Understanding Services and Applications by Type - Examining the Value Proposition - Cloud Computing Bible (2011)

Cloud Computing Bible (2011)

Part I: Examining the Value Proposition

Chapter 4: Understanding Services and Applications by Type


Learning about different service types

Creating clouds with Infrastructure as a Service

Working with Software as a Service

Developing applications on a Platform as a Service

Securing cloud transactions with Identity as a Service

This chapter describes some of the different types of cloud computing models, categorized as a set of service models. You may think of cloud computing applications as being composed of a set of layers upon which distributed applications may be built or hosted. These layers include Infrastructure, Platform, and Software. Depending on the type and level of service being offered, a client can build on these layers to create cloud-based applications.

The service models described here—Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS)—are useful in categorizing not only cloud computing capabilities, but specific vendor offerings, products, and services. Infrastructure as a Service allows for the creation of virtual computing systems or networks.

Software as a Service represents a hosted application that is universally available over the Internet, usually through a browser. With Software as a Service, the user interacts directly with the hosted software. SaaS may be seen to be an alternative model to that of shrink-wrapped software and may replace much of the boxed software that we buy today.

Platform as a Service is a cloud computing infrastructure that creates a development environment upon which applications may be build. PaaS provides a model that can be used to create or augment complex applications such as Customer Relation Management (CRM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. PaaS offers the benefits of cloud computing and is often componentized and based on a service-oriented architecture model.

As cloud computing matures, several service types are being introduced and overlaid upon these architectures. The most fully developed of these service types is Identity as a Service (IDaaS). Identity as a Service provides authentication and authorization services on distributed networks. Infrastructure and supporting protocols for IDaaS are described in this chapter. Other service types such as Compliance as a Service (CaaS), provisioning, monitoring, communications, and many vertical services yet to be fully developed are touched upon in this chapter.

Defining Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

You can broadly partition cloud computing into four layers that form a cloud computing ecosystem, as shown in Figure 4.1. The Application layer forms the basis for Software as a Service (SaaS), while the Platform layer forms the basis for Platform as a Service (PaaS) models that are described in the next two sections. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) creates what may be determined to be a utility computing model, something that you can tap into and draw from as you need it without significant limits on the scalability of your deployment. You pay only for what you need when you need it. IaaS may be seen to be an incredibly disruptive technology, one that can help turn a small business into a large business nearly overnight. This is a most exciting prospect; one that is fueling a number of IaaS startups during one of the most difficult recessions of recent memory.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing service model in which hardware is virtualized in the cloud. In this particular model, the service vendor owns the equipment: servers, storage, network infrastructure, and so forth. The developer creates virtual hardware on which to develop applications and services. Essentially, an IaaS vendor has created a hardware utility service where the user provisions virtual resources as required.


The cloud computing ecosystem


The developer interacts with the IaaS model to create virtual private servers, virtual private storage, virtual private networks, and so on, and then populates these virtual systems with the applications and services it needs to complete its solution. In IaaS, the virtualized resources are mapped to real systems. When the client interacts with an IaaS service and requests resources from the virtual systems, those requests are redirected to the real servers that do the actual work.

IaaS workloads

The fundamental unit of virtualized client in an IaaS deployment is called a workload. A workload simulates the ability of a certain type of real or physical server to do an amount of work. The work done can be measured by the number of Transactions Per Minute (TPM) or a similar metric against a certain type of system. In addition to throughput, a workload has certain other attributes such as Disk I/Os measured in Input/Output Per Second IOPS, the amount of RAM consumed under load in MB, network throughput and latency, and so forth. In a hosted application environment, a client's application runs on a dedicated server inside a server rack or perhaps as a standalone server in a room full of servers. In cloud computing, a provisioned server called an instance is reserved by a customer, and the necessary amount of computing resources needed to achieve that type of physical server is allocated to the client's needs.

Figure 4.2 shows how three virtual private server instances are partitioned in an IaaS stack. The three workloads require three different sizes of computers: small, medium, and large.

A client would reserve a machine equivalent required to run each of these workloads. The IaaS infrastructure runs these server instances in the data center that the service offers, drawing from a pool of virtualized machines, RAID storage, and network interface capacity. These three layers are expressions of physical systems that are partitioned as logical units. LUNs, the cloud interconnect layer, and the virtual application software layer are logical constructs. LUNs are logical storage containers, the cloud interconnect layer is a virtual network layer that is assigned IP addresses from the IaaS network pool, and the virtual application software layer contains software that runs on the physical VM instance(s) that have been partitioned from physical assets on the IaaS' private cloud.

