Programming Scala (2014)
Chapter 11. The Scala Object System, Part II
We finish our discussion of Scala’s object system by examining the rules for overriding members of classes and traits, including a discussion of the details of the linearization algorithm Scala uses for resolving member definitions and overrides in types that mix in traits and extend other types.
Overriding Members of Classes and Traits
Classes and traits can declare abstract members: fields, methods, and types. These members must be defined by a derived class or trait before an instance can be created. Most object-oriented languages support abstract methods, and some also support abstract fields and types.
When overriding a concrete member, Scala requires the override keyword. It is optional when a subtype defines (“overrides”) an abstract member. Conversely, it is an error to use override when you aren’t actually overriding a member.
Requiring the override keyword has several benefits:
§ It catches misspelled members that were intended to be overrides. The compiler will throw an error that the member doesn’t override anything.
§ It catches a subtle bug that can occur if a new member is added to a base class where the member’s name collides with a preexisting member in a derived class, one which is unknown to the base class developer. That is, the derived-class member was never intended to override a base-class member. Because the derived-class member won’t have the override keyword, the compiler will throw an error when the new base-class member is introduced.
§ Having to add the keyword reminds you to consider what members should or should not be overridden.
Java has an optional @Override annotation for methods. It helps catch spelling errors, but it can’t help with the subtle errors described in the second bullet item, because using the annotation is optional.
You can optionally use the override keyword when implementing an abstract member. Should you? Let’s consider some arguments for and against.
Arguments in favor of always using the override keyword, in addition to those cited previously:
§ It reminds the reader that a member defined in a parent class is being implemented (or overridden).
§ If a parent class removes an abstract member that a child class defines, an error is reported.
Arguments against using the override keyword:
§ Catching typos isn’t actually necessary. A misdefined “override” means an undefined member still exists, so the derived class (or its concrete descendant classes) will fail to compile.
§ If during the evolution of the code base, a developer maintaining the parent class abstract member decides to make it concrete, the change will go unnoticed when compiling the child class. Should the child class now call the super version of the method? The compiler will silently accept what is now a complete override of the new parent-class implementation.
Avoid Overriding Concrete Members
In other words, the arguments are somewhat subtle as to whether or not it’s a good practice to use override for abstract members. This raises a larger question about override: should you ever override a concrete method? The correct answer is almost never.
The relationship between parent and child types is a contract and care is required to ensure that a child class does not break the implemented behaviors specified by the parent type.
When overriding concrete members, it is very easy to break this contract. Should an override of the foo method call If so, then when should it be called within the child’s implementation? Of course, the answers are different in each case.
A far more robust contract is the Template Method Pattern described in the famous “Gang of Four” Design Patterns book. In this pattern, the parent class provides a concrete implementation of a method, defining the outline of the required behavior. The method calls protected, abstractmethods at the points where polymorphic behavior is needed. Then, subclasses only implement the protected, abstract members.
Here is an example, a sketch of a payroll calculator for a company based in the US:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
caseclassAddress(city:String, state:String, zip:String)
caseclassEmployee(name:String, salary:Double, address:Address)
abstractclassPayroll {
def netPay(employee:Employee):Double = { //
val fedTaxes = calcFedTaxes(employee.salary)
val stateTaxes = calcStateTaxes(employee.salary, employee.address)
employee.salary - fedTaxes -stateTaxes
def calcFedTaxes(salary:Double):Double //
def calcStateTaxes(salary:Double, address:Address):Double //
objectPayroll2014extendsPayroll {
val stateRate =Map(
"XX" -> 0.05,
"YY" -> 0.03,
"ZZ" -> 0.0)
def calcFedTaxes(salary:Double):Double = salary * 0.25 //
def calcStateTaxes(salary:Double, address:Address):Double = {
// Assume the address.state is valid; it's found in the map!
salary * stateRate(address.state)
val tom =Employee("Tom Jones", 100000.0, Address("MyTown", "XX", "12345"))
val jane =Employee("Jane Doe", 110000.0, Address("BigCity", "YY", "67890"))
Payroll2014.netPay(tom) // Result: 70000.0
Payroll2014.netPay(jane) // Result: 79200.0
The netPay method uses the Template Method Pattern. It defines the protocol for calculating payroll, and delegates to abstract methods for details that change year over year, etc.
