Security - Building Microservices (2015)

Building Microservices (2015)

Chapter 9. Security

We’ve become familiar with stories about security breaches of large-scale systems resulting in our data being exposed to all sorts of dodgy characters. But more recently, events like the Edward Snowden revelations have made us even more aware of the value of data that companies hold about us, and the value of data that we hold for our customers in the systems we build. This chapter will give a brief overview of some aspects of security you should consider when designing your systems. While not meant to be exhaustive, it will lay out some of the main options available to you and give you a starting point for your own further research.

We need to think about what protection our data needs while in transit from one point to another, and what protection it needs at rest. We need to think about the security of our underlying operating systems, and our networks too. There is so much to think about, and so much we could do! So how much security do we need? How can we work out what is enough security?

But we also need to think of the human element. How do we know who a person is, and what he can do? And how does this relate to how our servers talk to each other? Let’s start there.

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and authorization are core concepts when it comes to people and things that interact with our system. In the context of security, authentication is the process by which we confirm that a party is who she says she is. For a human, you typically authenticate a user by having her type in her username and password. We assume that only she has access to this information, and therefore that the person entering this information must be her. Other, more complex systems exist as well, of course. My phone now lets me use my fingerprint to confirm that I am who I say I am. Generally, when we’re talking abstractly about who or what is being authenticated, we refer to that party as the principal.

Authorization is the mechanism by which we map from a principal to the action we are allowing her to do. Often, when a principal is authenticated, we will be given information about her that will help us decide what we should let her do. We might, for example, be told what department or office she works in—pieces of information that our systems can use to decide what she can and cannot do.

For single, monolithic applications, it is common for the application itself to handle authentication and authorization for you. Django, the Python web framework, comes out of the box with user management, for example. When it comes to distributed systems, though, we need to think of more advanced schemes. We don’t want everyone to have to log in separately for different systems, using a different username and password for each. The aim is to have a single identity that we can authenticate once.

Common Single Sign-On Implementations

A common approach to authentication and authorization is to use some sort of single sign-on (SSO) solution. SAML, which is the reigning implementation in the enterprise space, and OpenID Connect both provide capabilities in this area. More or less they use the same core concepts, although the terminology differs slightly. The terms used here are from SAML.

When a principal tries to access a resource (like a web-based interface), she is directed to authenticate with an identity provider. This may ask her to provide a username and password, or might use something more advanced like two-factor authentication. Once the identity provider is satisfied that the principal has been authenticated, it gives information to the service provider, allowing it to decide whether to grant her access to the resource.

This identity provider could be an externally hosted system, or something inside your own organization. Google, for example, provides an OpenID Connect identity provider. For enterprises, though, it is common to have your own identity provider, which may be linked to your company’sdirectory service. A directory service could be something like the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) or Active Directory. These systems allow you to store information about principals, such as what roles they play in the organization. Often, the directory service and the identity provider are one and the same, while sometimes they are separate but linked. Okta, for example, is a hosted SAML identity provider that handles tasks like two-factor authentication, but can link to your company’s directory services as the source of truth.

SAML is a SOAP-based standard, and is known for being fairly complex to work with despite the libraries and tooling available to support it. OpenID Connect is a standard that has emerged as a specific implementation of OAuth 2.0, based on the way Google and others handle SSO. It uses simpler REST calls, and in my opinion is likely to make inroads into enterprises due to its improved ease of use. Its biggest stumbling block right now is the lack of identity providers that support it. For a public-facing website, you might be OK using Google as your provider, but for internal systems or systems where you want more control over and visibility into how and where your data is installed, you’ll want your own in-house identity provider. At the time of writing, OpenAM and Gluu are two of the very few options available in this space, compared to a wealth of options for SAML (including Active Directory, which seems to be everywhere). Until and unless existing identity providers start supporting OpenID Connect, its growth may be limited to those situations where people are happy using a public identity provider.

So while I think OpenID Connect is the future, it’s quite possible it’ll take a while to reach widespread adoption.

Single Sign-On Gateway

Within a microservice setup, each service could decide to handle the redirection to, and handshaking with, the identity provider. Obviously, this could mean a lot of duplicated work. A shared library could help, but we’d have to be careful to avoid the coupling that can come from shared code. This also wouldn’t help if you had multiple different technology stacks.