From an architectural standpoint, the client in an IaaS infrastructure is assigned its own private network. The Amazon Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2), described in detail in Chapter 8, behaves as if each server is its own separate network—unless you create your own Virtual Private Cloud (an EC2 add-on feature), which provides a workaround to this problem. When you scale your EC2 deployment, you are adding additional networks to your infrastructure, which makes it easy to logically scale an EC2 deployment, but imposes additional network overhead because traffic must be routed between logical networks. Amazon Web Service's routing limits broadcast and multicast traffic because Layer-2 (Data Link) networking is not supported. Rackspace Cloud (http://www.rackspacecloud.com/) follows the AWS IP assignment model.

Other IaaS infrastructures such as the one Cloudscaling.com (http://www.cloudscaling.com) offers or a traditional VMWare cloud-assigned networks on a per-user basis, which allows for Level 2 networking options. The most prominent Level 2 protocols that you might use are tunneling options, because they enable VLANs.


A virtual private server partition in an IaaS cloud


Consider a transactional eCommerce system, for which a typical stack contains the following components:

• Web server

• Application server

• File server

• Database

• Transaction engine

This eCommerce system has several different workloads that are operating: queries against the database, processing of business logic, and serving up clients' Web pages.

The classic example of an IaaS service model is Amazon.com's Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS has several data centers in which servers run on top of a virtualization platform (Xen) and may be partitioned into logical compute units of various sizes. Developers can then apply system images containing different operating systems and applications or create their own system images. Storage may be partitions, databases may be created, and a range of services such a messaging and notification can be called upon to make distributed application work correctly.


Amazon Web Services offers a classic Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to IaaS. You learn more about AWS in Chapter 9; a description of the Service Oriented Architecture approach to building distributed applications is described in Chapter 13.

Pods, aggregation, and silos

Workloads support a certain number of users, at which point you exceed the load that the instance sizing allows. When you reach the limit of the largest virtual machine instance possible, you must make a copy or clone of the instance to support additional users. A group of users within a particular instance is called a pod. Pods are managed by a Cloud Control System (CCS). In AWS, the CCS is the AWS Management Console.

Sizing limitations for pods need to be accounted for if you are building a large cloud-based application. Pods are aggregated into pools within an IaaS region or site called an availability zone. In very large cloud computing networks, when systems fail, they fail on a pod-by-pod basis, and often on a zone-by-zone basis. For AWS' IaaS infrastructure, the availability zones are organized around the company's data centers in Northern California, Northern Virginia, Ireland, and Singapore. A failover system between zones gives IaaS private clouds a very high degree of availability. Figure 4.3 shows how pods are aggregated and virtualized in IaaS across zones.

When a cloud computing infrastructure isolates user clouds from each other so the management system is incapable of interoperating with other private clouds, it creates an information silo, or simply a silo. Most often, the term silo is applied to PaaS offerings such as Force.com or QuickBase, but silos often are an expression of the manner in which a cloud computing infrastructure is architected. Silos are the cloud computing equivalent of compute islands: They are processing domains that are sealed off from the outside.

When you create a private virtual network within an IaaS framework, the chances are high that you are creating a silo. Silos impose restrictions on interoperability that runs counter to the open nature of build-componentized service-oriented applications. However, that is not always a bad thing. A silo can be its own ecosystem; it can be protected and secured in ways that an open system can't be. Silos just aren't as flexible as open systems and are subject to vendor lock-in.


Pods, aggregation, and failover in IaaS


Defining Platform as a Service (PaaS)

The Platform as a Service model describes a software environment in which a developer can create customized solutions within the context of the development tools that the platform provides. Platforms can be based on specific types of development languages, application frameworks, or other constructs. A PaaS offering provides the tools and development environment to deploy applications on another vendor's application. Often a PaaS tool is a fully integrated development environment; that is, all the tools and services are part of the PaaS service. To be useful as a cloud computing offering, PaaS systems must offer a way to create user interfaces, and thus support standards such as HTLM, JavaScript, or other rich media technologies.

In a PaaS model, customers may interact with the software to enter and retrieve data, perform actions, get results, and to the degree that the vendor allows it, customize the platform involved. The customer takes no responsibility for maintaining the hardware, the software, or the development of the applications and is responsible only for his interaction with the platform. The vendor is responsible for all the operational aspects of the service, for maintenance, and for managing the product(s) lifecycle.

The one example that is most quoted as a PaaS offering is Google's App Engine platform, which is described in more detail in Chapter 8. Developers program against the App Engine using Google's published APIs. The tools for working within the development framework, as well as the structure of the file system and data stores, are defined by Google. Another example of a PaaS offering is Force.com, Salesforce.com's developer platform for its SaaS offerings, described in the next section. Force.com is an example of an add-on development environment.

A developer might write an application in a programming language like Python using the Google API. The vendor of the PaaS solution is in most cases the developer, who is offering a complete solution to the customer. Google itself also serves as a PaaS vendor within this system, because it offers many of its Web service applications to customers as part of this service model. You can think of Google Maps, Google Earth, Gmail, and the myriad of other PaaS offerings as conforming to the PaaS service model, although these applications themselves are offered to customers under what is more aptly described as the Software as a Service (SaaS) model that is described below.

