Partial Matching - Search in Depth - Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (2015)

Part II. Search in Depth

Chapter 16. Partial Matching

A keen observer will notice that all the queries so far in this book have operated on whole terms. To match something, the smallest unit had to be a single term. You can find only terms that exist in the inverted index.

But what happens if you want to match parts of a term but not the whole thing? Partial matching allows users to specify a portion of the term they are looking for and find any words that contain that fragment.

The requirement to match on part of a term is less common in the full-text search-engine world than you might think. If you have come from an SQL background, you likely have, at some stage of your career, implemented a poor man’s full-text search using SQL constructs like this:

WHERE text LIKE "*quick*"

AND text LIKE "*brown*"

AND text LIKE "*fox*" 1


*fox* would match “fox” and “foxes.”

Of course, with Elasticsearch, we have the analysis process and the inverted index that remove the need for such brute-force techniques. To handle the case of matching both “fox” and “foxes,” we could simply use a stemmer to index words in their root form. There is no need to match partial terms.

That said, on some occasions partial matching can be useful. Common use cases include the following:

§ Matching postal codes, product serial numbers, or other not_analyzed values that start with a particular prefix or match a wildcard pattern or even a regular expression

§ search-as-you-type—displaying the most likely results before the user has finished typing the search terms

§ Matching in languages like German or Dutch, which contain long compound words, like Weltgesundheitsorganisation (World Health Organization)

We will start by examining prefix matching on exact-value not_analyzed fields.

Postcodes and Structured Data

We will use United Kingdom postcodes (postal codes in the United States) to illustrate how to use partial matching with structured data. UK postcodes have a well-defined structure. For instance, the postcode W1V 3DG can be broken down as follows:

§ W1V: This outer part identifies the postal area and district:

§ W indicates the area (one or two letters)

§ 1V indicates the district (one or two numbers, possibly followed by a letter

§ 3DG: This inner part identifies a street or building:

§ 3 indicates the sector (one number)

§ DG indicates the unit (two letters)

Let’s assume that we are indexing postcodes as exact-value not_analyzed fields, so we could create our index as follows:

PUT /my_index


"mappings": {

"address": {

"properties": {

"postcode": {

"type": "string",

"index": "not_analyzed"






And index some postcodes:

PUT /my_index/address/1

{ "postcode": "W1V 3DG" }

PUT /my_index/address/2

{ "postcode": "W2F 8HW" }

PUT /my_index/address/3

{ "postcode": "W1F 7HW" }

PUT /my_index/address/4

{ "postcode": "WC1N 1LZ" }

PUT /my_index/address/5

{ "postcode": "SW5 0BE" }

Now our data is ready to be queried.

prefix Query

To find all postcodes beginning with W1, we could use a simple prefix query:

GET /my_index/address/_search


"query": {

"prefix": {

"postcode": "W1"




The prefix query is a low-level query that works at the term level. It doesn’t analyze the query string before searching. It assumes that you have passed it the exact prefix that you want to find.


By default, the prefix query does no relevance scoring. It just finds matching documents and gives them all a score of 1. Really, it behaves more like a filter than a query. The only practical difference between the prefix query and the prefix filter is that the filter can be cached.

Previously, we said that “you can find only terms that exist in the inverted index,” but we haven’t done anything special to index these postcodes; each postcode is simply indexed as the exact value specified in each document. So how does the prefix query work?

Remember that the inverted index consists of a sorted list of unique terms (in this case, postcodes). For each term, it lists the IDs of the documents containing that term in the postings list. The inverted index for our example documents looks something like this:

Term: Doc IDs:


"SW5 0BE" | 5

"W1F 7HW" | 3

"W1V 3DG" | 1

"W2F 8HW" | 2

"WC1N 1LZ" | 4


To support prefix matching on the fly, the query does the following:

1. Skips through the terms list to find the first term beginning with W1.

2. Collects the associated document IDs.

3. Moves to the next term.

4. If that term also begins with W1, the query repeats from step 2; otherwise, we’re finished.

While this works fine for our small example, imagine that our inverted index contains a million postcodes beginning with W1. The prefix query would need to visit all one million terms in order to calculate the result!

