Full-Text Search - Search in Depth - Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Part II. Search in Depth

Chapter 13. Full-Text Search

Now that we have covered the simple case of searching for structured data, it is time to explore full-text search: how to search within full-text fields in order to find the most relevant documents.

The two most important aspects of full-text search are as follows:


The ability to rank results by how relevant they are to the given query, whether relevance is calculated using TF/IDF (see “What Is Relevance?”), proximity to a geolocation, fuzzy similarity, or some other algorithm.


The process of converting a block of text into distinct, normalized tokens (see “Analysis and Analyzers”) in order to (a) create an inverted index and (b) query the inverted index.

As soon as we talk about either relevance or analysis, we are in the territory of queries, rather than filters.

Term-Based Versus Full-Text

While all queries perform some sort of relevance calculation, not all queries have an analysis phase. Besides specialized queries like the bool or function_score queries, which don’t operate on text at all, textual queries can be broken down into two families:

Term-based queries

Queries like the term or fuzzy queries are low-level queries that have no analysis phase. They operate on a single term. A term query for the term Foo looks for that exact term in the inverted index and calculates the TF/IDF relevance _score for each document that contains the term.

It is important to remember that the term query looks in the inverted index for the exact term only; it won’t match any variants like foo or FOO. It doesn’t matter how the term came to be in the index, just that it is. If you were to index ["Foo","Bar"] into an exact valuenot_analyzed field, or Foo Bar into an analyzed field with the whitespace analyzer, both would result in having the two terms Foo and Bar in the inverted index.

Full-text queries

Queries like the match or query_string queries are high-level queries that understand the mapping of a field:

§ If you use them to query a date or integer field, they will treat the query string as a date or integer, respectively.

§ If you query an exact value (not_analyzed) string field, they will treat the whole query string as a single term.

§ But if you query a full-text (analyzed) field, they will first pass the query string through the appropriate analyzer to produce the list of terms to be queried.

Once the query has assembled a list of terms, it executes the appropriate low-level query for each of these terms, and then combines their results to produce the final relevance score for each document.

We will discuss this process in more detail in the following chapters.

You seldom need to use the term-based queries directly. Usually you want to query full text, not individual terms, and this is easier to do with the high-level full-text queries (which end up using term-based queries internally).


If you do find yourself wanting to use a query on an exact value not_analyzed field, think about whether you really want a query or a filter.

Single-term queries usually represent binary yes/no questions and are almost always better expressed as a filter, so that they can benefit from filter caching:

GET /_search


"query": {

"filtered": {

"filter": {

"term": { "gender": "female" }





The match Query

The match query is the go-to query—the first query that you should reach for whenever you need to query any field. It is a high-level full-text query, meaning that it knows how to deal with both full-text fields and exact-value fields.

That said, the main use case for the match query is for full-text search. So let’s take a look at how full-text search works with a simple example.

Index Some Data

First, we’ll create a new index and index some documents using the bulk API:

DELETE /my_index 1

PUT /my_index

{ "settings": { "number_of_shards": 1 }} 2

POST /my_index/my_type/_bulk

{ "index": { "_id": 1 }}

{ "title": "The quick brown fox" }

{ "index": { "_id": 2 }}

{ "title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" }

{ "index": { "_id": 3 }}

{ "title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the quick dog" }

{ "index": { "_id": 4 }}

{ "title": "Brown fox brown dog" }


Delete the index in case it already exists.


Later, in “Relevance Is Broken!”, we explain why we created this index with only one primary shard.

A Single-Word Query

Our first example explains what happens when we use the match query to search within a full-text field for a single word:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"title": "QUICK!"




Elasticsearch executes the preceding match query as follows:

1. Check the field type.

The title field is a full-text (analyzed) string field, which means that the query string should be analyzed too.

2. Analyze the query string.

The query string QUICK! is passed through the standard analyzer, which results in the single term quick. Because we have a just a single term, the match query can be executed as a single low-level term query.

3. Find matching docs.

The term query looks up quick in the inverted index and retrieves the list of documents that contain that term—in this case, documents 1, 2, and 3.