Rather than having each service manage handshaking with your identity provider, you can use a gateway to act as a proxy, sitting between your services and the outside world (as shown in Figure 9-1). The idea is that we can centralize the behavior for redirecting the user and perform the handshake in only one place.

Using a Gateway to handle Single Sign-on

Figure 9-1. Using a gateway to handle SSO

However, we still need to solve the problem of how the downstream service receives information about principals, such as their username or what roles they play. If you’re using HTTP, it could populate headers with this information. Shibboleth is one tool that can do this for you, and I’ve seen it used with Apache to great effect to handle integration with SAML-based identity providers.

Another problem is that if we have decided to offload responsibility for authentication to a gateway, it can be harder to reason about how a microservice behaves when looking at it in isolation. Remember in Chapter 7 where we explored some of the challenges in reproducing production-like environments? If you go the gateway route, make sure your developers can launch their services behind one without too much work.

One final problem with this approach is that it can lull you into a false sense of security. I like the idea of defense in depth—from network perimeter, to subnet, to firewall, to machine, to operating system, to the underlying hardware. You have the ability to implement security measures at all of these points, some of which we’ll get into shortly. I have seen some people put all their eggs in one basket, relying on the gateway to handle every step for them. And we all know what happens when we have a single point of failure…

Obviously you could use this gateway to do other things. If using a layer of Apache instances running Shibboleth, for example, you could also decide to terminate HTTPS at this level, run intrusion detection, and so on. Do be careful, though. Gateway layers tend to take on more and more functionality, which itself can end up being a giant coupling point. And the more functionality something has, the greater the attack surface.

Fine-Grained Authorization

A gateway may be able to provide fairly effective coarse-grained authentication. For example, it could prevent access to any non-logged-in user to the helpdesk application. Assuming our gateway can extract attributes about the principal as a result of the authentication, it may be able to make more nuanced decisions. For example, it is common to place people in groups, or assign them to roles. We can use this information to understand what they can do. So for the helpdesk application, we might allow access only to principals with a specific role (e.g., STAFF). Beyond allowing (or disallowing) access to specific resources or endpoints, though, we need to leave the rest to the microservice itself; it will need to make further decisions about what operations to allow.

Back to our helpdesk application: do we allow any staff members to see any and all details? More likely, we’ll have different roles at work. For example, a principal in the CALL_CENTER group might be allowed to view any piece of information about a customer except his payment details. The principal might also be able to issue refunds, but that amount might be capped. Someone who has the CALL_CENTER_TEAM_LEADER role, however, might be able to issue larger refunds.

These decisions need to be local to the microservice in question. I have seen people use the various attributes supplied by identity providers in horrible ways, using really fine-grained roles like CALL_CENTER_50_DOLLAR_REFUND, where they end up putting information specific to one part of one of our system’s behavior into their directory services. This is a nightmare to maintain and gives very little scope for our services to have their own independent lifecycle, as suddenly a chunk of information about how a service behaves lives elsewhere, perhaps in a system managed by a different part of the organization.

Instead, favor coarse-grained roles, modeled around how your organization works. Going all the way back to the early chapters, remember that we are building software to match how our organization works. So use your roles in this way too.

Service-to-Service Authentication and Authorization

Up to this point we’ve been using the term principal to describe anything that can authenticate and be authorized to do things, but our examples have actually been about humans using computers. But what about programs, or other services, authenticating with each other?

Allow Everything Inside the Perimeter

Our first option could be to just assume that any calls to a service made from inside our perimeter are implicitly trusted.

Depending on the sensitivity of the data, this might be fine. Some organizations attempt to ensure security at the perimeter of their networks, and therefore assume they don’t need to do anything else when two services are talking together. However, should an attacker penetrate your network, you will have little protection against a typical man-in-the-middle attack. If the attacker decides to intercept and read the data being sent, change the data without you knowing, or even in some circumstances pretend to be the thing you are talking to, you may not know much about it.

This is by far the most common form of inside-perimeter trust I see in organizations. They may decide to run this traffic over HTTPS, but they don’t do much else. I’m not saying that is a good thing! For most of the organizations I see using this model, I worry that the implicit trust model is not a conscious decision, but more that people are unaware of the risks in the first place.

HTTP(S) Basic Authentication

HTTP Basic Authentication allows for a client to send a username and password in a standard HTTP header. The server can then check these details and confirm that the client is allowed to access the service. The advantage here is that this is an extremely well-understood and well-supported protocol. The problem is that doing this over HTTP is highly problematic, as the username and password are not sent in a secure manner. Any intermediate party can look at the information in the header and see the data. Thus, HTTP Basic Authentication should normally be used over HTTPS.