The method for calculating federal taxes.
The method for calculating state taxes.
Concrete implementations of the abstract methods defined in the parent class.
Note that override is not used anywhere.
These days, when I see the override keyword in code, I see it as a potential design smell. Someone is overriding concrete behavior and subtle bugs might be lurking.
I can think of two exceptions to this rule. The first occurs when the parent-class implementation of a method does nothing useful. The toString, equals, and hashCode methods are examples. Unfortunately, overrides of the vacuous, default implementations of these methods are so ubiquitous that the practice has made us too comfortable with overriding concrete methods.
The second exception are those (rare?) occasions when you need to mix in non-overlapping behaviors. For example, you might override some critical method to add logging calls. In the child class override, when you invoke the logging calls versus the parent-class method, using super won’t affect the external behavior (the contract) of the method, as long as you correctly invoke the parent class method!
Don’t override concrete members when you can avoid it, except for trivial cases like toString. Don’t use the override keyword unless you’re actually overriding a concrete member.
Attempting to Override final Declarations
If a declaration includes the final keyword, overriding the declaration is prohibited. In the following example, the fixedMethod is declared final in the parent class. Attempting to compile the example will result in a compilation error:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/final-member.scalaX
classNotFixed {
finaldef fixedMethod = "fixed"
classChangeable2extendsNotFixed {
overridedef fixedMethod = "not fixed" // COMPILATION ERROR
This constraint applies to classes and traits as well as members. In this example, the class Fixed is declared final, so an attempt to derive a new type from it will also fail to compile:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/final-class.scalaX
finalclassFixed {
def doSomething = "Fixed did something!"
classChangeable1extendsFixed // COMPILATION ERROR
Some of the types in the Scala library are final, including JDK classes like String and all the “value” types derived from AnyVal (see The Scala Type Hierarchy).
Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods
For declarations that aren’t final, let’s examine the rules and behaviors for overriding, starting with methods.
Let’s extend the Widget trait we introduced in Traits as Mixins with an abstract method draw, to support “rendering” the widget to a display, web page, etc. We’ll also override a concrete method familiar to any Java programmer, toString(), using an ad hoc format.
Drawing is actually a cross-cutting concern. The state of a Widget is one thing; how it is rendered on different platforms—“fat” clients, web pages, mobile devices, etc.—is a separate issue. So, drawing is a very good candidate for a trait, especially if you want your GUI abstractions to be portable. However, to keep things simple, we will handle drawing in the Widget hierarchy itself.
Here is the revised Widget with draw and toString methods. We’ll now make it an abstract class, only because it is a logical parent for all UI widgets, like buttons. However, we could continue to define it as a trait:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/ui/Widget.scala
abstractclassWidget {
def draw():Unit
overridedef toString() = "(widget)"
The draw method is abstract because it has no body. Therefore, Widget has to be declared abstract. Each concrete subclass of Widget will have to implement draw or rely on a parent class that implements it, of course. We don’t need to return anything from draw, so its return value isUnit, although some sort of “success” status could be returned.
The toString() method is straightforward. Because AnyRef defines toString, the override keyword is required for Widget.toString.
Here is the revised Button class, with draw and toString methods:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/ui/Button.scala
classButton(val label:String) extendsWidgetwithClickable {
// Simple hack for demonstration purposes:
def draw():Unit = println(s"Drawing: $this")
// From Clickable:
protecteddef updateUI():Unit = println(s"$this clicked; updating UI")
overridedef toString() = s"(button: label=$label, ${super.toString()})"
It also mixes in the Clickable trait we introduced in Stackable Traits. We’ll exploit it shortly.
We could make it a case class, but as we’ll see, we’re going to subclass it for other button types and we want to avoid the previously discussed issues with case class inheritance.
Button implements the abstract method draw. The override keyword is optional here. Button also overrides toString, which requires the override keyword. Note that super.toString is called.
Should you use the override keyword when implementing an abstract method? I don’t think so. Suppose in the future that the maintainer of Widget decides to provide a default implementation of draw, perhaps to log all calls to it. Now implementers should truly overwrite draw and call Widget.draw. If you’ve been “overriding” draw all this time, the compiler will silently accept that you are now really overriding a concrete method and you may never know of the change. However, if you leave off the override keyword, your code will fail to compile when the abstract draw method suddenly has an implementation. You’ll know of the change.