4. Score each doc.

The term query calculates the relevance _score for each matching document, by combining the term frequency (how often quick appears in the title field of each document), with the inverse document frequency (how often quick appears in the title field in all documents in the index), and the length of each field (shorter fields are considered more relevant). See “What Is Relevance?”.

This process gives us the following (abbreviated) results:

"hits": [


"_id": "1",

"_score": 0.5, 1

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox"




"_id": "3",

"_score": 0.44194174, 2

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the quick dog"




"_id": "2",

"_score": 0.3125, 2

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"





Document 1 is most relevant because its title field is short, which means that quick represents a large portion of its content.


Document 3 is more relevant than document 2 because quick appears twice.

Multiword Queries

If we could search for only one word at a time, full-text search would be pretty inflexible. Fortunately, the match query makes multiword queries just as simple:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"title": "BROWN DOG!"




The preceding query returns all four documents in the results list:


"hits": [


"_id": "4",

"_score": 0.73185337, 1

"_source": {

"title": "Brown fox brown dog"




"_id": "2",

"_score": 0.47486103, 2

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"




"_id": "3",

"_score": 0.47486103, 2

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the quick dog"




"_id": "1",

"_score": 0.11914785, 3

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox"






Document 4 is the most relevant because it contains "brown" twice and "dog" once.


Documents 2 and 3 both contain brown and dog once each, and the title field is the same length in both docs, so they have the same score.


Document 1 matches even though it contains only brown, not dog.

Because the match query has to look for two terms—["brown","dog"]—internally it has to execute two term queries and combine their individual results into the overall result. To do this, it wraps the two term queries in a bool query, which we examine in detail in “Combining Queries”.

The important thing to take away from this is that any document whose title field contains at least one of the specified terms will match the query. The more terms that match, the more relevant the document.

Improving Precision

Matching any document that contains any of the query terms may result in a long tail of seemingly irrelevant results. It’s a shotgun approach to search. Perhaps we want to show only documents that contain all of the query terms. In other words, instead of brown OR dog, we want to return only documents that match brown AND dog.

The match query accepts an operator parameter that defaults to or. You can change it to and to require that all specified terms must match:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"title": { 1

"query": "BROWN DOG!",

"operator": "and"






The structure of the match query has to change slightly in order to accommodate the operator parameter.

This query would exclude document 1, which contains only one of the two terms.

Controlling Precision

The choice between all and any is a bit too black-or-white. What if the user specified five query terms, and a document contains only four of them? Setting operator to and would exclude this document.

Sometimes that is exactly what you want, but for most full-text search use cases, you want to include documents that may be relevant but exclude those that are unlikely to be relevant. In other words, we need something in-between.

The match query supports the minimum_should_match parameter, which allows you to specify the number of terms that must match for a document to be considered relevant. While you can specify an absolute number of terms, it usually makes sense to specify a percentage instead, as you have no control over the number of words the user may enter:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"title": {

"query": "quick brown dog",

"minimum_should_match": "75%"





When specified as a percentage, minimum_should_match does the right thing: in the preceding example with three terms, 75% would be rounded down to 66.6%, or two out of the three terms. No matter what you set it to, at least one term must match for a document to be considered a match.


The minimum_should_match parameter is flexible, and different rules can be applied depending on the number of terms the user enters. For the full documentation see the minimum_should_match reference documentation.

To fully understand how the match query handles multiword queries, we need to look at how to combine multiple queries with the bool query.

Combining Queries

In “Combining Filters” we discussed how to, use the bool filter to combine multiple filter clauses with and, or, and not logic. In query land, the bool query does a similar job but with one important difference.

Filters make a binary decision: should this document be included in the results list or not? Queries, however, are more subtle. They decide not only whether to include a document, but also how relevant that document is.

Like the filter equivalent, the bool query accepts multiple query clauses under the must, must_not, and should parameters. For instance:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"bool": {

"must": { "match": { "title": "quick" }},

"must_not": { "match": { "title": "lazy" }},

"should": [

{ "match": { "title": "brown" }},

{ "match": { "title": "dog" }}





The results from the preceding query include any document whose title field contains the term quick, except for those that also contain lazy. So far, this is pretty similar to how the bool filter works.