The difficulty with PaaS is that it locks the developer (and the customer) into a solution that is dependent upon the platform vendor. An application written in Python against Google's API using the Google App Engine is likely to work only in that environment. There is considerable vendor lock-in associated with a PaaS solution.

Defining Software as a Service (SaaS)

The most complete cloud computing service model is one in which the computing hardware and software, as well as the solution itself, are provided by a vendor as a complete service offering. It is referred to as the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. SaaS provides the complete infrastructure, software, and solution stack as the service offering. A good way to think about SaaS is that it is the cloud-based equivalent of shrink-wrapped software.

Software as a Service (SaaS) may be succinctly described as software that is deployed on a hosted service and can be accessed globally over the Internet, most often in a browser. With the exception of the user interaction with the software, all other aspects of the service are abstracted away.

Every computer user is familiar with SaaS systems, which are either replacements or substitutes for locally installed software. Examples of SaaS software for end-users are Google Gmail and Calendar, QuickBooks online, Zoho Office Suite, and others that are equally well known. SaaS applications come in all shapes and sizes, and include custom software such as billing and invoicing systems, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications, Help Desk applications, Human Resource (HR) solutions, as well as myriad online versions of familiar applications.

Many people believe that SaaS software is not customizable, and in many SaaS applications this is indeed the case. For user-centric applications such as an office suite, that is mostly true; those suites allow you to set only options or preferences. However, many other SaaS solutions expose Application Programming Interfaces (API) to developers to allow them to create custom composite applications. These APIs may alter the security model used, the data schema, workflow characteristics, and other fundamental features of the service's expression as experienced by the user. Examples of an SaaS platformwith an exposed API are Salesforce.com and Quicken.com. So SaaS does not necessarily mean that the software is static or monolithic.

SaaS characteristics

All Software as a Service (SaaS) applications share the following characteristics:

1. The software is available over the Internet globally through a browser on demand.

2. The typical license is subscription-based or usage-based and is billed on a recurring basis.

In a small number of cases a flat fee may be changed, often coupled with a maintenance fee. Table 4.1 shows how different licensing models compare.

3. The software and the service are monitored and maintained by the vendor, regardless of where all the different software components are running.

There may be executable client-side code, but the user isn't responsible for maintaining that code or its interaction with the service.

4. Reduced distribution and maintenance costs and minimal end-user system costs generally make SaaS applications cheaper to use than their shrink-wrapped versions.

5. Such applications feature automated upgrades, updates, and patch management and much faster rollout of changes.

6. SaaS applications often have a much lower barrier to entry than their locally installed competitors, a known recurring cost, and they scale on demand (a property of cloud computing in general).

7. All users have the same version of the software so each user's software is compatible with another's.

8. SaaS supports multiple users and provides a shared data model through a single-instance, multi-tenancy model.

The alternative of software virtualization of individual instances also exists, but is less common.


Shrink-Wrapped versus SaaS Licensing

Shrink-Wrapped Software

Hybrid Model




Subscription (flat fee)

Metered subscription


Locally installed

Available through an application

Cloud based


Local IT staff

Application Service Provider (ASP)

Cloud vendor through a Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Open SaaS and SOA

A considerable amount of SaaS software is based on open source software. When open source software is used in a SaaS, you may hear it referred to as Open SaaS. The advantages of using open source software are that systems are much cheaper to deploy because you don't have to purchase the operating system or software, there is less vendor lock-in, and applications are more portable. The popularity of open source software, from Linux to APACHE, MySQL, and Perl (the LAMP platform) on the Internet, and the number of people who are trained in open source software make Open SaaS an attractive proposition. The impact of Open SaaS will likely translate into better profitability for the companies that deploy open source software in the cloud, resulting in lower development costs and more robust solutions.

A mature SaaS implementation based on SOA is shown in Figure 4.4.


A modern implement of SaaS using an Enterprise Service Bus and architected with SOA components


The componentized nature of SaaS solutions enables many of these solutions to support a feature called mashups. A mashup is an application that can display a Web page that shows data and supports features from two or more sources. Annotating a map such as Google maps is an example of a mashup. Mashups are considered one of the premier examples of Web 2.0, and that is technology's ability to support social network systems.

A mashup requires three separate components:

• An interactive user interface, which is usually created with HTML/XHTML, Ajax, JavaScript, or CSS.

• Web services that can be accessed using an API, and whose data can be bound and transported by Web service protocols such as SOAP, REST, XML/HTTP, XML/RPC, and JSON/RPC.

• Data transfer in the form of XML, KML (Keyhole Markup Language), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), or the like.

