Introduction - Android Programming: Pushing the Limits (2014)

Android Programming: Pushing the Limits (2014)


If you’re reading this book, you’re probably familiar with the Android platform, smartphones, and application

development. You’re well aware of the tremendous growth of Android devices over the last few years and the

potential that the platform holds for application developers. I could give you specific numbers and statistics

about Android, but that wouldn’t serve much purpose because those numbers most likely would be invalid by

the time you read this book. It’s enough to say that the Android platform is here to stay, and you can expect its

growth to continue for the foreseeable future.

All of this is great news to people like you and me. Those of us who are aiming to becoming experts at Android

development face a bright future. The demand for skilled application developers for Android is growing every

day, and at the same time, the demand on developers is growing because the features that users want and the

possibilities provided by the new technologies require us to constantly think ahead.

Although Google provides a great set of tools and APIs to help you perform your magic, you still need to push

yourself on what you can now do with Android. That is the goal of this book: to push the limits of the Android

platform and build ever more advanced applications.

Who This Book Is For

You’ve probably written a few Android applications already and are eager to learn more advanced APIs and

tricks. Perhaps you generally program using Java, but you don’t have any problems learning a new language.

As a developer, you’re not afraid to try out new things, be it a new IDE or a brand new API. You like to test all the

latest features, and you don’t’ become discouraged when things initially fail.

While you can find plenty of introductory books on Android development, this is not such a book. Instead, this

book is targeted toward developers who have previous experience with application development for Android.

You know all the basics and how to create an app using the Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver,

and ContentProvider classes. You’re familiar with the core concept of the application manifest and the

different types of application resources for Android. If you can build a simple Android application in a matter of

minutes, you’re well prepared for the contents of this book.

My goal for this book is just what the title says: pushing the limits. In each chapter, I try to push the limits on what

typical Android developers know and use in their daily work. Even though you may be familiar with some of this

book’s topics, I provide an in-depth discussion on each topic; so, trust me, there’s something new for all Android

developers in this book.

What This Book Covers

The Android platforms have developed at an amazing pace. Even while writing this book, I had to change my

original plans because Google kept coming out with new APIs, tools, and technologies for Android developers!

While many of the examples in this book require a later version of Android, my assumption is that you are

familiar with the different API levels and understand which Android version is required in each case.

My goal is to discuss those aspects of Android that I believe are of value for developers. Some technologies were

excluded, either because they aren’t “pushing the limits” or they wouldn’t add real value to the book. So, rather

than being a collection of “recipes” for Android applications or an extensive walkthrough of all the features,

each chapter goes into the deep technical details of their respective topic. Thus, rather than provide complete

applications, I provide numerous pieces of substantial code that you can use to enhance your own applications.

Depending on your experience, you might encounter some unfamiliar technologies. For example, Chapter 12

covers security issues and assumes a basic understanding of encryption and private/public keys, and Chapter

18 covers technologies such as USB communication, Bluetooth Low Energy, and WiFi Direct. But don’t worry.

In such cases, I direct you to sources where you can find additional information. Each chapter has a Further

Resources section where I’ve listed additional resources such as books and websites where you can find more

information on the topics covered in each chapter.

How This Book Is Structured

This book is divided into three parts. The first part covers tools available to Android developers and the specifics

on the Java programming language for Android. The second part focuses on core Android components

and how to use them in an optimal way. The third and final part focuses on the latest and most advanced

technologies, including both the Android platform and the services that can be used with an Android device.

Part I: Building a Better Foundation

Chapter 1: Fine-Tuning Your Development Environment deals with the Android development tools. You’ll

find an introduction to the new IDE for Android called Android Studio. There is also a brief introduction to

Gradle, which is now used as the standard build system for Android applications.

Chapter 2: Efficient Java Code for Android focuses on the Java programming language and the specifics

for Android. I discuss some tricks that can help you reduce the load on memory and on the Dalvik garbage

collector. You’ll also find some examples showing the pros and cons of the different methods for multi-


Part II: Getting the Most Out of Components

Chapter 3: Components, Manifests, and Resources gives a general overview of the components and goes

on to describe some of the less frequently used parts of the application manifest. You’ll also find examples of

advanced use of Android resources.

Chapter 4: Android User Experience and Interface Design focuses on the theory behind the design of user

interfaces. I describe how you should work when designing your user interfaces, starting with user stories,

personas, and the design-process for the different screens in your application. I explain how people think about,

react to, and interpret the various aspects of user interfaces. I describe details about fonts and what makes one

font more readable than another. This chapter gives a better understanding of the theories behind good design

that you can apply while designing your own interfaces.

Chapter 5: Advanced User Interface Operations focuses on the technical aspects of the Android UI. I show

how to use the new APIs with multiple screens in an application. A complete example of how to build a custom

View is covered followed by a section on advanced multi-touch handling.

Chapter 6: Services and Background Tasks focuses on how to use the Service component for optimal

background operations in your application. This chapter focuses on Services that aren’t published to other


Chapter 7: Android IPC covers Android IPC and how you can communicate between two separate Android

applications running on the same device. I explain the details of the Binder and how you can use it to build

applications that support plug-in functionality.

Chapter 8: Mastering BroadcastReceivers and Configuration Changes focuses on the use of

BroadcastReceivers and how to use them optimally to listen for system-wide events and configuration

changes. I describe the different types of broadcasts and how to use them, and I give some guidelines on how

to use the receiver component in a way that reduces the load on the device.