The super keyword is analogous to this, but it binds to the parent type, which is the aggregation of the parent class and any mixed-in traits. The search for super.toString will find the “closest” parent type toString, as determined by the linearization process we’ll discuss later in this chapter (see Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy). In this case, because Clickable doesn’t define toString, Widget.toString will be called. We are reusing Clickable from Stackable Traits.
Overriding a concrete method should be done rarely, because it is error-prone. Should you invoke the parent method? If so, when? Do you call it before doing anything else, or afterward? While the writer of the parent method might document the overriding constraints for the method, it’s difficult to ensure that the writer of a derived class will honor those constraints. A much more robust approach is the Template Method Pattern.
Here is a simple script that exercises Button:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/ui/
val b =newButton("Submit")
// Result: b: oop.ui.Button = (button: label=Submit, (widget))
// Result: Drawing: (button: label=Submit, (widget))
Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields
Let’s discuss overriding fields in traits and classes separately, because traits have some particular issues.
Overriding fields in traits
Consider this contrived example that uses an undefined field before it is properly initialized:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
// ERROR: "value" read before initialized.
traitAbstractT2 {
println("In AbstractT2:")
val value:Int
val inverse = 1.0/value //
println("AbstractT2: value = "+value+", inverse = "+inverse)
val obj =newAbstractT2 {
println("In obj:")
val value = 10
println("obj.value = "+obj.value+", inverse = "+obj.inverse)
What is value when inverse is initialized?
Although it appears that we are creating an instance of the trait with new AbstractT2 …, we are actually using an anonymous class that implicitly extends the trait. Note the output that is produced if we run the script with the scala command ($ is the shell prompt):
$ scala src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
In AbstractT2:
AbstractT2: value = 0, inverse = Infinity
In obj:
obj.value = 10, inverse = Infinity
You get the results (with a few additional lines of output) if you use the REPL command :load src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/ or you paste the code into the REPL.
As you might expect, the inverse is calculated too early. Note that a divide-by-zero exception isn’t thrown, but the compiler recognizes the value is infinite.
One way to detect this problem is to use the scalac compiler option -Xcheckinit, which will throw an exception when a field is referenced before it is initialized.
Scala provides two solutions to this problem. The first is lazy values, which we discussed in lazy val:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
traitAbstractT2 {
println("In AbstractT2:")
val value:Int
lazyval inverse = 1.0/value //
// println("AbstractT2: value = "+value+", inverse = "+inverse)
val obj =newAbstractT2 {
println("In obj:")
val value = 10
println("obj.value = "+obj.value+", inverse = "+obj.inverse)
Added the keyword lazy and commented out the println statement.
Now inverse is initialized to a valid value:
In AbstractT2:
In obj:
obj.value = 10, inverse = 0.1
However, lazy only helps if the println statement is not used. If you remove the // and run it, you’ll get Infinity again, because lazy only defers evaluation until the value is used. The println statement forces evaluation too soon.
If a val is lazy, make sure all uses of the val are also as lazy as possible.
The second solution, which is less commonly used, is pre-initialized fields. Consider this refined implementation:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
traitAbstractT2 {
println("In AbstractT2:")
val value:Int
val inverse = 1.0/value
println("AbstractT2: value = "+value+", inverse = "+inverse)
val obj =new {
// println("In obj:") //
val value = 10
} withAbstractT2
println("obj.value = "+obj.value+", inverse = "+obj.inverse)
Only type definitions and concrete field definitions are allowed in pre-initialization blocks. It would be a compilation error to use the println statement here, for example.
We instantiate an anonymous inner class, initializing the value field in the block, before the with AbstractT2 clause. This guarantees that value is initialized before the body of AbstractT2 is executed, as shown when you run the script:
In AbstractT2:
AbstractT2: value = 10, inverse = 0.1
obj.value = 10, inverse = 0.1
Even within the body of the trait, inverse is properly initialized.
