Cracking any wireless network - WiFi Hacking for Beginners (2017)

Hacking: The Beginner's Complete Guide To Computer Hacking And Penetration Testing (2017)

Cracking any wireless network

Now you have handshake and you need to download largest wordlist in the world to have change to hack password. You can download this wordlist from the following website:

second link:

when you download one of them you are ready to hack network. We are going to use aircrack-ng to crack the key. It does this by combining each password in the wordlist with access point name (essid) to compute a Pairwise Master Key (PMK) using pbkdf2 algorithm, the PMK is the compared to the handshake file. The syntax looks like this:

>aircrack-ng [handshake filename] -w [wordlist] [interface]

Ex: >aircrack-ng is-01.cap -w list wlan0mon

Run this syntax and wait before aircrack-ng cracks it. When the password will be hacked the screen should look like this:


Congratulations!!! You already hacked WPA secured wireless network!!! It is time to secure our wireless network because as you know it is very simple to hack, and if someone will do, he can then capture packets that are sent over the network and analys them. There will be your mail password, your social network password, card pin and so on. It is very dengerous to do not have secure wireless network. Next chapter you will learn how to secure your network and become it almost unhackable.