Chapter 9: Data Storage and Serialization Techniques focuses on data persistence and on the

ContentProvider component. I show how to use the SharedPreferences and how to create a Settings

UI using the ready-made Android components. High-performance providers are covered as well as different

methods for serializing data where the standard SQLite-based solution isn’t sufficient. Also, the serialization

methods explained here are useful when communicating with Services online. I conclude this chapter with

some details on how to use the Android backup agent in your application.

Chapter 10: Writing Automated Tests is dedicated to building automated tests for your Android application. I

give thorough examples of everything from simple unit tests to complete integration tests for the four different

components. I highly recommend that all readers go through this chapter thoroughly because writing tests for

your application will greatly improve your development cycle and the quality of your code.

Part III: Pushing the Limits

Chapter 11: Advanced Audio, Video, and Camera Applications deals with advanced graphics, audio, and

video. I explain the use of the different audio APIs, including the use of Open SL ES for any high-performance

and low-latency requirements you might have regarding audio. I explain the use of both Text-To-Speech and the

Speech Recognition API for Android. The use of OpenGL ES for high-performance processing of camera input

and video is demonstrated as well. Finally, I discuss a feature introduced in Android 4.3 for using an OpenGL ES

surface as an encoding source, which you can employ to record a video of your OpenGL ES scene.

Chapter 12: Secure Android Applications looks at the different security aspects in Android with a focus on

how to use the cryptographic APIs. I explain how to use key management in android in a secure way and how to

encrypt data on a device. I conclude this chapter with a section covering the Device Management API.

Chapter 13: Maps, Location, and Activity APIs focuses on the new maps and location API for Android. You

find out about the new fused Location Provider and how to use features such as geofencing and activity

recognition in order to build advanced location-based applications.

Chapter 14: Native Code and JNI delves into native development for Android using the C programming

language. I explain the use of the Android NDK (Native Development Kit) and how you can combine native code

with Java code through the use of JNI.

Chapter 15: The Hidden Android APIs looks at how the hidden APIs in Android work, how you can find them,

and how you can safely invoke them in your application. You also find out how to search the Android source

code in order to discover the hidden APIs.

Chapter 16: Hacking the Android Platform describes how to work with the Android Open Source Project

(AOSP), build your own custom firmware, and extend the Android platform. I explain how the AOSP is

designed and to work when modifying the Android platform. You’ll also find an introduction on the process of

contributing your changes to the AOSP so that they can become a standard part of the Android platform.

Chapter 17: Networking, Web Services, and Remote APIs looks at integrating online web services in an Android

application and how to optimize network operations. I cover the use of recommended third-party libraries for

working with network operations, from standard HTTP to Web Sockets and SPDY, and I explain how to invoke three

different types of web services. I explain the concept of authenticating toward third-party web services, including

how to use OAuth2 in your Android application as well as how to integrate the Facebook SDK for Android.

Chapter 18: Communicating with Remote Devices delves into the different methods for communicating

with remote devices using the various connectivity technologies available on Android. I explain how to talk

to USB devices using the built-in APIs in Android. I describe the APIs for communicating with Bluetooth Low

Energy devices (also called Bluetooth Smart). You’ll find an introduction on utilizing the network discovery API

for Android, and I show how you can implement ad hoc peer-to-peer communication using the WiFi Direct

standard. You’ll also find a section on implementing on-device services supporting both RESTful web services

and asynchronous communication using Web Sockets.

Chapter 19: Google Play Services covers the use of some of the APIs from Google Play Services. You’ll find

out how to get authorization for any of the online Google APIs and an example of using the Application Data

feature for Google Drive to store your application’s data across multiple devices. You’ll also find a guide to

building Google Cloud Endpoints using the built-in feature in Android Studio, and I show how you can extend

this with your own services. This chapter also includes a guide on implementing Google Cloud Messaging. Also,

I demonstrate how you can use the real-time multiplayer API that is part of the Google Play Game Services to

build advanced multiplayer games.

Chapter 20: Distributing Applications on Google Play Store, the final chapter, focuses on aspects of

distributing your application on the Google Play Store and how to include the different monetization options.

I explain how to add In-app Billing and ads in your application as well as the use of the licensing service for

verifying the license of your application on the user’s device. The chapter ends with a guide to utilizing the APK

Expansion Files feature to distribute application data that exceeds your application’s 50MB limit.

What You Need to Use This Book

Although you can run many of the examples in this book on an emulator, I strongly recommend that you

acquire a device with the latest version of Android because many examples in the book use hardware that isn’t

available on the emulator. Although any Google-certified Android device is sufficient (that is, an Android device

with the Google Play Store) for the examples in this book, given that it has the correct Android version, I always

recommend purchasing a Google Nexus device so that you can try all the latest platform features as early as


You also need a computer running Linux, OS X, or Windows for your development environment, as well as an

Internet connection to access the online resources needed in some chapters. You need to have Java SDK version

6 installed on your computer. (You can download it at in order to run the IDE

and other tools.

In Chapter 18, you’ll need additional hardware to implement the examples. You’ll need a device with Bluetooth

Low Energy support, such as an activity tracker or a heartbeat monitor. For the samples on USB communication,

you’ll need an Android device that supports USB On-The-Go, a USB OTG cable, and a USB-connected device that

you can connect to. The easiest approach to testing USB is to use an Arduino Uno board.

Source Code

Most of the source code samples in this book aren’t complete implementations; rather they are snippets of

code I use to demonstrate the most important parts of the topic being covered. My assumption is that you are

familiar enough with Android development to understand where to fit these snippets of code into your own


Some of the samples and source code snippets in the book are available on my GitHub site (https:// However, I strongly recommend that you manually type the code you

find in the book instead of simply copying a file. Doing so will give you a better understanding of how the code


You can also download the code files from the book’s companion website at