When using HTTPS, the client gains strong guarantees that the server it is talking to is who the client thinks it is. It also gives us additional protection against people eavesdropping on the traffic between the client and server or messing with the payload.

The server needs to manage its own SSL certificates, which can become problematic when it is managing multiple machines. Some organizations take on their own certificate issuing process, which is an additional administrative and operational burden. Tools around managing this in an automated fashion are nowhere near as mature as they could be, and it isn’t just the issuing process you have to handle. Self-signed certificates are not easily revokable, and thus require a lot more thought around disaster scenarios. See if you can dodge all this work by avoiding self-signing altogether.

Another downside is that traffic sent via SSL cannot be cached by reverse proxies like Varnish or Squid. This means that if you need to cache traffic, it will have to be done either inside the server or inside the client. You can fix this by having a load balancer terminate the SSL traffic, and having the cache sit behind the load balancer.

We also have to think about what happens if we are using an existing SSO solution, like SAML, that already has access to usernames and passwords. Do we want our basic service auth to use the same set of credentials, allowing us one process for issuing and revoking them? We could do this by having the service talk to the same directory service that backs our SSO solution. Alternatively, we could store the usernames and passwords ourselves inside the service, but then we run the risk of duplicating behavior.

One note: in this approach, all the server knows is that the client has the username and password. We have no idea if this information is coming from a machine we expect; it could be coming from anyone on our network.

Use SAML or OpenID Connect

If you are already using SAML or OpenID Connect as your authentication and authorization scheme, you could just use that for service-to-service interactions too. If you’re using a gateway, you’ll need to route all in-network traffic via the gateway too, but if each service is handling the integration itself, this approach should just work out of the box. The advantage here is that you’re making use of existing infrastructure, and get to centralize all your service access controls in a central directory server. We’d still need to route this over HTTPS if we wanted to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

Clients have a set of credentials they use to authenticate themselves with the identity provider, and the service gets the information it needs to decide on any fine-grained authentication.

This does mean you’ll need an account for your clients, sometimes referred to as a service account. Many organizations use this approach quite commonly. A word of warning, though: if you are going to create service accounts, try to keep their use narrow. So consider each microservice having its own set of credentials. This makes revoking/changing access easier if the credentials become compromised, as you only need to revoke the set of credentials that have been affected.

There are a couple of other downsides, though. First, just as with Basic Auth, we need to securely store our credentials: where do the username and password live? The client will need to find some secure way to store this data. The other problem is that some of the technology in this space to do the authentication is fairly tedious to code for. SAML, in particular, makes implementing a client a painful affair. OpenID Connect has a simpler workflow, but as we discussed earlier it isn’t that well supported yet.

Client Certificates

Another approach to confirm the identity of a client is to make use of capabilities in Transport Layer Security (TLS), the successor to SSL, in the form of client certificates. Here, each client has an X.509 certificate installed that is used to establish a link between client and server. The server can verify the authenticity of the client certificate, providing strong guarantees that the client is valid.

The operational challenges here in certificate management are even more onerous than with just using server-side certificates. It isn’t just some of the basic issues of creating and managing a greater number of certificates; rather, it’s that with all the complexities around the certificates themselves, you can expect to spend a lot of time trying to diagnose why a service won’t accept what you believe to be a completely valid client certificate. And then we have to consider the difficulty of revoking and reissuing certificates should the worst happen. Using wildcard certificates can help, but won’t solve all problems. This additional burden means you’ll be looking to use this technique when you are especially concerned about the sensitivity of the data being sent, or if you are sending data via networks you don’t fully control. So you might decide to secure communication of very important data between parties that is sent over the Internet, for example.


As we discussed earlier, the use of Basic Authentication over plain HTTP is not terribly sensible if we are worried about the username and password being compromised. The traditional alternative is route traffic HTTPS, but there are some downsides. Aside from managing the certificates, the overhead of HTTPS traffic can place additional strain on servers (although, to be honest, this has a lower impact than it did several years ago), and the traffic cannot easily be cached.

An alternative approach, as used extensively by Amazon’s S3 APIs for AWS and in parts of the OAuth specification, is to use a hash-based messaging code (HMAC) to sign the request.

