Python tries __len__ to infer a truth value from the object’s length. The first of these generally uses object state or other information to produce a Boolean result. In 3.X:

>>> class Truth:

def __bool__(self): return True

>>> X = Truth()

>>> if X: print('yes!')


>>> class Truth:

def __bool__(self): return False

>>> X = Truth()

>>> bool(X)


If this method is missing, Python falls back on length because a nonempty object is considered true (i.e., a nonzero length is taken to mean the object is true, and a zero length means it is false):

>>> class Truth:

def __len__(self): return 0

>>> X = Truth()

>>> if not X: print('no!')


If both methods are present Python prefers __bool__ over __len__, because it is more specific:

>>> class Truth:

def __bool__(self): return True # 3.X tries __bool__ first

def __len__(self): return 0 # 2.X tries __len__ first

>>> X = Truth()

>>> if X: print('yes!')


If neither truth method is defined, the object is vacuously considered true (though any potential implications for more metaphysically inclined readers are strictly coincidental):

>>> class Truth:


>>> X = Truth()

>>> bool(X)


At least that’s the Truth in 3.X. These examples won’t generate exceptions in 2.X, but some of their results there may look a bit odd (and trigger an existential crisis or two) unless you read the next section.

Boolean Methods in Python 2.X

Alas, it’s not nearly as dramatic as billed—Python 2.X users simply use __nonzero__ instead of __bool__ in all of the preceding section’s code. Python 3.X renamed the 2.X __nonzero__ method to __bool__, but Boolean tests work the same otherwise; both 3.X and 2.X use __len__as a fallback.

Subtly, if you don’t use the 2.X name, the first test in the prior section will work the same for you anyhow, but only because __bool__ is not recognized as a special method name in 2.X, and objects are considered true by default! To witness this version difference live, you need to returnFalse:

C:\code> c:\python33\python

>>> class C:

def __bool__(self):

print('in bool')

return False

>>> X = C()

>>> bool(X)

in bool


>>> if X: print(99)

in bool

This works as advertised in 3.X. In 2.X, though, __bool__ is ignored and the object is always considered true by default:

C:\code> c:\python27\python

>>> class C:

def __bool__(self):

print('in bool')

return False

>>> X = C()

>>> bool(X)


>>> if X: print(99)


The short story here: in 2.X, use __nonzero__ for Boolean values, or return 0 from the __len__ fallback method to designate false:

C:\code> c:\python27\python

>>> class C:

def __nonzero__(self):

print('in nonzero')

return False # Returns int (or True/False, same as 1/0)

>>> X = C()

>>> bool(X)

in nonzero


>>> if X: print(99)

in nonzero

But keep in mind that __nonzero__ works in 2.X only; if used in 3.X it will be silently ignored and the object will be classified as true by default—just like using 3.X’s __bool__ in 2.X!

And now that we’ve managed to cross over into the realm of philosophy, let’s move on to look at one last overloading context: object demise.

Object Destruction: __del__

It’s time to close out this chapter—and learn how to do the same for our class objects. We’ve seen how the __init__ constructor is called whenever an instance is generated (and noted how __new__ is run first to make the object). Its counterpart, the destructor method __del__, is run automatically when an instance’s space is being reclaimed (i.e., at “garbage collection” time):

>>> class Life:

def __init__(self, name='unknown'):

print('Hello ' + name)

self.name = name

def live(self):


def __del__(self):

print('Goodbye ' + self.name)

>>> brian = Life('Brian')

Hello Brian

>>> brian.live()


>>> brian = 'loretta'

Goodbye Brian

Here, when brian is assigned a string, we lose the last reference to the Life instance and so trigger its destructor method. This works, and it may be useful for implementing some cleanup activities, such as terminating a server connection. However, destructors are not as commonly used in Python as in some OOP languages, for a number of reasons that the next section describes.

Destructor Usage Notes

The destructor method works as documented, but it has some well-known caveats and a few outright dark corners that make it somewhat rare to see in Python code:

§ Need: For one thing, destructors may not be as useful in Python as they are in some other OOP languages. Because Python automatically reclaims all memory space held by an instance when the instance is reclaimed, destructors are not necessary for space management. In the current CPython implementation of Python, you also don’t need to close file objects held by the instance in destructors because they are automatically closed when reclaimed. As mentioned in Chapter 9, though, it’s still sometimes best to run file close methods anyhow, because this autoclose behavior may vary in alternative Python implementations (e.g., Jython).