Mashups are an incredibly useful hybrid Web application, one that SaaS is a great enabler for. The Open Mashup Alliance (OMA; see http://www.openmashup.org/) is a non-profit industry group dedicated to supporting technologies that implement enterprise mashups. This group supports the developing standard, the Enterprise Mashup Markup Language (EMML), which is a Domain Specific Language (DSL). This group predicts that the use of mashups will grow by a factor of 10 within just a few years.

Gartner Group predicts that approximately 25 percent of all software sold by 2011 will use the SAAS model, offered either by vendors or an intermediary party, sometimes referred to as an aggregator. An aggregator bundles SaaS applications from different vendors and presents them as part of a unified platform or solution.


There's a notion that SaaS will eventually replace all locally installed software. However, owning software has several advantages that greatly inhibit this trend: You aren't exposed to the risk of an SaaS company going out of business; you aren't dependent upon the vagaries of an Internet connection; you aren't subject to the often much slower processing speed of a distributed computing model (compared to your local system).

I believe the introduction of SaaS applications will eventually drive down the price of major applications such as Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop because the most important functionality contained in commercial packages becomes available at equal quality online for a much lower cost.

SaaS examples abound, and while many SaaS offerings are based on proprietary software, a cloud computing service is required to be highly interoperable with other services and therefore easily replaced by a newer or better version of that software's function. When you think about this difference, visualize the situation involved for large enterprise applications such as CRM and ERP, which involve large application suites containing multiple interacting data stores. SaaS software based on the Service Oriented Architecture described in Chapter 13 has the potential of decoupling this integration, with all the attendant benefits.

Salesforce.com and CRM SaaS

Perhaps the best-known example of Software as a Service (SaaS) is the Customer Relationship Management software offered by Salesforce.com whose solution offers sales, service, support, marketing, content, analytical analysis, and even collaboration through a platform called Chatter. Salesforce.com was founded in 1999 by a group of Oracle executives and early adopters of many of the technologies that are becoming cloud computing staples.


Sometimes people refer to this type of software as CaaS or CRaaS for Customer Relationship as a Service software. In cases where many different kinds of relationship data are maintained as a service, you might also see those types of services referred to as XaaS.

Salesforce.com extended its SaaS offering to allow developers to create add-on applications, essentially turning the SaaS service into a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering called the Force.com Platform. Applications built on Force.com are in the form of the Java variant called Apex using an XML syntax for creating user interfaces in HTML, Ajax, and Flex. Nearly a thousand applications now exist for this platform from hundreds of vendors. Figure 4.5 shows Salesforce.com's home page.


Salesforce.com is the largest SaaS provider of CRM software and a pioneer in this type of cloud computing software. This is the company's home page.


Defining Identity as a Service (IDaaS)

The establishment and proof of an identity is a central network function. An identity service is one that stores the information associated with a digital entity in a form that can be queried and managed for use in electronic transactions. Identity services have as their core functions: a data store, a query engine, and a policy engine that maintains data integrity.

Distributed transaction systems such as internetworks or cloud computing systems magnify the difficulties faced by identity management systems by exposing a much larger attack surface to an intruder than a private network does. Whether it is network traffic protection, privileged resource access, or some other defined right or privilege, the validated authorization of an object based on its identity is the central tenet of secure network design. In this regard, establishing identity may be seen as the key to obtaining trust and to anything that an object or entity wants to claim ownership of.

Services that provide digital identity management as a service have been part of internetworked systems from Day One. Like so many concepts in cloud computing, IDentity as a Service is a FLAVor (Four Letter Acronym) of the month, applied to services that already exist. The Domain Name Service can run on a private network, but is at the heart of the Internet as a service that provides identity authorization and lookup. The name servers that run the various Internet domains (.COM, .ORG, .EDU, .MIL, .TV, .RU, and so on) are IDaaS servers. DNS establishes the identity of a domain as belonging to a set of assigned addresses, associated with an owner and that owner's information, and so forth. If the identification is the assigned IP number, the other properties are its metadata.

You can categorize a myriad of services as IDaaS that run in the cloud. However, when most experts in the area of IDaaS define an identity service, they narrow the definition so the service must operate as a component according to the rules of a Service Oriented Architecture, as is defined in Chapter 13. This narrower definition restricts IDaaS to newer software services, services that interoperate, and therefore services that are standards based. It's best to keep this narrower definition in mind when you discuss IDaaS in a modern context.

What is an identity?

An identity is a set of characteristics or traits that make something recognizable or known. In computer network systems, it is one's digital identity that most concerns us. A digital identity is those attributes and metadata of an object along with a set of relationships with other objects that makes an object identifiable. Not all objects are unique, but by definition a digital identity must be unique, if only trivially so, through the assignment of a unique identification attribute. An identity must therefore have a context in which it exists.