With HMAC the body request along with a private key is hashed, and the resulting hash is sent along with the request. The server then uses its own copy of the private key and the request body to re-create the hash. If it matches, it allows the request. The nice thing here is that if a man in the middle messes with the request, then the hash won’t match and the server knows the request has been tampered with. And the private key is never sent in the request, so it cannot be compromised in transit! The added benefit is that this traffic can then more easily be cached, and the overhead of generating the hashes may well be lower than handling HTTPS traffic (although your mileage may vary).

There are three downsides to this approach. First, both the client and server need a shared secret that needs to be communicated somehow. How do they share it? It could be hardcoded at both ends, but then you have the problem of revoking access if the secret becomes compromised. If you communicate this key over some alternative protocol, then you need to make sure that that protocol is also very secure!

Second, this is a pattern, not a standard, and thus there are divergent ways of implementing it. As a result, there is a dearth of good, open, and usable implementations of this approach. In general, if this approach interests you, then do some more reading to understand the different ways it is done. I’d go as far as to say just look at how Amazon does this for S3 and copy its approach, especially using a sensible hashing function with a suitably long key like SHA-256. JSON web tokens (JWT) are also worth looking at, as they implement a very similar approach and seem to be gaining traction. But be aware of the difficulty of getting this stuff right. My colleague was working with a team that was implementing its own JWT implementation, omitted a single Boolean check, and invalidated its entire authentication code! Hopefully over time we’ll see more reusable library implementations.

Finally, understand that this approach ensures only that no third party has manipulated the request and that the private key itself remains private. The rest of the data in the request will still be visible to parties snooping on the network.

API Keys

All public APIs from services like Twitter, Google, Flickr, and AWS make use of API keys. API keys allow a service to identify who is making a call, and place limits on what they can do. Often the limits go beyond simply giving access to a resource, and can extend to actions like rate-limiting specific callers to protect quality of service for other people.

When it comes to using API keys to handle your own microservice-to-microservice approach, the exact mechanics of how it works will depend on the technology you use. Some systems use a single API key that is shared, and use an approach similar to HMAC as just described. A more common approach is to use a public and private key pair. Typically, you’ll manage keys centrally, just as we would manage identities of people centrally. The gateway model is very popular in this space.

Part of their popularity stems from the fact that API keys are focused on ease of use for programs. Compared to handling a SAML handshake, API key–based authentication is much simpler and more straightforward.

The exact capabilities of the systems vary, and you have multiple options in both the commercial and open source space. Some of the products just handle the API key exchange and some basic key management. Other tools offer everything up to and including rate limiting, monetization, API catalogs, and discovery systems.

Some API systems allow you to bridge API keys to existing directory services. This would allow you to issue API keys to principals (representing people or systems) in your organization, and control the lifecycle of those keys in the same way you’d manage their normal credentials. This opens up the possibility of allowing access to your services in different ways but keeping the same source of truth—for example, using SAML to authenticate humans for SSO, and using API keys for service-to-service communication, as shown in Figure 9-2.

Using directory services to synchronise Principal information between an SSO and an API gateway

Figure 9-2. Using directory services to synchronize principal information between an SSO and an API gateway

The Deputy Problem

Having a principal authenticate with a given microserservice is simple enough. But what happens if that service then needs to make additional calls to complete an operation? Take a look at Figure 9-3, which illustrates MusicCorp’s online shopping site. Our online shop is a browser-based JavaScript UI. It makes calls to a server-side shop application, using the backends-for-frontends pattern we described in Chapter 4. Calls made between the browser and server calls can be authenticated using SAML or OpenID Connect or similar. So far, so good.

When I am logged in, I can click on a link to view details of an order. To display the information, we need to pull back the original order from the order service, but we also want to look up shipping information for the order. So clicking the link to /orderStatus/12345 causes the online shop to initiate a call from the online shop service to both the order service and shipping service asking for those details. But should these downstream services accept the calls from the online shop? We could adopt a stance of implicit trust—that because the call came from within our perimeter, it is OK. We could even use certificates or API keys to confirm that yes, it really is the online shop asking for this information. But is this enough?

An example where a confused deputy could come into play

Figure 9-3. An example where a confused deputy could come into play

There is a type of vulnerability called the confused deputy problem, which in the context of service-to-service communication refers to a situation where a malicious party can trick a deputy service into making calls to a downstream service on his behalf that he shouldn’t be able to. For example, as a customer, when I log in to the online shopping system, I can see my account details. What if I could trick the online shopping UI into making a request for someone else’s details, maybe by making a call with my logged-in credentials?