And the shorter the prefix, the more terms need to be visited. If we were to look for the prefix W instead of W1, perhaps we would match 10 million terms instead of just one million.


The prefix query or filter are useful for ad hoc prefix matching, but should be used with care. They can be used freely on fields with a small number of terms, but they scale poorly and can put your cluster under a lot of strain. Try to limit their impact on your cluster by using a long prefix; this reduces the number of terms that need to be visited.

Later in this chapter, we present an alternative index-time solution that makes prefix matching much more efficient. But first, we’ll take a look at two related queries: the wildcard and regexp queries.

wildcard and regexp Queries

The wildcard query is a low-level, term-based query similar in nature to the prefix query, but it allows you to specify a pattern instead of just a prefix. It uses the standard shell wildcards: ? matches any character, and * matches zero or more characters.

This query would match the documents containing W1F 7HW and W2F 8HW:

GET /my_index/address/_search


"query": {

"wildcard": {

"postcode": "W?F*HW" 1





The ? matches the 1 and the 2, while the * matches the space and the 7 and 8.

Imagine now that you want to match all postcodes just in the W area. A prefix match would also include postcodes starting with WC, and you would have a similar problem with a wildcard match. We want to match only postcodes that begin with a W, followed by a number. The regexp query allows you to write these more complicated patterns:

GET /my_index/address/_search


"query": {

"regexp": {

"postcode": "W[0-9].+" 1





The regular expression says that the term must begin with a W, followed by any number from 0 to 9, followed by one or more other characters.

The wildcard and regexp queries work in exactly the same way as the prefix query. They also have to scan the list of terms in the inverted index to find all matching terms, and gather document IDs term by term. The only difference between them and the prefix query is that they support more-complex patterns.

This means that the same caveats apply. Running these queries on a field with many unique terms can be resource intensive indeed. Avoid using a pattern that starts with a wildcard (for example, *foo or, as a regexp, .*foo).

Whereas prefix matching can be made more efficient by preparing your data at index time, wildcard and regular expression matching can be done only at query time. These queries have their place but should be used sparingly.


The prefix, wildcard, and regexp queries operate on terms. If you use them to query an analyzed field, they will examine each term in the field, not the field as a whole.

For instance, let’s say that our title field contains “Quick brown fox” which produces the terms quick, brown, and fox.

This query would match:

{ "regexp": { "title": "br.*" }}

But neither of these queries would match:

{ "regexp": { "title": "Qu.*" }} 1

{ "regexp": { "title": "quick br*" }} 2


The term in the index is quick, not Quick.


quick and brown are separate terms.

Query-Time Search-as-You-Type

Leaving postcodes behind, let’s take a look at how prefix matching can help with full-text queries. Users have become accustomed to seeing search results before they have finished typing their query—so-called instant search, or search-as-you-type. Not only do users receive their search results in less time, but we can guide them toward results that actually exist in our index.

For instance, if a user types in johnnie walker bl, we would like to show results for Johnnie Walker Black Label and Johnnie Walker Blue Label before they can finish typing their query.

As always, there are more ways than one to skin a cat! We will start by looking at the way that is simplest to implement. You don’t need to prepare your data in any way; you can implement search-as-you-type at query time on any full-text field.

In “Phrase Matching”, we introduced the match_phrase query, which matches all the specified words in the same positions relative to each other. For-query time search-as-you-type, we can use a specialization of this query, called the match_phrase_prefix query:


"match_phrase_prefix" : {

"brand" : "johnnie walker bl"



This query behaves in the same way as the match_phrase query, except that it treats the last word in the query string as a prefix. In other words, the preceding example would look for the following:

§ johnnie

§ Followed by walker

§ Followed by words beginning with bl

If you were to run this query through the validate-query API, it would produce this explanation:

"johnnie walker bl*"

Like the match_phrase query, it accepts a slop parameter (see “Mixing It Up”) to make the word order and relative positions somewhat less rigid:


"match_phrase_prefix" : {

"brand" : {

"query": "walker johnnie bl", 1

"slop": 10





Even though the words are in the wrong order, the query still matches because we have set a high enough slop value to allow some flexibility in word positions.

However, it is always only the last word in the query string that is treated as a prefix.