The difference comes in with the two should clauses, which say that: a document is not required to contain either brown or dog, but if it does, then it should be considered more relevant:


"hits": [


"_id": "3",

"_score": 0.70134366, 1

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox jumps over the quick dog"




"_id": "1",

"_score": 0.3312608,

"_source": {

"title": "The quick brown fox"






Document 3 scores higher because it contains both brown and dog.

Score Calculation

The bool query calculates the relevance _score for each document by adding together the _score from all of the matching must and should clauses, and then dividing by the total number of must and should clauses.

The must_not clauses do not affect the score; their only purpose is to exclude documents that might otherwise have been included.

Controlling Precision

All the must clauses must match, and all the must_not clauses must not match, but how many should clauses should match? By default, none of the should clauses are required to match, with one exception: if there are no must clauses, then at least one should clause must match.

Just as we can control the precision of the match query, we can control how many should clauses need to match by using the minimum_should_match parameter, either as an absolute number or as a percentage:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"bool": {

"should": [

{ "match": { "title": "brown" }},

{ "match": { "title": "fox" }},

{ "match": { "title": "dog" }}


"minimum_should_match": 2 1





This could also be expressed as a percentage.

The results would include only documents whose title field contains "brown" AND "fox", "brown" AND "dog", or "fox" AND "dog". If a document contains all three, it would be considered more relevant than those that contain just two of the three.

How match Uses bool

By now, you have probably realized that multiword match queries simply wrap the generated term queries in a bool query. With the default or operator, each term query is added as a should clause, so at least one clause must match. These two queries are equivalent:


"match": { "title": "brown fox"}



"bool": {

"should": [

{ "term": { "title": "brown" }},

{ "term": { "title": "fox" }}




With the and operator, all the term queries are added as must clauses, so all clauses must match. These two queries are equivalent:


"match": {

"title": {

"query": "brown fox",

"operator": "and"





"bool": {

"must": [

{ "term": { "title": "brown" }},

{ "term": { "title": "fox" }}




And if the minimum_should_match parameter is specified, it is passed directly through to the bool query, making these two queries equivalent:


"match": {

"title": {

"query": "quick brown fox",

"minimum_should_match": "75%"





"bool": {

"should": [

{ "term": { "title": "brown" }},

{ "term": { "title": "fox" }},

{ "term": { "title": "quick" }}


"minimum_should_match": 2 1




Because there are only three clauses, the minimum_should_match value of 75% in the match query is rounded down to 2. At least two out of the three should clauses must match.

Of course, we would normally write these types of queries by using the match query, but understanding how the match query works internally lets you take control of the process when you need to. Some things can’t be done with a single match query, such as give more weight to some query terms than to others. We will look at an example of this in the next section.

Boosting Query Clauses

Of course, the bool query isn’t restricted to combining simple one-word match queries. It can combine any other query, including other bool queries. It is commonly used to fine-tune the relevance _score for each document by combining the scores from several distinct queries.

Imagine that we want to search for documents about “full-text search,” but we want to give more weight to documents that also mention “Elasticsearch” or “Lucene.” By more weight, we mean that documents mentioning “Elasticsearch” or “Lucene” will receive a higher relevance _scorethan those that don’t, which means that they will appear higher in the list of results.

A simple bool query allows us to write this fairly complex logic as follows:

GET /_search


"query": {

"bool": {

"must": {

"match": {

"content": { 1

"query": "full text search",

"operator": "and"




"should": [ 2

{ "match": { "content": "Elasticsearch" }},

{ "match": { "content": "Lucene" }}






The content field must contain all of the words full, text, and search.


If the content field also contains Elasticsearch or Lucene, the document will receive a higher _score.

The more should clauses that match, the more relevant the document. So far, so good.

But what if we want to give more weight to the docs that contain Lucene and even more weight to the docs containing Elasticsearch?