This description of an identity as an object with attributes and relationships is one that programmer's would recognize. Databases store information and relationships in tables, rows, and columns, and the identity of information stored in this way conforms to the notion of an entity and a relationship—or alternatively under the notion of an object role model (ORM)—and database architects are always wrestling with the best way of reducing their data set to a basic set of identities. You can extend this notion to the idea of an identity having a profile and profiling services such as Facebook as being an extension of the notion of Identity as a Service in cloud computing.

An identity can belong to a person and may include the following:

Things you are: Biological characteristics such as age, race, gender, appearance, and so forth

Things you know: Biography, personal data such as social security numbers, PINs, where you went to school, and so on

Things you have: A pattern of blood vessels in your eye, your fingerprints, a bank account you can access, a security key you were given, objects and possessions, and more

Things you relate to: Your family and friends, a software license, beliefs and values, activities and endeavors, personal selections and choices, habits and practices, an iGoogle account, and more

To establish your identity on a network, you might be asked to provide a name and password, which is called a single-factor authentication method. More secure authentication requires the use of at least two-factor authentication; for example, not only name and password (things you know) but also a transient token number provided by a hardware key (something you have). To get to multifactor authentication, you might have a system that examines a biometric factor such as a fingerprint or retinal blood vessel pattern—both of which are essentially unique things you are. Multifactor authentication requires the outside use of a network security or trust service, and it is in the deployment of trust services that our first and most common IDaaS applications are employed in the cloud.

Of course, many things have digital identities. User and machine accounts, devices, and other objects establish their identities in a number of ways. For user and machine accounts, identities are created and stored in domain security databases that are the basis for any network domain, in directory services, and in data stores in federated systems. Network interfaces are identified uniquely by Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, which alternatively are referred to as Ethernet Hardware Addresses (EHAs). It is the assignment of a network identity to a specific MAC address that allows systems to be found on networks.

The manner in which Microsoft validates your installation of Windows and Office is called Windows Product Activation and creates an identification index or profile of your system, which is instructive. During activation, the following unique data items are retrieved:

• A 25-character software product key and product ID

• The uniquely assigned Global Unique Identifier or GUID

• PC manufacturer

• CPU type and serial number

• BIOS checksum

• Network adapter and its MAC address

• Display adapter

• SCSCI and IDE adapters

• RAM amount

• Hard drive and volume serial number

• Optical drive

• Region and language settings and user locale

From this information, a code is calculated, checked, and entered into the registration database. Each of these uniquely identified hardware attributes is assigned a weighting factor such that an overall sum may be calculated. If you change enough factors—NIC and CPU, display adapter, RAM amount, and hard drive—you trigger a request for a reactivation based on system changes. This activation profile is also required when you register for the Windows Genuine Advantage program. Windows Product Activation and Windows Genuine Advantage are cloud computing applications, albeit proprietary ones. Whether people consider these applications to be services is a point of contention.

Networked identity service classes

To validate Web sites, transactions, transaction participants, clients, and network services—various forms of identity services—have been deployed on networks. Ticket or token providing services, certificate servers, and other trust mechanisms all provide identity services that can be pushed out of private networks and into the cloud.

Identity protection is one of the more expensive and complex areas of network computing. If you think about it, requests for information on identity by personnel such as HR, managers, and others; by systems and resources for access requests; as identification for network traffic; and the myriad other requirements mean that a significant percentage of all network traffic is supporting an identification service. Literally hundreds of messages on a network every minute are checking identity, and every Ethernet packet contains header fields that are used to identify the information it contains.

As systems become even more specialized, it has become increasingly difficult to find the security experts needed to run an ID service. So Identity as a Service or the related hosted (managed) identity services may be the most valuable and cost effective distributed service types you can subscribe to.

Identity as a Service (IDaaS) may include any of the following:

• Authentication services (identity verification)

• Directory services

• Federated identity

• Identity governance

• Identity and profile management

• Policies, roles, and enforcement

• Provisioning (external policy administration)

• Registration

• Risk and event monitoring, including audits

• Single sign-on services (pass-through authentication)

The sharing of any or all of these attributes over a network may be the subject of different government regulations and in many cases must be protected so that only justifiable parties may have access to the minimal amount that may be disclosed. This level of access defines what may be called an identity relationship.


The Burton Group (http://www.burtongroup.com/), a well-known computer industry analyst firm located in Midvale, Utah, has a trademark on the term IaaS as defined as Identity as a Service for use in the publication of their research in this area. The Burton Group is a well-known authority in the field of network infrastructure, particularly directory services and more recently in cloud computing. In this book, I use the term IaaS as applied to Infrastructure as a Service and use IDaaS to identify Identity as a Service.

Identity system codes of conduct

Certain codes of conduct must be observed legally, and if not legally at the moment, then certainly on a moral basis. Cloud computing services that don't observe these codes do so at their peril. In working with IDaaS software, evaluate IDaaS applications on the following basis:

User control for consent: Users control their identity and must consent to the use of their information.