Now let’s consider the VetoableClicks trait we used in Stackable Traits. It defines a val named maxAllowed and initializes it to 1. We would like the ability to override the value in a class that mixes in this trait. Here it is again:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/VetoableClicks.scala
traitVetoableClicksextendsClickable { //
// Default number of allowed clicks.
val maxAllowed = 1 //
privatevar count = 0
abstractoverridedef click() = {
if (count < maxAllowed) { //
count += 1
Also extends Clickable.
The maximum number of allowed clicks. (A “reset” feature would be useful.)
Once the number of clicks exceeds the allowed value (counting from zero), no further clicks are sent to super.
It should be straightforward to implement an instance that mixes in this trait and overrides maxAllowed if we want. However, there are initialization issues we should review first.
To see those issues, let’s first return to VetoableClicks and use it with Button. To see what happens, we’ll also need to mix in the ObservableClicks trait that we also discussed in Stackable Traits:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/traits/ui2/ObservableClicks.scala
traitObservableClicksextendsClickablewithSubject[Clickable] {
abstractoverridedef click():Unit = { //
Note the abstract override keywords, discussed in Stackable Traits.
Here is a test script:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/ui/
importprogscala2.traits.ui2.{Clickable, ObservableClicks, VetoableClicks}
val observableButton = //
newButton("Okay") withObservableClickswithVetoableClicks {
overrideval maxAllowed:Int = 2 //
assert(observableButton.maxAllowed == 2, //
s"maxAllowed = ${observableButton.maxAllowed}")
classClickCountObserverextendsObserver[Clickable] { //
var count = 0
def receiveUpdate(state:Clickable):Unit = count += 1
val clickCountObserver =newClickCountObserver //
val n = 5
for (i <- 1 to n) //
assert(clickCountObserver.count == 2, //
s"count = ${clickCountObserver.count}. Should be != $n")
Construct an observable button by mixing in the required traits.
The main point of this exercise is to override a val. Note that override and the full declaration of maxAllowed is required.
Verify that we successfully changed maxAllowed.
Define an observer to track the number of clicks that reach it.
Instantiate an observer instance and “register” it with the button Subject.
Click the button five times.
Verify that the observer only saw two clicks; the other three were vetoed.
Recall that the mixin order of traits determines priority order, a subject that we’ll finish exploring later in this chapter, in Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy.
Try switching the order of ObservableClicks and VetoableClicks in the line after the label . What do you expect to happen now? You should see the final assertion test fail with a count of five instead of two. Why? Because ObservableClicks will now see each click beforeVetoableClicks sees it. In other words, VetoableClicks is now effectively doing nothing.
So, we see that we can override immutable field definitions. What if you want more dynamic control over maxAllowed, where it might vary during program execution? You can declare the field to be a mutable variable with var, then the declaration of observableButton changes to the following:
val observableButton =
newButton("Okay") withObservableClickswithVetoableClicks {
maxAllowed = 2
The previous override keyword with the full signature is no longer necessary.
I should mention that for logical consistency, you would need to decide what changing maxAllowed should mean for the state of the observer. If maxAllowed is decreased and the observer has already counted a larger number of clicks, should you add a mechanism to decrease the observer’s count?
Now we can discuss the initialization issues we mentioned earlier. Because the body of the trait is executed before the body of the class using it, reassigning the field value happens after the initial assignment in the trait’s body. Recall our previous pathological example of inverse usingvalue before it was set. For VetoableObserver, suppose it initialized some sort of private array to save up to maxAllowed updates. The final assignment to maxAllowed would leave the object in an inconsistent state! You would need to avoid this problem manually, such as deferring the storage allocation until it’s needed for the first updates, well after the initialization process has completed. Declaring maxAllowed as a val doesn’t eliminate this problem, although it does signal to users of the type that VetoableClicks makes assumptions about the state of the instance, namely that this part of the state won’t change. Still, if you are the maintainer of VetoableClicks, you’ll have to remember that users might override the value of maxAllowed, whether or not it is declared immutable!
Avoid var fields when possible (in classes as well as traits). Consider public var fields especially risky.
However, vals don’t offer complete protection. A val in a trait can also be overridden during initialization of subclass instances, although it will remain immutable afterwards.