Earlier, in “prefix Query”, we warned about the perils of the prefix—how prefix queries can be resource intensive. The same is true in this case. A prefix of a could match hundreds of thousands of terms. Not only would matching on this many terms be resource intensive, but it would also not be useful to the user.

We can limit the impact of the prefix expansion by setting max_expansions to a reasonable number, such as 50:


"match_phrase_prefix" : {

"brand" : {

"query": "johnnie walker bl",

"max_expansions": 50




The max_expansions parameter controls how many terms the prefix is allowed to match. It will find the first term starting with bl and keep collecting terms (in alphabetical order) until it either runs out of terms with prefix bl, or it has more terms than max_expansions.

Don’t forget that we have to run this query every time the user types another character, so it needs to be fast. If the first set of results isn’t what users are after, they’ll keep typing until they get the results that they want.

Index-Time Optimizations

All of the solutions we’ve talked about so far are implemented at query time. They don’t require any special mappings or indexing patterns; they simply work with the data that you’ve already indexed.

The flexibility of query-time operations comes at a cost: search performance. Sometimes it may make sense to move the cost away from the query. In a real- time web application, an additional 100ms may be too much latency to tolerate.

By preparing your data at index time, you can make your searches more flexible and improve performance. You still pay a price: increased index size and slightly slower indexing throughput, but it is a price you pay once at index time, instead of paying it on every query.

Your users will thank you.

Ngrams for Partial Matching

As we have said before, “You can find only terms that exist in the inverted index.” Although the prefix, wildcard, and regexp queries demonstrated that that is not strictly true, it is true that doing a single-term lookup is much faster than iterating through the terms list to find matching terms on the fly. Preparing your data for partial matching ahead of time will increase your search performance.

Preparing your data at index time means choosing the right analysis chain, and the tool that we use for partial matching is the n-gram. An n-gram can be best thought of as a moving window on a word. The n stands for a length. If we were to n-gram the word quick, the results would depend on the length we have chosen:

§ Length 1 (unigram): [ q, u, i, c, k ]

§ Length 2 (bigram): [ qu, ui, ic, ck ]

§ Length 3 (trigram): [ qui, uic, ick ]

§ Length 4 (four-gram): [ quic, uick ]

§ Length 5 (five-gram): [ quick ]

Plain n-grams are useful for matching somewhere within a word, a technique that we will use in “Ngrams for Compound Words”. However, for search-as-you-type, we use a specialized form of n-grams called edge n-grams. Edge n-grams are anchored to the beginning of the word. Edge n-gramming the word quick would result in this:

§ q

§ qu

§ qui

§ quic

§ quick

You may notice that this conforms exactly to the letters that a user searching for “quick” would type. In other words, these are the perfect terms to use for instant search!

Index-Time Search-as-You-Type

The first step to setting up index-time search-as-you-type is to define our analysis chain, which we discussed in “Configuring Analyzers”, but we will go over the steps again here.

Preparing the Index

The first step is to configure a custom edge_ngram token filter, which we will call the autocomplete_filter:


"filter": {

"autocomplete_filter": {

"type": "edge_ngram",

"min_gram": 1,

"max_gram": 20




This configuration says that, for any term that this token filter receives, it should produce an n-gram anchored to the start of the word of minimum length 1 and maximum length 20.

Then we need to use this token filter in a custom analyzer, which we will call the autocomplete analyzer:


"analyzer": {

"autocomplete": {

"type": "custom",

"tokenizer": "standard",

"filter": [


"autocomplete_filter" 1






Our custom edge-ngram token filter

This analyzer will tokenize a string into individual terms by using the standard tokenizer, lowercase each term, and then produce edge n-grams of each term, thanks to our autocomplete_filter.

The full request to create the index and instantiate the token filter and analyzer looks like this:

PUT /my_index


"settings": {

"number_of_shards": 1, 1

"analysis": {

"filter": {

"autocomplete_filter": { 2

"type": "edge_ngram",

"min_gram": 1,

"max_gram": 20



"analyzer": {

"autocomplete": {

"type": "custom",

"tokenizer": "standard",

"filter": [


"autocomplete_filter" 3








See “Relevance Is Broken!”.