Minimal Disclosure: The minimal amount of information should be disclosed for an intended use.

Justifiable access: Only parties who have a justified use of the information contained in a digital identity and have a trusted identity relationship with the owner of the information may be given access to that information.

Directional Exposure: An ID system must support bidirectional identification for a public entity so that it is discoverable and a unidirectional identifier for private entities, thus protecting the private ID.

Interoperability: A cloud computing ID system must interoperate with other identity services from other identity providers.

Unambiguous human identification: An IDaaS application must provide an unambiguous mechanism for allowing a human to interact with a system while protecting that user against an identity attack.

Consistency of Service: An IDaaS service must be simple to use, consistent across all its uses, and able to operate in different contexts using different technologies.

IDaaS interoperability

Identity as a Service provides an easy mechanism for integrating identity services into individual applications with minimal development effort, by allowing the identification logic and storage of an identity's attributes to be maintained externally. IDaaS applications may be separated from other distributed security systems by their compliance with SOA standards (as described in Chapter 13, “Understanding Service Oriented Architecture”), particularly if you want to have these services interoperate and be federated.

Therefore, cloud computing IDaaS applications must rely on a set of developing industry standards to provide interoperability. The following are among the more important of these services:

User centric authentication (usually in the form of information cards): The OpenID and CardSpace specifications support this type of data object.

The XACML Policy Language: This is a general-purpose authorization policy language that allows a distributed ID system to write and enforce custom policy expressions. XACML can work with SAML; when SAML presents a request for ID authorization, XACML checks the ID request against its policies and either allows or denies the request.

The SPML Provisioning Language: This is an XML request/response language that is used to integrate and interoperate service provisioning requests. SPML is a standard of OASIS's Provision Services Technical Committee (PSTC) that conforms to the SOA architecture.

The XDAS Audit System: The Distributed Audit Service provides accountability for users accessing a system, and the detection of security policy violations when attempts are made to access the system by unauthorized users or by users accessing the system in an unauthorized way.

Figure 4.6 shows how these different standards form an identity service framework.


Open standards that support an IDaaS infrastructure for cloud computing


The Identity Governance Framework (IGF) is a standards initiative of the Liberty Alliance (http://www.projectliberty.org/) that is concerned with the exchange and control of identity information using standards such as WS-Trust, ID-WSF, SAML, and LDAP directory services. The Liberty Alliance was established by an industry group in 2001 with the purpose of promoting open identity interchanges through policy standards that applications can use to enforce privacy as well as to allow privacy auditing. In 2009, this group released its Client Attribute Requirements Markup Language (CARML) and a set of IGF Privacy Constraints that forms the basis of the open source project called Aristotle (http://www.openliberty.org/wiki/index.php/ProjectAris), which has as its goal the creation of an API for identity interchange.

User authentication

OpenID is a developing industry standard for authenticating “end users” by storing their digital identity in a common format. When an identity is created in an OpenID system, that information is stored in the system of any OpenID service provider and translated into a unique identifier. Identifiers take the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or as an Extensible Resource Identifier (XRI) that is authenticated by that OpenID service provider. Any software application that complies with the standard accepts an OpenID that is authenticated by a trusted provider. A very impressive group of cloud computing vendors serve as identity providers (or OpenID providers), including AOL, Facebook, Google, IBM, Microsoft, MySpace, Orange, PayPal, VeriSign, LiveJournal, Ustream, Yahoo!, and others.

The OpenID standard applies to the unique identity of the URL; it is up to the service provider to store the information and specify the forms of authentication required to successfully log onto the system. Thus an OpenID authorization can include not only passwords, but smart cards, hardware keys, tokens, and biometrics as well. OpenID is supported by the OpenID Foundation (http://openid.net/foundation/), a not-for-profit organization that promotes the technology.

These are samples of trusted providers and their URL formats:

Blogger: <username>.blogger.com or <blogid>.blogspot.com

MySpace: myspace.com/<username>

Google: https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id

Google Profile: google.com/profiles/<username>

Microsoft: accountservices.passport.net/

MyOpenID: <username>.myopenid.com

Orange: openid.orange.fr/username or simply orange.fr/

Verisign: <username>.pip.verisinglabs.com

WordPress: <username>.wordpress.com

Yahoo!: openid.yahoo.com

After you have logged onto a trusted provider, that logon may provide you access to other Web sites that support OpenID. When you request access to a site through your browser (or another application that is referred to as a user-agent), that site serves as the “relying party” and requests of the server or server-agent that it verify the end-user's identifier. You won't need to log onto these other Web sites, if your OpenID is provided. Most trusted providers require that you indicate which Web sites you want to share your OpenID identifier with and the information is submitted automatically to the next site.