§ Predictability: For another, you cannot always easily predict when an instance will be reclaimed. In some cases, there may be lingering references to your objects in system tables that prevent destructors from running when your program expects them to be triggered. Python also does not guarantee that destructor methods will be called for objects that still exist when the interpreter exits.

§ Exceptions: In fact, __del__ can be tricky to use for even more subtle reasons. Exceptions raised within it, for example, simply print a warning message to sys.stderr (the standard error stream) rather than triggering an exception event, because of the unpredictable context under which it is run by the garbage collector—it’s not always possible to know where such an exception should be delivered.

§ Cycles: In addition, cyclic (a.k.a. circular) references among objects may prevent garbage collection from happening when you expect it to. An optional cycle detector, enabled by default, can automatically collect such objects eventually, but only if they do not have __del__ methods. Since this is relatively obscure, we’ll ignore further details here; see Python’s standard manuals’ coverage of both __del__ and the gc garbage collector module for more information.

Because of these downsides, it’s often better to code termination activities in an explicitly called method (e.g., shutdown). As described in the next part of the book, the try/finally statement also supports termination actions, as does the with statement for objects that support its context manager model.

Chapter Summary

That’s as many overloading examples as we have space for here. Most of the other operator overloading methods work similarly to the ones we’ve explored, and all are just hooks for intercepting built-in type operations. Some overloading methods, for example, have unique argument lists or return values, but the general usage pattern is the same. We’ll see a few others in action later in the book:

§ Chapter 34 uses __enter__ and __exit__ in with statement context managers.

§ Chapter 38 uses the __get__ and __set__ class descriptor fetch/set methods.

§ Chapter 40 uses the __new__ object creation method in the context of metaclasses.

In addition, some of the methods we’ve studied here, such as __call__ and __str__, will be employed by later examples in this book. For complete coverage, though, I’ll defer to other documentation sources—see Python’s standard language manual or reference books for details on additional overloading methods.

In the next chapter, we leave the realm of class mechanics behind to explore common design patterns—the ways that classes are commonly used and combined to optimize code reuse. After that, we’ll survey a handful of advanced topics and move on to exceptions, the last core subject of this book. Before you read on, though, take a moment to work through the chapter quiz below to review the concepts we’ve covered.

Test Your Knowledge: Quiz

1. What two operator overloading methods can you use to support iteration in your classes?

2. What two operator overloading methods handle printing, and in what contexts?

3. How can you intercept slice operations in a class?

4. How can you catch in-place addition in a class?

5. When should you provide operator overloading?

Test Your Knowledge: Answers

1. Classes can support iteration by defining (or inheriting) __getitem__ or __iter__. In all iteration contexts, Python tries to use __iter__ first, which returns an object that supports the iteration protocol with a __next__ method: if no __iter__ is found by inheritance search, Python falls back on the __getitem__ indexing method, which is called repeatedly, with successively higher indexes. If used, the yield statement can create the __next__ method automatically.

2. The __str__ and __repr__ methods implement object print displays. The former is called by the print and str built-in functions; the latter is called by print and str if there is no __str__, and always by the repr built-in, interactive echoes, and nested appearances. That is,__repr__ is used everywhere, except by print and str when a __str__ is defined. A __str__ is usually used for user-friendly displays; __repr__ gives extra details or the object’s as-code form.

3. Slicing is caught by the __getitem__ indexing method: it is called with a slice object, instead of a simple integer index, and slice objects may be passed on or inspected as needed. In Python 2.X, __getslice__ (defunct in 3.X) may be used for two-limit slices as well.

4. In-place addition tries __iadd__ first, and __add__ with an assignment second. The same pattern holds true for all binary operators. The __radd__ method is also available for right-side addition.

5. When a class naturally matches, or needs to emulate, a built-in type’s interfaces. For example, collections might imitate sequence or mapping interfaces, and callables might be coded for use with an API that expects a function. You generally shouldn’t implement expression operators if they don’t naturally map to your objects naturally and logically, though—use normally named methods instead.