100 Most Important C# Programs

100 Most Important C# Programs

1.Program to print text

2.Program To Read Two Numbers And Print The Sum Of Given Two Numbers

3.Program To Accept Student Roll No, Marks in 3 Subjects and Calculate Total, Average and Print it

4.Program To Read Three Numbers And Print The Biggest Of Given Three Numbers

5.Program To Read A Number And Find Whether The Given Number Is Even Or Odd

6Program to accept a year and check whether the given year IS leap year or not

7.Individual Digits

8.Program to accept a three digit number and print the sum of individual digits

9.Program to accept a number and check the given number is Armstrong or not

10.Program to print ODD numbers from 1 to 10

11.Program to print natural numbers from 1 to 10 in Reverse

12.Program to print sum of the natural numbers from 1 to 10

13.Program to accept a number and print mathematical table of the given no

14.Program to print 1 to 10 mathematical tables

15.Program to print fibonacci series

16.Program to print numeric pyramid

17.Program to print numerical pyramid

18.Program to print numerical diamond

19.Program to print character pyramid

20.Program to print character diamond

21.Program to find biggest of two no by using ternary numbers

22.Program to find biggest of four no by using ternary numbers

23.Program to print smallest of four no by using ternary operators

24.Program to accept a year and check the given year is leap or not by using ternary

25.Program to accept a character in the uppercase and print in lower case

26.Program to accept a character in any case and print in another case

27.Program to natural number from 1 to 10 by using while loop

28.Program to accept a string and print it by using the while loop

29.Program to accept a string in upper case and print it by lower case

30.Program to accept a string in any case and print it by another case

31.Program to accept a string print each word in new line

32.Program to accept a string and count no of capital letters, no. of small letters and no

33.Program to accept any single digit number and print it in words

34.Program to print prime numbers between 1 to 100

35.Program to accept two numbers and print sum of two numbers by using functions

36.Program to accept a number and find factorial of given number

37.Program to accept a number and check the given number Armstrong or not

38.Program to accept a number and print the sum of given and Reverse number

39.Program to accept 10 numbers and print first five numbers in original order and print last five numbers in reverse order

40.Program to accept a string and print the reverse of the given string by using for loop

41.Program to accept a string and check the given string is palindrome or not

42.Program to accept values into 3 dimensional array and print

43.Program to print upper triangle

44.Program to accept two 3 dimensional array and store addition of those into arrays into the third array

45.Program to accept a string and find the length of the given string by using functions

46.Program to count the number of words, characters, alphabets, vowels, consonants and digit in a line of text

47.Program to accept two string and compare the strings are equal or not

48.Program to sort the entered numbers using bubble sort

49.Program to read date,month, year and print the next day’s date,month,year

50.Program to interchange two values using pointers

51.Program to print “PASCAL TRIANGLE”

52.Program to check whether a given number is perfect or not

53.Program to check whether a given number is prime number

54.Program to read ‘n’ number and print them in matrix terms in all orders

55.Program to search an element using binary search

56.Program to accept two numbers and print the sum of given two numbers by using pointers

57.Programs to multiply two Matrices

58.Program to print prime number between 1-100

59.Program to accept a string and find the length of the string

60.Program to fibanocci of matrix

61.Program a structure which reads ‘n’ students information (name,3 subjects marks) and calculate total marks, result print them in a particular format

62.Program to find whether a square matrix is a) symmetric b) skew symmetric c) none of two

63.Program to find area of a triangle when there sides are given

64.Program to print Armstrong number between 1-500

65.Program to check whether a given number is Armstrong or not

66.Program to print the floyd’s triangle

67.Program to read data in 3 structures and print

68.Program to print a diagonal matrix

69.Program to copy contents of one file into another

70.Program to create a file of number and copy odd number into second file and even number into third file

71.Program a structure which stores information about hotels which stores information about name, grade, room change, no of rooms

72.Program which does the below process after reading on odd no of integer

73.Program to sort the entered elements using selection sort technique

74.Program to find whether a number is divisible by ‘11’ or not without actual division

75.Program to find maximum and minimum of entered ’n’ number using arrays

76.Program to print the following series until there sum exceeds 2.6 term value exceeds 1.5

77.Program to print a frequency distribution table for a class of 20-students in the following format. The marks range form 1-25. class intertval frequency

78.Program to accept values into an array and print array in reverse and original format by using three different functions

79.Program to accept values into single dimensional array and print the array in reverse by using pointers

80. Program to read a string and print the number of characters in each word of the string

81.Program to accept two strings and compare those two strings

82.Program to accept a string using pointers and functions

83.Program to read a string and print the first two characters of each word in the string

84.Program to accept two numbers and print the sum of given two numbers by using pointers

85.Program to accept a string and print reverse of the given string by using functions

86.Program to accept two 3 dimensional array and store subtraction of those two arrays into third array

87.Program to accept a single dimensional array and print them by using pointers

88.Program to accept two strings and biggest among them

89.Program to print 4 dimentional matrix with constant number

90.Program to accept a string and print each word in reverse

91.Program to accept elements into single dimensional array and print the array in ascending order by using three different arrays

92.Program to accept data and store the given data into file print the data

93.Program to accept data in lower case and store the given data into file into upper case and print the data

94.Program to copy contents of one file into another

95.Program to create a file of numbers and copy odd number into second file and even number into third file

96.Program to accept a string in lower case and print first character of each word in upper case

97.Program to accept two numbers and interchange two values using functions

98.Program for example of static variable

99.Program to accept a string and print by trailing spaces

100.Program to print anti diagonal