CardSpace is a Microsoft software client that is part of the company's Identity Metasystem and built into the Web Services Protocol Stack. This stack is built on the OASIS standards (WS-Trust, WS-Security, WS-SecurityPolicy, and WS-MetadataExchange), so any application that conforms with the OASIS WS- standards can interoperate with CardSpace. CardSpace was introduced with .NET Frameworks 3.0 and can be installed on Windows XP, Server 2003, and later. It is installed by default on Windows Vista and Windows 7.

CardSpace offers another way of authenticating users in the cloud. An Information Card may be requested with an HTML <OBJECT> tag, and the trusted Identity Provider then creates an encrypted and digitally signed token using the Security Token Service (STS) that is part of a WS-Trust request/reply mechanism. CardSpace may be seen as an alternative mechanism to the use of OpenID and SAML and is used to sign into those services as well as Windows Live ID accounts.


See Chapter 10 for more information on Windows Live.

Figure 4.7 shows a personal Identification Card that is stored locally on a Windows 7 system. Managed Information Cards are stored on a network service and can be made available to other cloud services upon demand.


This is a private CardSpace Identification Card. Managed Identification Cards that store similar information are stored on a network service and can be shared to the cloud.



IBM and Novell both support Information Cards under the Web Service Protocol Stack, as well as SAML and OpenID through an industry initiative known at the Higgins Open Source Identity Framework (http://eclipse.org/higgins/), which uses the interface metaphor of an i-Card. The Higgins's home page is shown in Figure 4.8. Higgins develops a browser add-on that logs you into Web sites and manages digital identities.

A CardSpace object called an Identity Selector stores a digital identity, making it available to Windows applications in the form of a visual Information Card that can be accepted by complying applications and Web sites. When a user selects an Information Card, the CardSpace software issues a request to validate the information from a Web service that returns a digitally signed XML token that contains the identity and its metadata. A personal or self-issued Information Card also can be created into which you can store biographical information. Personal Information Cards may or may not be managed by a trusted third party.

Before leaving the subject of digital identity services and formats, it is appropriate to mention some file format standards such as vCard, which stores identity data in the form of an electronic business card. Less frequently encountered is the vCard derivative hCard. vCard was an industry initiative in the mid-1990s as a means for identifying parties in e-mail exchanges.


The Higgins Open Source Identity Framework uses an i-Card metaphor and interoperable identity service APIs to create a vendor-neutral cloud-based authentication service.


As e-mail platforms such as Lotus Notes and MS Exchange broadened the notion of e-mail to include calendars and appointments, the vCalendar format was created, which eventually was developed into iCalendar. The current version 3.0 of vCard is part of the vCardDAV working group within the IETF and through RFC 2425 and RFC 2426 is undergoing the process of standardization. vCard is more of an interchange file format for an identity than it is an identity trust-authorization service, which is why it is mentioned in passing here. To read more about vCard and vCalendar, go to http://www.imc.org/pdi/.

Authorization markup languages

Information requests and replies in cloud computing are nearly always in the form of XML replies or requests. XML files are text files and are self-describing. That is, XML files contain a schema that describes the data it contains or contains a point to another text file with its schema. A variety of specialized XML files are in the identity framework, the ones of note being XACML and SAML, shown in Figure 4.9.

The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is an OASIS standard (see http://xml.coverpages.org/xacml.html) for a set of policy statements written in XML that support an authentication process. A policy in XACML describes a subject element that requests an action from a resource. These three elements operate within an environment that also can be described in terms of an Action element. Subject and Action elements (which are terms of art in XACML) are elements that can have one or more attributes. Resources (which are services, system components, or data) have a single attribute, which is usually its URL.

The location at which policy is managed is referred to as the Policy Administration Point (PAP). Policy requests are passed through to the location where the policy logic can be executed, referred to as the Policy Decision Point (PDP). The result of the policy is transmitted through the PAP to the resource that acts on and enforces the PDP policy decision, which is referred to as the Policy Enforcement Point (PEP). An XACML engine also may access a resource that provides additional information that can be used to determine policy logic, called a Policy Information Point (PIP). Examples of PIP services are LDAP or Active Directory servers. A request for identification goes to the XACML engine, where it becomes a directive from the Policy Decision Point to the Policy Enforcement Point called an obligation.

The main method for exchanging information between an authentication and authorization service in a Service Oriented Architecture is the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). In SAML, a service provider passes a statement or set of statements (called assertions) to an identity provider that must be evaluated. The identity provider must determine if the principle or user requesting access is registered with the identity service and is who he claims to be.

SAML in most instances operates as a reply/request mechanism; it makes no demands on the identification service as to how the identity is authenticated. Should the identity provider validate the identity of the principle in the assertion, it passes a local authorization to the service provider, which then enforces an access-control judgment based on the authorization.


SAML integrates with XACML to implement a policy engine in a Service Oriented Architecture to support identity services authorization.