In this example, what is to stop me from asking for orders that are not mine? Once logged in, I could start sending requests for other orders that aren’t mine to see if I could get useful information. We could try to protect against this inside the online shop itself, by checking who the order is for and rejecting it if someone’s asking for things he shouldn’t. If we have lots of different applications that surface this information, though, we could potentially be duplicating this logic in lots of places.

We could route requests directly from the UI to the order service and allow it to validate the request, but then we hit the various downsides we discussed in Chapter 4. Alternatively, when the online shop sends the request to the order service, it could state not just what order it wants, but also on whose behalf it is asking. Some authentication schemes allow us to pass in the original principal’s credentials downstream, although with SAML this is a bit of a nightmare, involving nested SAML assertions that are technically achievable—but so difficult that no one ever does this. This can become even more complex, of course. Imagine if the services the online shop talks to in turn make more downstream calls. How far do we have to go in validating trust for all those deputies?

This problem, unfortunately, has no simple answer, because it isn’t a simple problem. Be aware that it exists, though. Depending on the sensitivity of the operation in question, you might have to choose between implicit trust, verifying the identity of the caller, or asking the caller to provide the credentials of the original principal.

Securing Data at Rest

Data lying about is a liability, especially if it is sensitive. Hopefully we’ve done everything we can to ensure attackers cannot breach our network, and also that they cannot breach our applications or operating systems to get access to the underlying close up. However, we need to be prepared in case they do—defense in depth is key.

Many of the high-profile security breaches involve data at rest being acquired by an attacker, and that data being readable by the attacker. This is either because the data was stored in an unencrypted form, or because the mechanism used to protect the data had a fundamental flaw.

The mechanisms by which secure information can be protected are many and varied, but whichever approach you pick there are some general things to bear in mind.

Go with the Well Known

The easiest way you can mess up data encryption is to try to implement your own encryption algorithms, or even try to implement someone else’s. Whatever programming language you use, you’ll have access to reviewed, regularly patched implementations of well-regarded encryption algorithms. Use those! And subscribe to the mailing lists/advisory lists for the technology you choose to make sure you are aware of vulnerabilities as they are found so you can keep them patched and up to date.

For encryption at rest, unless you have a very good reason for picking something else, pick a well-known implementation of AES-128 or AES-256 for your platform.3 Both the Java and .NET runtimes include implementations of AES that are highly likely to be well tested (and well patched), but separate libraries exist for most platforms too—for example, the Bouncy Castle libraries for Java and C#.

For passwords, you should consider using a technique called salted password hashing.

Badly implemented encryption could be worse than having none, as the false sense of security (pardon the pun) can lead you to take your eye off the ball.

It’s All About the Keys

As has been covered so far, encryption relies on an algorithm taking the data to be encrypted and a key and then producing the encrypted data. So, where is your key stored? Now if I am encrypting my data because I am worried about someone stealing my whole database, and I store the key I use in the same database, then I haven’t really achieved much! Therefore, we need to store the keys somewhere else. But where?

One solution is to use a separate security appliance to encrypt and decrypt data. Another is to use a separate key vault that your service can access when it needs a key. The lifecycle management of the keys (and access to change them) can be a vital operation, and these systems can handle this for you.

Some databases even include built-in support for encryption, such as SQL Server’s Transparent Data Encryption, that aim to handle this in a transparent fashion. Even if your database of choice does, research how the keys are handled and understand if the threat you are protecting against is actually being mitigated.

Again, this stuff is complex. Avoid implementing your own, and do some good research!

Pick Your Targets

Assuming everything should be encrypted can simplify things somewhat. There is no guesswork about what should or should not be protected. However, you’ll still need to think about what data can be put into logfiles to help problem identification, and the computational overhead of encrypting everything can become pretty onerous, needing more powerful hardware as a result. This is even more challenging when you’re applying database migrations as part of refactoring schemas. Depending on the changes being made, the data may need to be decrypted, migrated, and re-encrypted.

By subdividing your system into more fine-grained services, you might identify an entire data store that can be encrypted wholesale, but even then it is unlikely. Limiting this encryption to a known set of tables is a sensible approach.

Decrypt on Demand

Encrypt data when you first see it. Only decrypt on demand, and ensure that data is never stored anywhere.

