Deploying ASP.NET 5 on Windows - Getting Started with ASP.NET 5 for OS X, Linux, and Windows (2015)

Getting Started with ASP.NET 5 for OS X, Linux, and Windows (2015)

4 Deploying ASP.NET 5 on Windows

In this chapter we will learn how to deploy ASP.NET 5 on Windows.

4.1 Getting Started

In this section we start to deploy ASP.NET 5 on Windows. In this book I use ASP.NET 5 preview, beta4. For illustration, I use Windows 8.1. Please follow installation steps on next section.

4.2 Deploying ASP.NET 5

This installation process is based on this documentation, . In this section, we install ASP.NET 5 on Windows. Firstly, you update your Windows.

In general, to install ASP.NET 5 on Ubuntu, you can do the following steps:

· Installing .NET

· Installing DNVM

· Installing git (optional)

4.2.1 Installing .NET

You need the latest version of .NET Framework runtime. To install it, you can download it on .

4.2.2 Installing DNVM

You can install DNVM via Command Prompt. Open CMD and type this command.

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "&{$Branch='dev';iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))}"


If success, you can verify where dnvm is by typing this command.

where dnvm


If got error, check your PATH configuration. Make sure .dnx path already added.


The next step is to upgrade DNVM. Type this command.

$ dnvm upgrade


Now you already installed dnvm. It will be used to manage ASP.NET 5 runtime on Windows. You can verify dnvm by typing this command.

$ dnvm help

So you see a list of dnvm parameter.


You can also see a list of your DNX runtime by typing this command.

$ dnvm list


4.2.3 Installing git

This task is optional but I recommend to install it because we want to run the sample app from . You can install git by downloading it on .

4.3 Testing

To test our ASP.NET 5, we use code samples from . We clone this code samples and then restore all required libraries using dnu command.

Type these commands.

$ git clone

$ cd Home

$ dnu restore



Now you are ready to run code samples.

4.3.1 ASP.NET Console

To run ASP.NET Console, we can use dnx. Firstly, navigate to ConsoleApp project.

Type these commands.

$ cd samples/latest/ConsoleApp/

$ dnx . run .

If success, you can see a message "Hello World" on Terminal.


4.3.2 ASP.NET 5

To run ASP.NET 5 app, we can use dnx with kestrel. Firstly, navigate to HelloWeb project.

Type these commands.

$ cd samples/latest/HelloWeb/

$ dnx . kestrel


When you run these commands, you may get a security confirmation. Please click Allow access button to give a security permission.


Now open a browser and then navigate to http://localhost:5004/ . You should see ASP.NET 5 app.


To stop kestrel, you can type exit.



To run ASP.NET MVC, we can use dnx. Firstly, navigate to HelloMvc project.

Type these commands.

$ cd samples/latest/HelloMvc/

$ dnx . kestrel


Now open a browser and then navigate to http://localhost:5004/ . You should see ASP.NET MVC app.


To stop kestrel, you can type exit.

4.4 Development Tools

The next step is to build program. To write a program, you can use any text editor. Microsoft also provides Visual Studio Code. It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. You can download it on .