Overriding fields in classes
For members declared in classes, the behavior is essentially the same as for traits. For completeness, here is an example with both a val override and a var reassignment in a derived class:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
classC1 {
val name = "C1"
var count = 0
classClassWithC1extends C1 {
overrideval name = "ClassWithC1"
count = 1
val c =newClassWithC1()
The override keyword is required for the concrete val field name, but not for the var field count. This is because we are changing the initialization of a constant (val), which is a “special” operation.
If you run this script, the output is the following:
Both fields are overridden in the derived class, as expected. Here is the same example modified so that both the val and the var are abstract in the base class:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/overrides/
abstractclassAbstractC1 {
val name:String
var count:Int
classClassWithAbstractC1extendsAbstractC1 {
val name = "ClassWithAbstractC1"
var count = 1
val c =newClassWithAbstractC1()
The override keyword is not required for name in ClassWithAbstractC1, because the original declaration is abstract. The output of this script is the following:
It’s important to emphasize that name and count are abstract fields, not concrete fields with default values. A similar-looking declaration of name in a Java class, String name, would declare a concrete field with the default value, null in this case. Java doesn’t support abstract fields, only methods.
Overriding Abstract Types
We introduced abstract type declarations in Abstract Types Versus Parameterized Types, which Java doesn’t support. Recall the BulkReader example from that section:
abstractclassBulkReader {
val source:In
def read:String // Read source and return a String
classStringBulkReader(val source:String) extendsBulkReader {
typeIn = String
def read:String = source
The example shows how to declare an abstract type and how to define a concrete value in derived classes. BulkReader declares type In without initializing it. The concrete derived class StringBulkReader provides a concrete value using type In = String.
Unlike fields and methods, it is not possible to override a concrete type definition.
When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable: The Uniform Access Principle
Let’s take one more look at maxAllowed in VetoableClick and discuss an interesting implication of mixing inheritance and the Uniform Access Principle, which we learned about in The Uniform Access Principle.
Here is a new version of VetoableClick, called VetoableClickUAP (“UAP” for uniform access principle) in a script that uses it:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/ui/
importprogscala2.traits.ui2.{Clickable, ObservableClicks, VetoableClicks}
traitVetoableClicksUAPextendsClickable {
def maxAllowed:Int = 1 //
privatevar count = 0
abstractoverridedef click() = {
if (count < maxAllowed) {
count += 1
val observableButton =
newButton("Okay") withObservableClickswithVetoableClicksUAP {
overrideval maxAllowed:Int = 2 //
assert(observableButton.maxAllowed == 2,
s"maxAllowed = ${observableButton.maxAllowed}")
classClickCountObserverextendsObserver[Clickable] {
var count = 0
def receiveUpdate(state:Clickable):Unit = count += 1
val clickCountObserver =newClickCountObserver
val n = 5
for (i <- 1 to n)
assert(clickCountObserver.count == 2,
s"count = ${clickCountObserver.count}. Should be != $n")
maxAllowed is now a method that returns the default value of 1.
Instead of overriding the method, use a value (val) definition.
The override keyword is required because the original method is defined. If the method is abstract in the trait, the override keyword is not required.
The output is the same as before, but we exploited the Uniform Access Principle to override the method definition with a value. Why is this allowed?
Using a method declaration supports the freedom to return a different value each time we call it, as long as the implementation does the necessary work. However, the declaration is consistent with the case where one and only one value is ever returned. Of course, this is preferred in functional programming, anyway. Ideally, a no-argument method should always return the same value in a pure functional world.
So, when we replace the method call with a value, we are exploiting referential transparency and not violating any rules about how the “method” implementation should behave.
For this reason, it’s a common practice in Scala libraries for traits to declare no-argument methods instead of field values. Think of these methods as property readers, if you like. That gives implementers of types that use the trait complete freedom to provide an implementation for the method, perhaps to defer expensive initialization until necessary, or to simply use a value for implementation.
Overriding a method with a value in a subclass can also be handy when interoperating with Java code. For example, you can override a getter as a val by placing it in the constructor.
Consider the following example, in which a Scala Person class implements a hypothetical PersonInterface from some legacy Java library:
classPerson(val getName:String) extendsPersonInterface
If you only need to override a few accessors in the Java code, this technique makes quick work of them.
What about overriding a parameterless method with a var, or overriding a val or var with a method? These are not permitted because they can’t match the behaviors of the things they are overriding.