Encrypt Backups

Backups are good. We want to back up our important data, and almost by definition data we are worried enough about that we want to encrypt it is important enough to back up! So it may seem like an obvious point, but we need to make sure that our backups are also encrypted. This also means that we need to know which keys are needed to handle which version of data, especially if the keys change. Having clear key management becomes fairly important.

Defense in Depth

As I’ve mentioned earlier, I dislike putting all our eggs in one basket. It’s all about defence in depth. We’ve talked already about securing data in transit, and securing data at rest. But are there other protections we could put in place to help?


Having one or more firewalls is a very sensible precaution to take. Some are very simple, able only to restrict access to certain types of traffic on certain ports. Others are more sophisticated. ModSecurity, for example, is a type of application firewall that can help throttle connections from certain IP ranges and detect other sorts of malicious attacks.

There is value in having more than one firewall. For example, you may decide to use IPTables locally on a host to secure that host, setting up the allowable ingress and egress. These rules could be tailored to the locally running services, with a firewall at the perimeter for controlling general access.


Good logging, and specifically the ability to aggregate logs from multiple systems, is not about prevention, but can help with detecting and recovering from bad things happening. For example, after applying security patches you can often see in logs if people have been exploiting certain vulnerabilities. Patching makes sure it won’t happen again, but if it already has happened, you may need to go into recovery mode. Having logs available allows you to see if something bad happened after the fact.

Note, however, that we need to be careful about what information we store in our logs! Sensitive information needs to be culled to ensure we aren’t leaking important data into our logs, which could end up being a great target for attackers.

Intrusion Detection (and Prevention) System

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) can monitor networks or hosts for suspicious behavior, reporting problems when it sees them. Intrusion prevention systems (IPS), as well as monitoring for suspicious activity, can step in to stop it from happening. Unlike a firewall, which is primarily looking outward to stop bad things from getting in, IDS and IPS are actively looking inside the perimeter for suspect behavior. When you’re starting from scratch, IDS may make most sense. These systems are heuristic-based (as are many application firewalls), and it is possible that the generic starting set of rules will either be too lenient or not lenient enough for how your service behaves. Using a more passive IDS to alert you to problems is a good way to tune your rules before using it in a more active capacity.

Network Segregation

With a monolithic system, we have limits to how we can structure our networks to provide additional protections. With microservices, though, you can put them into different network segments to further control how services talk to each other. AWS, for example, provides the ability to automatically provision a virtual private cloud (VPC), which allow hosts to live in separate subnets. You can then specify which VPCs can see each other by defining peering rules, and even route traffic through gateways to proxy access, giving you in effect multiple perimeters at which additional security measures can be put into place.

This could allow you to segment networks based on team ownership, or perhaps by risk level.

Operating System

Our systems rely on a large amount of software that we didn’t write, and may have security vulnerabilities that could expose our application, namely our operating systems and the other supporting tools we run on them. Here, basic advice can get you a long way. Start with only running services as OS users that have as few permissions as possible, to ensure that if such an account is compromised it will do minimal damage.

Next, patch your software. Regularly. This needs to be automated, and you need to know if your machines are out of sync with the latest patch levels. Tools like Microsoft’s SCCM or RedHat’s Spacewalk can be beneficial here, as they can help you see if machines are up to date with the latest patches and initiate updates if required. If you are using tools like Ansible, Puppet, or Chef, chances are you are already fairly happy with pushing out changes automatically—these tools can get you a long way too, but won’t do everything for you.

This really is basic stuff, but it is surprising how often I see critical software running on unpatched, old operating systems. You can have the most well-defined and protected application-level security in the world, but if you have an old version of a web server running on your machine as root that has an unpatched buffer overflow vulnerability, then your system could still be extremely vulnerable.

Another thing to look at if you are using Linux is the emergence of security modules for the operating system itself. AppArmour, for example, allows you to define how your application is expected to behave, with the kernel keeping an eye on it. If it starts doing something it shouldn’t, the kernel steps in. AppArmour has been around for a while, as has SeLinux. Although technically either of them should work on any modern Linux system, in practice some distributions support one better than the other. AppArmour is used by default in Ubuntu and SuSE, for example, whereas SELinux has traditionally been well supported by RedHat. A newer option is GrSSecurity, which aims to be simpler to use than either AppArmour or GrSecurity while also trying to expand on their capabilities, but it requires a custom kernel to work. I’d suggest taking a look at all three to see which fits your use cases best, but I like the idea of having another layer of protection and prevention at work.

