Programming Google App Engine with Python (2015)

Programming Google App Engine with Python (2015)


Chapter 1. Introducing Google App Engine

Chapter 2. Creating an Application

Chapter 3. Configuring an Application

Chapter 4. Request Handlers and Instances

Chapter 5. Using Modules

Chapter 6. Datastore Entities

Chapter 7. Datastore Queries

Chapter 8. Datastore Transactions

Chapter 9. Data Modeling with ndb

Chapter 10. Datastore Administration

Chapter 11. Using Google Cloud SQL with App Engine

Chapter 12. The Memory Cache

Chapter 13. Fetching URLs and Web Resources

Chapter 14. Sending and Receiving Email Messages

Chapter 15. Sending and Receiving Instant Messages with XMPP

Chapter 16. Task Queues and Scheduled Tasks

Chapter 17. Optimizing Service Calls

Chapter 18. The Django Web Application Framework

Chapter 19. Managing Request Logs

Chapter 20. Deploying and Managing Applications