If you attempt to use a var to override a parameterless method, you get an error that the writer method, override name_=, is not overriding anything. For example, if an abstract method, def name: String, is declared in a trait and an implementing subclass attempts to use override val name = "foo", this would be equivalent to overriding two methods, the original and def name_=(…), but there is no such method.
If you could override a val with a method, there would be no way for Scala to guarantee that the method always returns the same value, consistent with val semantics.
Linearization of an Object’s Hierarchy
Because of single inheritance, if we ignored mixed-in traits, the inheritance hierarchy would be linear, one ancestor after another. When traits are considered, each of which may be derived from other traits and classes, the inheritance hierarchy forms a directed, acyclic graph.
The term linearization refers to the algorithm used to “flatten” this graph for the purposes of resolving method lookup priorities, constructor invocation order, binding of super, etc.
Informally, we saw in Stackable Traits that when an instance has more than one trait, they bind right to left, as declared. Consider the following example that demonstrates this straightforward linearization:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/linearization/
classC1 {
def m = print("C1 ")
traitT1extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T1 "); super.m }
traitT2extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T2 "); super.m }
traitT3extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T3 "); super.m }
classC2extends T1 with T2 with T3 {
overridedef m = { print("C2 "); super.m }
val c2 =new C2
Running this script yields the following output:
C2 T3 T2 T1 C1
So, the m methods in the traits are called in the right-to-left order of the declaration of the traits. We’ll also see why C1 is at the end of the list in a moment.
Next, let’s see what the invocation sequence of the constructors looks like:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/linearization/
classC1 {
print("C1 ")
traitT1extends C1 {
print("T1 ")
traitT2extends C1 {
print("T2 ")
traitT3extends C1 {
print("T3 ")
classC2extends T1 with T2 with T3 {
println("C2 ")
val c2 =new C2
Running this script yields this output:
C1 T1 T2 T3 C2
So, the construction sequence is the reverse. This invocation order makes sense when you consider that the parent types need to be constructed before the derived types, because a derived type often uses fields and methods in the parent types during its construction process.
The output of the first linearization script is actually missing two types at the end. The full linearization for reference types actually ends with AnyRef and Any. So the linearization for C2 is actually the following:
C2 T3 T2 T1 C1 AnyRef Any
Prior to Scala 2.10, there was also a marker trait, ScalaObject, inserted in the hierarchy before AnyRef. Our output doesn’t show AnyRef and Any because they don’t have the print statements we used, of course.
In contrast, the value types, which subclass AnyVal, are all declared abstract final. The compiler manages instantiation of them. Because we can’t subclass them, their linearizations are simple and straightforward.
What about the new value classes? Let’s use a modified version of the USPhoneNumber we saw previously, where we have added the same m method we used earlier. The rules for value classes don’t allow us to add the same print statements in the type bodies:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/basicoop/
classUSPhoneNumber(val s:String) extendsAnyVal {
overridedef toString = {
val digs = digits(s)
val areaCode = digs.substring(0,3)
val exchange = digs.substring(3,6)
val subnumber = digs.substring(6,10) // "subscriber number"
s"($areaCode) $exchange-$subnumber"
privatedef digits(str:String):String = str.replaceAll("""\D""", "")
val number =newUSPhoneNumber("987-654-3210")
// Result: number: USPhoneNumber = (987) 654-3210
It prints the following when m is called:
USPhoneNumber Formatter Digitizer M
The output is consistent to what we saw for the C* class hierarchy. However, notice that the M trait is mixed into several other traits. Why does M show up last in the output, meaning its m method is the last in the lookup order? Let’s examine linearization more closely.