We can control the relative weight of any query clause by specifying a boost value, which defaults to 1. A boost value greater than 1 increases the relative weight of that clause. So we could rewrite the preceding query as follows:

GET /_search


"query": {

"bool": {

"must": {

"match": { 1

"content": {

"query": "full text search",

"operator": "and"




"should": [

{ "match": {

"content": {

"query": "Elasticsearch",

"boost": 3 2



{ "match": {

"content": {

"query": "Lucene",

"boost": 2 3








These clauses use the default boost of 1.


This clause is the most important, as it has the highest boost.


This clause is more important than the default, but not as important as the Elasticsearch clause.


The boost parameter is used to increase the relative weight of a clause (with a boost greater than 1) or decrease the relative weight (with a boost between 0 and 1), but the increase or decrease is not linear. In other words, a boost of 2 does not result in double the _score.

Instead, the new _score is normalized after the boost is applied. Each type of query has its own normalization algorithm, and the details are beyond the scope of this book. Suffice to say that a higher boost value results in a higher _score.

If you are implementing your own scoring model not based on TF/IDF and you need more control over the boosting process, you can use the function_score query to manipulate a document’s boost without the normalization step.

We present other ways of combining queries in the next chapter, Chapter 14. But first, let’s take a look at the other important feature of queries: text analysis.

Controlling Analysis

Queries can find only terms that actually exist in the inverted index, so it is important to ensure that the same analysis process is applied both to the document at index time, and to the query string at search time so that the terms in the query match the terms in the inverted index.

Although we say document, analyzers are determined per field. Each field can have a different analyzer, either by configuring a specific analyzer for that field or by falling back on the type, index, or node defaults. At index time, a field’s value is analyzed by using the configured or default analyzer for that field.

For instance, let’s add a new field to my_index:

PUT /my_index/_mapping/my_type


"my_type": {

"properties": {

"english_title": {

"type": "string",

"analyzer": "english"





Now we can compare how values in the english_title field and the title field are analyzed at index time by using the analyze API to analyze the word Foxes:

GET /my_index/_analyze?field=my_type.title 1


GET /my_index/_analyze?field=my_type.english_title 2



Field title, which uses the default standard analyzer, will return the term foxes.


Field english_title, which uses the english analyzer, will return the term fox.

This means that, were we to run a low-level term query for the exact term fox, the english_title field would match but the title field would not.

High-level queries like the match query understand field mappings and can apply the correct analyzer for each field being queried. We can see this in action with the validate-query API:

GET /my_index/my_type/_validate/query?explain


"query": {

"bool": {

"should": [

{ "match": { "title": "Foxes"}},

{ "match": { "english_title": "Foxes"}}





which returns this explanation:

(title:foxes english_title:fox)

The match query uses the appropriate analyzer for each field to ensure that it looks for each term in the correct format for that field.

Default Analyzers

While we can specify an analyzer at the field level, how do we determine which analyzer is used for a field if none is specified at the field level?

Analyzers can be specified at several levels. Elasticsearch works through each level until it finds an analyzer that it can use. At index time, the order is as follows:

§ The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The analyzer defined in the _analyzer field of the document, else

§ The default analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default at node level, which defaults to

§ The standard analyzer

At search time, the sequence is slightly different:

§ The analyzer defined in the query itself, else

§ The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The default analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default at node level, which defaults to

§ The standard analyzer


The two lines in italics in the preceding lists highlight differences in the index time sequence and the search time sequence. The _analyzer field allows you to specify a default analyzer for each document (for example, english, french, spanish) while the analyzer parameter in the query specifies which analyzer to use on the query string. However, this is not the best way to handle multiple languages in a single index because of the pitfalls highlighted in Part III.

Occasionally, it makes sense to use a different analyzer at index and search time. For instance, at index time we may want to index synonyms (for example, for every occurrence of quick, we also index fast, rapid, and speedy). But at search time, we don’t need to search for all of these synonyms. Instead we can just look up the single word that the user has entered, be it quick, fast, rapid, or speedy.

To enable this distinction, Elasticsearch also supports the index_analyzer and search_analyzer parameters, and analyzers named default_index and default_search.