First we define our custom token filter.


Then we use it in an analyzer.

You can test this new analyzer to make sure it is behaving correctly by using the analyze API:

GET /my_index/_analyze?analyzer=autocomplete

quick brown

The results show us that the analyzer is working correctly. It returns these terms:

§ q

§ qu

§ qui

§ quic

§ quick

§ b

§ br

§ bro

§ brow

§ brown

To use the analyzer, we need to apply it to a field, which we can do with the update-mapping API:

PUT /my_index/_mapping/my_type


"my_type": {

"properties": {

"name": {

"type": "string",

"analyzer": "autocomplete"





Now, we can index some test documents:

POST /my_index/my_type/_bulk

{ "index": { "_id": 1 }}

{ "name": "Brown foxes" }

{ "index": { "_id": 2 }}

{ "name": "Yellow furballs" }

Querying the Field

If you test out a query for “brown fo” by using a simple match query

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"name": "brown fo"




you will see that both documents match, even though the Yellow furballs doc contains neither brown nor fo:


"hits": [


"_id": "1",

"_score": 1.5753809,

"_source": {

"name": "Brown foxes"




"_id": "2",

"_score": 0.012520773,

"_source": {

"name": "Yellow furballs"





As always, the validate-query API shines some light:

GET /my_index/my_type/_validate/query?explain


"query": {

"match": {

"name": "brown fo"




The explanation shows us that the query is looking for edge n-grams of every word in the query string:

name:b name:br name:bro name:brow name:brown name:f name:fo

The name:f condition is satisfied by the second document because furballs has been indexed as f, fu, fur, and so forth. In retrospect, this is not surprising. The same autocomplete analyzer is being applied both at index time and at search time, which in most situations is the right thing to do. This is one of the few occasions when it makes sense to break this rule.

We want to ensure that our inverted index contains edge n-grams of every word, but we want to match only the full words that the user has entered (brown and fo). We can do this by using the autocomplete analyzer at index time and the standard analyzer at search time. One way to change the search analyzer is just to specify it in the query:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"name": {

"query": "brown fo",

"analyzer": "standard" 1






This overrides the analyzer setting on the name field.

Alternatively, we can specify the index_analyzer and search_analyzer in the mapping for the name field itself. Because we want to change only the search_analyzer, we can update the existing mapping without having to reindex our data:

PUT /my_index/my_type/_mapping


"my_type": {

"properties": {

"name": {

"type": "string",

"index_analyzer": "autocomplete", 1

"search_analyzer": "standard" 2






Use the autocomplete analyzer at index time to produce edge n-grams of every term.


Use the standard analyzer at search time to search only on the terms that the user has entered.

If we were to repeat the validate-query request, it would now give us this explanation:

name:brown name:fo

Repeating our query correctly returns just the Brown foxes document.

Because most of the work has been done at index time, all this query needs to do is to look up the two terms brown and fo, which is much more efficient than the match_phrase_prefix approach of having to find all terms beginning with fo.


Using edge n-grams for search-as-you-type is easy to set up, flexible, and fast. However, sometimes it is not fast enough. Latency matters, especially when you are trying to provide instant feedback. Sometimes the fastest way of searching is not to search at all.

The completion suggester in Elasticsearch takes a completely different approach. You feed it a list of all possible completions, and it builds them into a finite state transducer, an optimized data structure that resembles a big graph. To search for suggestions, Elasticsearch starts at the beginning of the graph and moves character by character along the matching path. Once it has run out of user input, it looks at all possible endings of the current path to produce a list of suggestions.

This data structure lives in memory and makes prefix lookups extremely fast, much faster than any term-based query could be. It is an excellent match for autocompletion of names and brands, whose words are usually organized in a common order: “Johnny Rotten” rather than “Rotten Johnny.”

When word order is less predictable, edge n-grams can be a better solution than the completion suggester. This particular cat may be skinned in myriad ways.

Edge n-grams and Postcodes

The edge n-gram approach can also be used for structured data, such as the postcodes example from earlier in this chapter. Of course, the postcode field would need to be analyzed instead of not_analyzed, but you could use the keyword tokenizer to treat the postcodes as if they werenot_analyzed.