A Worked Example

Having a finer-grained system architecture gives us much more freedom in how we implement our security. For those parts that deal with the most sensitive information or expose the most valuable capabilities, we can adopt the strictest security provisions. But for other parts of the system, we can afford to be much more lax in what we worry about.

Let’s consider MusicCorp once again, and pull some of the preceding concepts together to see where and how we might use some of these security techniques. We’re looking primarily at the security concerns of data in transit and at rest. Figure 9-4 shows a subset of the overall system that we’ll be analyzing, which currently shows a crushing lack of regard for security concerns. Everything is sent over plain old HTTP.

A subset of MusicCorp's unfortunately nonsecure architecture

Figure 9-4. A subset of MusicCorp’s unfortunately insecure architecture

Here we have standard web browsers that are used by our customers to shop on the site. We also introduce the concept of a third-party royalty gateway: we’ve started working with a third-party company that will handle royalty payments for our new streaming service. It contacts us occasionally to pull down records of what music has been streamed when—information we jealously protect as we are worried about competition from rival companies. Finally, we expose our catalog data to other third parties—for example, allowing the metadata about artist or song to be embedded in music review sites. Inside our network perimeter, we have some collaborating services, which are only ever used internally.

For the browser, we’ll use a mix of standard HTTP traffic for nonsecure content, to allow for it to be cached. For secure, logged-in pages, all secure content will be sent over HTTPS, giving our customers extra protection if they are doing things like running on public WiFi networks.

When it comes to the third-party royalty payment system, we are concerned not only about the nature of the data we are exposing, but also about making sure the requests we’re getting are legitimate. Here, we insist that our third party uses client certificates. All the data is sent over a secure, cryptographic channel, increasing our ability to ensure we’re being asked for this data by the right person. We do, of course, have to think about what happens when the data leaves our control. Will our partner care about the data as much as we will?

For the feeds of catalog data, we want this information shared as widely as possible to allow people to easily buy music from us! However, we don’t want this abused, and we’d like some idea of who is using our data. Here, API keys make perfect sense.

Inside the network perimeter, things are a bit more nuanced. How worried are we about people compromising our internal networks? Ideally, we’d like to use HTTPS at a minimum, but managing it is somewhat painful. We decide instead to put the work (initially, at least) into hardening our network perimeter, including having a properly configured firewall and selecting an appropriate hardware or software security appliance to check for malicious traffic (e.g., port scanning or denial-of-service attacks).

That said, we are concerned about some of our data and where it lives. We aren’t worried about the catalog service; after all, we want that data shared and have provided an API for it! But we are very concerned about our customers’ data. Here, we decide to encrypt the data held by the customer service, and decrypt data on read. If attackers do penetrate our network, they could still run requests against the customer service’s API, but the current implementation does not allow for the bulk retrieval of customer data. If it did, we would likely consider the use of client certificates to protect this information. Even if attackers compromise the machine the database is running on and manage to download the entire contents, they would need access to the key used to encrypt and decrypt the data to make use if it.

Figure 9-5 shows the final picture. As you can see, the choices we made about what technology to use were based on an understanding of the nature of the information being secured. Your own architecture’s security concerns are likely to be very different, and so you may end up with a different-looking solution.

MusicCorp's more secure system

Figure 9-5. MusicCorp’s more secure system

Be Frugal

As disk space becomes cheaper and the capabilities of the databases improve, the ease with which bulk amounts of information can be captured and stored is improving rapidly. This data is valuable—not only to businesses themselves, which increasingly see data as a valuable asset, but equally to the users who value their own privacy. The data that pertains to an individual, or could be used to derive information about an individual, must be the data we are most careful about.

However, what if we made our lives a bit easier? Why not scrub as much information as possible that can be personally identifiable, and do it as soon as possible? When logging a request from a user, do we need to store the entire IP address forever, or could we replace the last few digits with x? Do we need to store someone’s name, age, gender, and date of birth in order to provide her with product offers, or is her age range and postcode enough information?

The advantages here are manifold. First, if you don’t store it, no one can steal it. Second, if you don’t store it, no one (e.g., a governmental agency) can ask for it either!

The German phrase Datensparsamkeit represents this concept. Originating from German privacy legislation, it encapsulates the concept of only storing as much information as is absolutely required to fulfill business operations or satisfy local laws.