We’ll use our C* classes. All the classes and traits define the method m. The one in C2 is called first, because the instance is of that type. C2.m calls super.m, which resolves to T3.m. The search appears to be breadth-first, rather than depth-first. If it were depth-first, it would invoke C1.mafter T3.m. Afterward, T3.m, T2.m, then T1.m, and finally C1.m are invoked. C1 is the parent of the three traits. From which of the traits did we traverse to C1? Actually, it is breadth-first, with “delayed” evaluation, as we will see. Let’s modify our first example and see more explicitly how we got to C1:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/linearization/
classC1 {
def m(previous:String) = print(s"C1($previous)")
traitT1extends C1 {
overridedef m(p:String) = { super.m(s"T1($p)") }
traitT2extends C1 {
overridedef m(p:String) = { super.m(s"T2($p)") }
traitT3extends C1 {
overridedef m(p:String) = { super.m(s"T3($p)") }
classC2extends T1 with T2 with T3 {
overridedef m(p:String) = { super.m(s"C2($p)") }
val c2 =new C2
Now we pass the name of the caller of super.m as a parameter, then C1 prints out who called it. Running this script yields the following output:
Here is the actual algorithm for calculating the linearization. A more formal definition is given in The Scala Language Specification.
1. Put the actual type of the instance as the first element.
2. Starting with the rightmost parent type and working left, compute the linearization of each type, appending its linearization to the cumulative linearization. (Ignore AnyRef and Any for now.)
3. Working from left to right, remove any type if it appears again to the right of the current position.
4. Append AnyRef and Any.
For value classes, replace AnyRef with AnyVal.
This explains how we got to C1 from T1 in the previous example. T3 and T2 also have it in their linearizations, but they come before T1, so the C1 terms they contributed were deleted. Similarly, the M trait in the USPhoneNumber example ends up at the righthand side of the list for the same reason.
Let’s work through the algorithm using a slightly more involved example:
// src/main/scala/progscala2/objectsystem/linearization/
classC1 {
def m = print("C1 ")
traitT1extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T1 "); super.m }
traitT2extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T2 "); super.m }
traitT3extends C1 {
overridedef m = { print("T3 "); super.m }
classC2Aextends T2 {
overridedef m = { print("C2A " ); super.m }
classC2extends C2A with T1 with T2 with T3 {
overridedef m = { print("C2 "); super.m }
def calcLinearization(obj:C1, name:String) = {
print(s"$name: ")
print("AnyRef ")
calcLinearization(new C2, "C2 ")
calcLinearization(new T3 {}, "T3 ")
calcLinearization(new T2 {}, "T2 ")
calcLinearization(new T1 {}, "T1 ")
calcLinearization(new C2A, "C2A")
calcLinearization(new C1, "C1 ")
The output is the following:
C2 : C2 T3 T1 C2A T2 C1 AnyRef Any
T3 : T3 C1 AnyRef Any
T2 : T2 C1 AnyRef Any
T1 : T1 C1 AnyRef Any
C2A: C2A T2 C1 AnyRef Any
C1 : C1 AnyRef Any
To help us along, we calculated the linearizations for the other types, and we also appended AnyRef and Any to remind ourselves that they should also be there.
So, let’s work through the algorithm for C2 and confirm our results. We’ll suppress the AnyRef and Any for clarity, until the end. See Table 11-1.
Table 11-1. Hand calculation of C2 linearization: C2 extends C2A with T1 with T2 with T3 {…}
# |
Linearization |
Description |
1 |
C2 |
Add the type of the instance. |
2 |
C2, T3, C1 |
Add the linearization for T3 (farthest on the right). |
3 |
C2, T3, C1, T2, C1 |
Add the linearization for T2. |
4 |
C2, T3, C1, T2, C1, T1, C1 |
Add the linearization for T1. |
5 |
C2, T3, C1, T2, C1, T1, C1, C2A, T2, C1 |
Add the linearization for C2A. |
6 |
C2, T3, T2, T1, C2A, T2, C1 |
Remove duplicates of C1; all but the last C1. |
7 |
C2, T3, T1, C2A, T2, C1 |
Remove duplicates of T2; all but the last T2. |
8 |
C2, T3, T1, C2A, T2, C1, AnyRef, Any |
Finish! |
What the algorithm does is push any shared types to the right until they come after all the types that derive from them.
Try modifying the last script with different hierarchies and see if you can reproduce the results using the algorithm.
Overly complex type hierarchies can result in method lookup “surprises.” If you have to work through this algorithm to figure out what’s going on, try to simplify your code.
Recap and What’s Next
We explored the fine points of overriding members in derived types, including the ability to override (or implement abstract) no-argument methods with values. Finally, we walked through the details of Scala’s linearization algorithm for member lookup resolution.
In the next chapter, we’ll learn about Scala’s collections library.