A SAML assertion is a security statement in the SAML file that makes a claim regarding authentication, attributes, or authorization. The statement is of this form:

Assertion X created at Time T by User U about Subject S is true when Conditions C are TRUE.

It is up to the identity provider to parse this statement and determine its validity. The SAML protocol request is often referred to as a query; the three different supported query types are an authentication query, an attribute query, and an authorization decision query. SAML requests use a SOAP binding; that is, the SAML request or response is embedded in a SOAP wrapper within an HTTP message.

SAML is used to provide a mechanism for a Web Browser Single Sign On (SSO). In this instance, a Web browser is the user agent, which requests access to a resource that is authorized by a SAML service provider. The service provider takes a request from a user for access to the resource and sends an authentication request to the SAML identity provider directly from the initiating user agent (Web browser). Figure 4.10 shows the SAML Single Sign On Request/Response mechanism.

The Service Provisioning Markup Language (SPML) is another of the OASIS open standards developed to provide for service provisioning. Provisioning is the process by which a resource is prepared for use, reserved, accessed, used, and then released when the transaction is completed. A classic example of provisioning a resource is the reservation and use of a phone line or a Virtual Private Network.

A provisioning system has three types of components: A Requesting Authority (RA) is the client, the Provisioning Service Point (PSP) is the cloud component that receives the request and returns a response to the RA, and a Provisioning Service Targets (PST) is the software application upon which the provisioning action is performed. The SPML provisioning system (which can be thought of as an architectural layer) means that identity information need only be entered into these three components once.

SPML is used to prepare Web services and applications for use, signal that the resource is available for use and waiting for instructions, and signal when the use or transaction has been completed. With SPML, a system can provide automated user and system access, enforce access rights, and make cloud computing services available across network systems. Without a provisioning system, a cloud computing system can be very inefficient and potentially unreliable.


SAML provides a mechanism by which a service requester can use a Single Sign On logon to access Web services securely.


Defining Compliance as a Service (CaaS)

Cloud computing by its very nature spans different jurisdictions. The laws of the country of a request's origin may not match the laws of the country where the request is processed, and it's possible that neither location's laws match the laws of the country where the service is provided. Compliance is much more than simply providing an anonymous service token to an identity so they can obtain access to a resource. Compliance is a complex issue that requires considerable expertise.

While Compliance as a Service (CaaS) appears in discussions, few examples of this kind of service exist as a general product for a cloud computing architecture. A Compliance as a Service application would need to serve as a trusted third party, because this is a man-in-the-middle type of service. CaaS may need to be architected as its own layer of a SOA architecture in order to be trusted. A CaaS would need to be able to manage cloud relationships, understand security policies and procedures, know how to handle information and administer privacy, be aware of geography, provide an incidence response, archive, and allow for the system to be queried, all to a level that can be captured in a Service Level Agreement. That's a tall order, but CaaS has the potential to be a great value-added service.

In order to implement CaaS, some companies are organizing what might be referred to as “vertical clouds,” clouds that specialize in a vertical market. Examples of vertical clouds that advertise CaaS capabilities include the following:

athenahealth (http://www.athenahealth.com/) for the medical industry

bankserv (http://www.bankserv.com/) for the banking industry

ClearPoint PCI Compliance-as-a-Service for merchant transactions under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

FedCloud (http://www.fedcloud.com/) for government

Rackserve PCI Compliant Cloud (http://www.rackspace.com/; another PCI CaaS service)

It's much easier to envisage a CaaS system built inside a private cloud where the data is under the control of a single entity, thus ensuring that the data is under that entity's secure control and that transactions can be audited. Indeed, most of the cloud computing compliance systems to date have been built using private clouds.

It is easy to see how CaaS could be an incredibly valuable service. A well-implemented CaaS service could measure the risks involved in servicing compliance and ensure or indemnify customers against that risk. CaaS could be brought to bear as a mechanism to guarantee that an e-mail conformed to certain standards, something that could be a new electronic service of a network of national postal systems—and something that could help bring an end to the scourge of spam.


In this chapter, you learned about cloud computing service types. Service types are models upon which distributed applications are created and hosted. The main service models in cloud computing are Infrastructure, Platform, and Software. Vendors offer services based on these different service models called Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS), which are helpful in understanding how products and services are organized.

Infrastructure as a Service is a hardware model in which you can create virtual computing systems or networks and deploy your applications on those servers. Software as a Service is a hosted application that is the cloud equivalent of a traditional desktop application. Platform as a Service is a development environment that builds upon an existing cloud computing application infrastructure. Other service types are possible. You learned about Identity as a Service (IDaaS), which enables secure transactions on a distributed network. In time many vertical services for cloud computing will appear.

Chapter 5, “Understanding Abstraction and Virtualization,” considers some of the more important characteristics of cloud computing networks and applications.