Taking these extra parameters into account, the full sequence at index time really looks like this:

§ The index_analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The analyzer defined in the _analyzer field of the document, else

§ The default index_analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The default analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default_index in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default_index at node level, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default at node level, which defaults to

§ The standard analyzer

And at search time:

§ The analyzer defined in the query itself, else

§ The search_analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The analyzer defined in the field mapping, else

§ The default search_analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The default analyzer for the type, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default_search in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default in the index settings, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default_search at node level, which defaults to

§ The analyzer named default at node level, which defaults to

§ The standard analyzer

Configuring Analyzers in Practice

The sheer number of places where you can specify an analyzer is quite overwhelming. In practice, though, it is pretty simple.

Use index settings, not config files

The first thing to remember is that, even though you may start out using Elasticsearch for a single purpose or a single application such as logging, chances are that you will find more use cases and end up running several distinct applications on the same cluster. Each index needs to be independent and independently configurable. You don’t want to set defaults for one use case, only to have to override them for another use case later.

This rules out configuring analyzers at the node level. Additionally, configuring analyzers at the node level requires changing the config file on every node and restarting every node, which becomes a maintenance nightmare. It’s a much better idea to keep Elasticsearch running and to manage settings only via the API.

Keep it simple

Most of the time, you will know what fields your documents will contain ahead of time. The simplest approach is to set the analyzer for each full-text field when you create your index or add type mappings. While this approach is slightly more verbose, it enables you to easily see which analyzer is being applied to each field.

Typically, most of your string fields will be exact-value not_analyzed fields such as tags or enums, plus a handful of full-text fields that will use some default analyzer like standard or english or some other language. Then you may have one or two fields that need custom analysis: perhaps the title field needs to be indexed in a way that supports find-as-you-type.

You can set the default analyzer in the index to the analyzer you want to use for almost all full-text fields, and just configure the specialized analyzer on the one or two fields that need it. If, in your model, you need a different default analyzer per type, then use the type level analyzersetting instead.


A common work flow for time based data like logging is to create a new index per day on the fly by just indexing into it. While this work flow prevents you from creating your index up front, you can still use index templates to specify the settings and mappings that a new index should have.

Relevance Is Broken!

Before we move on to discussing more-complex queries in Chapter 14, let’s make a quick detour to explain why we created our test index with just one primary shard.

Every now and again a new user opens an issue claiming that sorting by relevance is broken and offering a short reproduction: the user indexes a few documents, runs a simple query, and finds apparently less-relevant results appearing above more-relevant results.

To understand why this happens, let’s imagine that we create an index with two primary shards and we index ten documents, six of which contain the word foo. It may happen that shard 1 contains three of the foo documents and shard 2 contains the other three. In other words, our documents are well distributed.

In “What Is Relevance?”, we described the default similarity algorithm used in Elasticsearch, called term frequency / inverse document frequency or TF/IDF. Term frequency counts the number of times a term appears within the field we are querying in the current document. The more times it appears, the more relevant is this document. The inverse document frequency takes into account how often a term appears as a percentage of all the documents in the index. The more frequently the term appears, the less weight it has.

However, for performance reasons, Elasticsearch doesn’t calculate the IDF across all documents in the index. Instead, each shard calculates a local IDF for the documents contained in that shard.

Because our documents are well distributed, the IDF for both shards will be the same. Now imagine instead that five of the foo documents are on shard 1, and the sixth document is on shard 2. In this scenario, the term foo is very common on one shard (and so of little importance), but rare on the other shard (and so much more important). These differences in IDF can produce incorrect results.

In practice, this is not a problem. The differences between local and global IDF diminish the more documents that you add to the index. With real-world volumes of data, the local IDFs soon even out. The problem is not that relevance is broken but that there is too little data.

For testing purposes, there are two ways we can work around this issue. The first is to create an index with one primary shard, as we did in the section introducing the match query. If you have only one shard, then the local IDF is the global IDF.

The second workaround is to add ?search_type=dfs_query_then_fetch to your search requests. The dfs stands for Distributed Frequency Search, and it tells Elasticsearch to first retrieve the local IDF from each shard in order to calculate the global IDF across the whole index.


Don’t use dfs_query_then_fetch in production. It really isn’t required. Just having enough data will ensure that your term frequencies are well distributed. There is no reason to add this extra DFS step to every query that you run.