The keyword tokenizer is the no-operation tokenizer, the tokenizer that does nothing. Whatever string it receives as input, it emits exactly the same string as a single token. It can therefore be used for values that we would normally treat as not_analyzed but that require some other analysis transformation such as lowercasing.

This example uses the keyword tokenizer to convert the postcode string into a token stream, so that we can use the edge n-gram token filter:


"analysis": {

"filter": {

"postcode_filter": {

"type": "edge_ngram",

"min_gram": 1,

"max_gram": 8



"analyzer": {

"postcode_index": { 1

"tokenizer": "keyword",

"filter": [ "postcode_filter" ]


"postcode_search": { 2

"tokenizer": "keyword"






The postcode_index analyzer would use the postcode_filter to turn postcodes into edge n-grams.


The postcode_search analyzer would treat search terms as if they were not_indexed.

Ngrams for Compound Words

Finally, let’s take a look at how n-grams can be used to search languages with compound words. German is famous for combining several small words into one massive compound word in order to capture precise or complex meanings. For example:


Pronunciation dictionary


Military history


White-headed sea eagle, or bald eagle


World Health Organization


The law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef

Somebody searching for “Wörterbuch” (dictionary) would probably expect to see “Aussprachewörtebuch” in the results list. Similarly, a search for “Adler” (eagle) should include “Weißkopfseeadler.”

One approach to indexing languages like this is to break compound words into their constituent parts using the compound word token filter. However, the quality of the results depends on how good your compound-word dictionary is.

Another approach is just to break all words into n-grams and to search for any matching fragments—the more fragments that match, the more relevant the document.

Given that an n-gram is a moving window on a word, an n-gram of any length will cover all of the word. We want to choose a length that is long enough to be meaningful, but not so long that we produce far too many unique terms. A trigram (length 3) is probably a good starting point:

PUT /my_index


"settings": {

"analysis": {

"filter": {

"trigrams_filter": {

"type": "ngram",

"min_gram": 3,

"max_gram": 3



"analyzer": {

"trigrams": {

"type": "custom",

"tokenizer": "standard",

"filter": [








"mappings": {

"my_type": {

"properties": {

"text": {

"type": "string",

"analyzer": "trigrams" 1







The text field uses the trigrams analyzer to index its contents as n-grams of length 3.

Testing the trigrams analyzer with the analyze API

GET /my_index/_analyze?analyzer=trigrams


returns these terms:

wei, eiß, ißk, ßko, kop, opf, pfs, fse, see, eea,ead, adl, dle, ler

We can index our example compound words to test this approach:

POST /my_index/my_type/_bulk

{ "index": { "_id": 1 }}

{ "text": "Aussprachewörterbuch" }

{ "index": { "_id": 2 }}

{ "text": "Militärgeschichte" }

{ "index": { "_id": 3 }}

{ "text": "Weißkopfseeadler" }

{ "index": { "_id": 4 }}

{ "text": "Weltgesundheitsorganisation" }

{ "index": { "_id": 5 }}

{ "text": "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" }

A search for “Adler” (eagle) becomes a query for the three terms adl, dle, and ler:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"text": "Adler"




which correctly matches “Weißkopfsee-adler”:


"hits": [


"_id": "3",

"_score": 3.3191128,

"_source": {

"text": "Weißkopfseeadler"





A similar query for “Gesundheit” (health) correctly matches “Welt-gesundheit-sorganisation,” but it also matches “Militär-ges-chichte” and “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungs-ges-etz,” both of which also contain the trigram ges.

Judicious use of the minimum_should_match parameter can remove these spurious results by requiring that a minimum number of trigrams must be present for a document to be considered a match:

GET /my_index/my_type/_search


"query": {

"match": {

"text": {

"query": "Gesundheit",

"minimum_should_match": "80%"





This is a bit of a shotgun approach to full-text search and can result in a large inverted index, but it is an effective generic way of indexing languages that use many compound words or that don’t use whitespace between words, such as Thai.

This technique is used to increase recall—the number of relevant documents that a search returns. It is usually used in combination with other techniques, such as shingles (see “Finding Associated Words”) to improve precision and the relevance score of each document.