This is obviously in direct tension with the move toward storing more and more information, but it is a start to realize that this tension even exists!

The Human Element

Much of what we have covered here is the basics of how to implement technological safeguards to protect your systems and data from malicious, external attackers. However, you may also need processes and policies in place to deal with the human element in your organization. How do you revoke access to credentials when someone leaves the organization? How can you protect yourself against social engineering? As a good mental exercise, consider what damage a disgruntled ex-employee could do to your systems if she wanted to. Putting yourself in the mindset of a malicious party is often a good way to reason about the protections you may need, and few malicious parties have as much inside information as a recent employee!

The Golden Rule

If there is nothing else you take away from this chapter, let it be this: don’t write your own crypto. Don’t invent your own security protocols. Unless you are a cryptographic expert with years of experience, if you try inventing your own encoding or elaborate cryptographic protections, you will get it wrong. And even if you are a cryptographic expert, you may still get it wrong.

Many of the tools previously outlined, like AES, are industry-hardened technologies whose underlying algorithms have been peer reviewed, and whose software implementation has been rigorously tested and patched over many years. They are good enough! Reinventing the wheel in many cases is often just a waste of time, but when it comes to security it can be outright dangerous.

Baking Security In

Just as with automated functional testing, we don’t want security to be left to a different set of people, nor do we want to leave everything to the last minute. Helping educate developers about security concerns is key, as raising everyone’s general awareness of security issues can help reduce them in the first place. Getting people familar with the OWASP Top Ten list and OWASP’s Security Testing Framework can be a great place to start. Specialists absolutely have their place, though, and if you have access to them, use them to help you.

There are automated tools that can probe our systems for vulnerabilities, such as by looking for cross-site scripting attacks. The Zed Attack Proxy (aka ZAP) is a good example. Informed by the work of OWASP, ZAP attempts to re-create malicious attacks on your website. Other tools exist that use static analysis to look for common coding mistakes that can open up security holes, such as Brakeman for Ruby. Where these tools can be easily integrated into normal CI builds, integrate them into your standard check-ins. Other sorts of automated tests are more involved. For example, using something like Nessus to scan for vulnerabilities is a bit more involved and it may require a human to interpret the results. That said, these tests are still automatable, and it may make sense to run them with the same sort of cadence as load testing.

Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle also has some good models for how delivery teams can bake security in. Some aspects of it feel overly waterfall, but take a look and see what aspects can fit into your current workflow.

External Verification

With security, I think there is great value in having an external assessment done. Exercises like penetration testing, when done by an outside party, really do mimic real-world attempts. They also sidestep the issue that teams aren’t always able to see the mistakes they have made themselves, as they are too close to the problem. If you’re a big enough company, you may have a dedicated infosec team that can help you. If not, find an external party who can. Reach out to them early, understand how they like to work, and find out how much notice they need to do a test.

You’ll also need to consider how much verification you require before each release. Generally, doing a full penetration test, for example, isn’t needed for small incremental releases, but may be for larger changes. What you need depends on your own risk profile.


So again we return to a core theme of the book—that having a system decomposed into finer-grained services gives us many more options as to how to solve a problem. Not only can having microservices potentially reduce the impact of any given breach, but it also gives us more ability to trade off the overhead of more complex and secure approaches where data is sensitive, and a lighter-weight approach when the risks are lower.

Once you understand the threat levels of different parts of your system, you should start to get a sense of when to consider security during transit, at rest, or not at all.

Finally, understand the importance of defense in depth, make sure you patch your operating systems, and even if you consider yourself a rock star, don’t try to implement your own cryptography!

If you want a general overview of security for browser-based applications, a great place to start is the excellent Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) nonprofit, whose regularly updated Top 10 Security Risk document should be considered essential reading for any developer. Finally, if you want a more general discussion of cryptography, check out the book Cryptography Engineering by Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno (Wiley).

Getting to grips with security is often about understanding people and how they work with our systems. One human-related aspect we haven’t yet discussed in terms of microservices is the interplay between organizational structures and the architectures themselves. But as with security, we’ll see that ignoring the human element can be a grave mistake.

3 In general, key length increases the amount of work required to brute-force-break a key. Therefore you can assume the longer the key, the more secure your data. However, some minor concerns have been raised about the implementation of AES-256 for certain types of keys by respected security expert Bruce Schneier. This is one of those areas where you need to do more research on what the current advice is at the time of reading!